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- 1.0.0 SQLBase Errors Guide
- Errors that occur because of FETCH operations are documented in this section
- of the Error Guide. These errors are generally more informational than
- actual errors. A FETCH operation can be disguised by the various frontend
- products, but basically, these errors are all the result of making the
- sqlfet API function call.
- 00001 FET EOF Einlesen beendet
- Reason: A FETCH has attempted to fetch beyond the end of a result set.
- Remedy: None, informational only.
- 00002 FET UPD Zeile wurde aktualisiert
- Reason: A FETCH in result set mode returns this code if the row has been
- updated at least once some time in the past since the result set
- was formed, but cannot know when or how often.
- Remedy: Add the ROWID to the select list. The ROWID retrieved will be
- the ROWID of the newly update row. The application should deal
- with rows that have been modified while part of a result set
- appropriately.
- 00003 FET NF Zeile nicht gefunden
- Reason: A FETCH in result set mode returns this code if the row has been
- deleted since the result set was formed.
- Remedy: None. This error code is informational and lets the application
- know that the row has been deleted from the database since the
- current result set was formed.
- 00004 FET COC NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Zeile durch Cursorlauf aktualisiert
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for general SQL
- errors or Application Programming Interface errors.
- 00101 SQL TNF ▄bersetzungsfehler nicht gefunden
- Reason: The application program was attempting to convert a SQLBase
- error return code to another "resultant" error code and the
- original SQLBase error return code could not be found in the
- translation file. This error indicates that the translation
- table was found but the error within the translation table was
- not found.
- Remedy: Add the SQLBase error code to the error translation file or add
- an asterisk as a global error catch-all. The translation table
- consists of x,y entries, where x is the SQLBase code to be
- converted to y. An entry of *,999, for example, will return a
- translated error code of 999 instead of this message. See the
- SQLBase configuration parameter ERRORFILE= for more information
- on the translation file and its usage.
- 00102 SQL STS Auswahlpuffer zu klein
- Reason: One of the application's sqlssb function calls set up a fetch
- buffer that is insufficient to hold the data that was fetched.
- Remedy: Determine which select buffer is too small and increase the size
- of that buffer. Checking the fetch status code for each column
- selected can help determine the column with the problem.
- 00103 SQL DNC OS/2-Operation L÷schen wurde nicht ausgefⁿhrt
- Reason: The application program running at a client workstation is
- attempting to perform a cancel API database request using the
- API function call sqlcan() and the cancel operation was not
- successful.
- Remedy: Verify that you are using this function from an OS/2 client
- workstation communicating with a OS/2 SQLBase Server. Try the
- cancel operation again.
- 00104 SQL DNN Es wurde versucht, nicht numerische Daten in ein numerisches Feld einzulesen.
- Reason: One of the application's sqlssb function calls set up a fetch
- buffer that is defined as numeric but the data that was fetched
- cannot be converted to a numeric value.
- Remedy: Modify the program or data so that non-numeric data is not
- attempted to be fetched into a numeric format.
- 00105 SQL NOF Es wurde versucht, numerische Daten in ein zu kleines numerisches Feld einzulesen.▄
- Reason: One of the application's sqlssb function calls set up a fetch
- buffer that is defined as numeric but the buffer provided is not
- large enough to hold the numeric value.
- Remedy: Modify the program so the the select buffer is large enough to
- accomodate the fetched value.
- 00106 SQL DTN Fehler bei der Anwendungsprogrammierung: Datentyp wird nicht unterstⁿtzt
- Reason: The application program is attempting to bind or set up a select
- buffer and is specifying a program that is not supported by
- SQLBase.
- Remedy: Verify that the program data type specified in the sqlssb,
- sqlbnn, and sqlbnd calls are valid. Valid program data types
- can be found in SQL.H file.
- 00107 SQL LNE Fehler bei der Anwendungsprogrammierung: Memooperation nicht beendet
- Reason: The application program is attempting to perform a non-long
- operation before ending the long operation that is in progress.
- Remedy: Perform an end long operation (sqlelo) before proceeding with
- any other operations.
- 00108 SQL AFE Zeile wurde bereits vor der Aktion Nach-hinten-holen eingelesen
- Reason: The application program is attempting to perform an enable fetch
- backwards (sqlefb) function call after already fetching forward.
- Remedy: Correct the application program. The enable fetch backwards
- (sqlefb) function must be called before any fetch is performed.
- 00109 SQL NOB Datenbank MAIN steht allgemeinem Zugriff nicht offen
- Reason: Cannot create, delete, install, or deinstall the MAIN database.
- Furthermore, you cannot shutdown or set the default database
- name to the MAIN database either.
- Remedy: None. The MAIN database is not open to the public. The MAIN
- database cannot be created, deleted, installed, or deinstalled.
- The main database cannot be shutdown by a user and a user cannot
- have the MAIN database as the default database name.
- 00110 SQL LNS Auf Memospalten kann in dieser Datenbank nicht zugegriffen werden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00112 SQL LBS Fehler bei der Anwendungsprogrammierung: Memo-Zuordnung besteht bereits
- Reason: The application program is attempting to perform a bind long
- operation and one has already been performed.
- Remedy: Correct the application program. Verify that the long data was
- only bound once.
- 00113 SQL TMB Fehler bei der Anwendungsprogrammierung: Zuviele Zuordnungen
- Reason: The application program is attempting to perform a bind
- operation and has exceeded the number of binds necessary.
- Remedy: Correct the application program. The number of bind function
- calls should equal the number of bind variables.
- 00114 SQL IVC Fehler bei der Anwendungsprogrammierung: Ungⁿltiger Bindename oder Bindennummer
- Reason: The application program is attempting to perform a bind
- operation and it has not correctly specified the bind name or
- the bind number.
- Remedy: Correct the application program. Verify that the bind name
- pointer or bind number is correctly specified.
- 00115 SQL PDT Fehler bei der Anwendungsprogrammierung: Ungⁿltiger Programmdatentyp
- Reason: The application program is attempting to perform a set select
- buffer (sqlssb) function call and has specified an invalid
- program data type.
- Remedy: Correct the set select buffer (sqlssb) function call in the
- application program. Verify that the program data type is one
- of the program data types defined in the file SQL.H.
- 00116 SQL MLB Programmierfehler: Memo-Zuordnung fehlt, bevor Memo geschrieben wurde
- Reason: The application program is attempting to perform a write long
- (sqlwlo) function call and no long data has been bound.
- Remedy: Correct the the application program. Long data must be bound to
- a write long operation before attempting to write it with either
- a bind long data by number (sqlbln) or bind long data by data
- name (sqlbld) function call.
- 00117 SQL IPB Ungⁿltiger (Null) Parameterpufferzeiger
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 00118 SQL MSC Mu▀ erfolgreicher Kompilierung einer SELECT-Anweisung folgen
- Reason: The application program is attempting to call sqldes, sqldsc, or
- sqlfqn without performing a successfully compile of a SELECT
- statement.
- Remedy: Correct the application program. Verify that a successful
- compile of a SELECT statement precedes the sqldes, sqldsc, or
- sqlfqn function call.
- 00119 SQL DND Eingelesene Daten sind nicht in datums- oder zeitΣhnlichem Format
- Reason: The application program is attempting to fetch data into a
- buffer with a program data type of date (SQLPDAT) and the data
- in the database is not defined as a DATETIME, TIMESTAMP, DATE,
- or TIME field.
- Remedy: Correct the set select buffer (sqlssb) function call so the
- field does not ask for a program data type of date.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00121 SQL IVD Es wurde versucht, ein ungⁿltiges Datum einzufⁿgen oder mit einem ungⁿltigen Datum zu aktualisieren
- Reason: The application program is attempting to insert or update a date
- that is invalid.
- Remedy: Verify that the date is a valid date.
- 00122 SQL MVC Anzahl der SELECT- und INSERT-Spalten stimmen nicht ⁿberein
- Reason: The application program is attempting to perform a copy (sqlcpy)
- function call and the number of variables in the select list of
- the SELECT statement does not equal the number of variables
- being inserted by the INSERT statement.
- Remedy: Correct the application program so that the number of variables
- in the select list of the SELECT statement match the number of
- variables in the INSERT statement.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00124 SQL CBR Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf der Client-Workstation (SQL CBR)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- 00125 SQL NTL Namenparameter ist zu lang
- Reason: The application program is attempting to perform a get number of
- rows (sqlgnr) function call and the table name specified is too
- large.
- Remedy: Correct the application program so that the table conforms to
- the rules of USERID.TABLENAME where the USERID can be 8
- characters and the TABLENAME can be any long identifier (18
- characters or less).
- 00126 SQL NCC Bezeichneter Cursor existiert nicht oder wurde nicht ge÷ffnet
- Reason: The application program is attempting to execute an SQL
- statement using the CURRENT OF cursorname or ADJUSTING
- cursorname and the named cursor does not exist or is not open.
- Remedy: Correct the application program. Check for previous SQL return
- codes that may have closed or disconnected the cursor. Correct
- the logic of the application program to ensure that the
- specified cursor is in fact open when this SQL statement is
- executed.
- 00127 SQL NCR Der im SQL-Befehl identifizierte Cursor ist nicht in einer Zeile positioniert
- Reason: The application program is attempting to execute an SQL
- statement using the CURRENT OF cursorname or ADJUSTING
- cursorname and the named cursor is not positioned at a row.
- The cursor must be positioned on the row that is to be updated,
- deleted, or adjusted by an insert. Note that the cursor is no
- longer positioned on a row if the row is deleted or an index
- column of the row is updated by another cursor in the same
- application program.
- Remedy: Correct the logic of the application program to ensure that the
- cursor is correctly positioned on the intended row of the target
- table before the SQL statement is executed. Note that the
- cursor is not positioned on a row if FETCH returned an end of
- fetch return code.
- 00128 SQL CAE Cursorname existiert bereits oder wurde bereits ge÷ffnet
- Reason: The application program is attempting to name a cursor using the
- set cursor name (sqlscn) function call and the specified cursor
- name already exists.
- Remedy: Correct the logic of the application program to ensure that it
- does not attempt to name or open a cursor that is already open.
- 00129 SQL CAI Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf der Client-Workstation (SQL CAI)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- 00130 SQL DNT Datenbank/Benutzer/Pa▀wort ist zu lang
- Reason: The database/user/password name specified at connect time or in
- the SQL.INI configuration file is too large.
- Remedy: Correct the application program or the SQL.INI configuration
- file to conform to the maximums. The maximums are defined in
- the file SQL.H. A constant SQLMDNM defines the maximum database
- name length as 8 and a constant SQLMSID defines the maximum
- username or password length as 8.
- 00131 SQL OMS Meldungsausgabegr÷▀e ist zu klein
- Reason: The output message buffer is too small to hold the current
- output message.
- Remedy: The output message buffer should never be too small to hold the
- current output message as it should be dynamically increased if
- necessary. Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center for assistance.
- 00132 SQL IMS Meldungseingabegr÷▀e ist zu klein
- Reason: The input message buffer is too small to hold the current input
- message.
- Remedy: The input message buffer should never be too small for the
- current input message as it should be dynamically increased if
- necessary. Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center for assistance.
- 00133 SQL IVE Ungⁿltiger Fehlerrⁿckgabe-Code
- Reason: SQLBase is attempting to find a error code in the error file
- ERROR.SQL that does not exist.
- Remedy: Find out why the application program is looking up an error code
- that does not exist.
- 00134 SQL CNO Datei error.sql konnte nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: SQLBase is trying to open the file ERROR.SQL but can't find it.
- Remedy: Verify that ERROR.SQL is in either your current directory, the
- \SQLBASE subdirectory under the root directory, in the root
- directory, or in a directory specified by the PATH environment
- variable.
- 00135 SQL ICN Ungⁿltige Cursornummer
- Reason: The application program is attempting to perform a function call
- and is using an invalid cursor number.
- Remedy: Correct the application program. Verify that the cursor is
- valid. To verify the cursor value, print the value of cursor
- after the connect and then before and after the function call
- that returned this error.
- 00136 SQL CCS Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf der Client-Workstation (SQL CAI)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- 00137 SQL NFC Keine Zeile wurde eingelesen fⁿr Current-Of-Cursor
- Reason: The application program is attempting to execute an SQL
- statement using the CURRENT OF cursorname or ADJUSTING
- cursorname and the named cursor is not positioned at a row.
- The cursor must be positioned on the row that is to be updated,
- deleted, or adjusted by an insert. Note that the cursor is no
- longer positioned on a row if the row is deleted or an index
- column of the row is updated by another cursor in the same
- application program.
- Remedy: Correct the logic of the application program to ensure that the
- cursor is correctly positioned on the intended row of the target
- table before the SQL statement is executed. Note that the
- cursor is not positioned on a row if FETCH returned an end of
- fetch return code.
- 00138 SQL IPI Fehler bei der Anwendungsprogrammierung: Ungⁿltige Bildspezifikation
- Reason: The picture specified in a number to picture (sqlxnp) function
- call does not conform to rules.
- Remedy: Correct application program. Verify that the picture conforms
- to rules as documented in the number to picture (sqlxnp)
- function call. Also, check that the picture pointer accurately
- points at the specified picture string.
- 00139 SQL OSP Fehler bei der Anwendungsprogrammierung: Ausgabepuffer zu klein
- Reason: The output buffer is too small to hold the formatted number in a
- number to picture (sqlxnp) function call.
- Remedy: Correct application program. Verify that the output buffer is
- large enough to hold the specified picture.
- 00140 SQL DNI Datenbanksystem ist nicht installiert
- Reason: The application program is attempting to communicate with a
- database and the database system is not installed.
- are started prior to running the application program.
- 00141 SQL CSS Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf der Client-Workstation (SQL CSS)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- 00142 SQL CBS Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf der Client-Workstation (SQL CBS)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- 00143 SQL IMT Es wurde ein ungⁿltiger Fehlermeldungstyp bestimmt
- Reason: Attempting to retrieve text associated with an error code but
- the specified error text type is invalid.
- Remedy: Specify a valid error text type. The valid error text types are
- defined in SQL.H as SQLXMSG(1), SQLXREA (2), or SQLXREM (4).
- Text types can be summed together so that multiple text types
- are retrieved simulatenously, but a valid text type must be
- greater than zero and less than or equal to seven (all text
- types).
- 00144 SQL IRN Ungⁿltige Zeilennummer
- Reason: The application program is trying to position (sqlprs) within a
- result set at a row outside the range of the result set.
- Remedy: Verify that the row position is within the existing result set.
- Remember, rows are not considered a part of the result set until
- fetched. Row positioning within a result set is relative to
- zero, i.e., the first row in a result set is row zero.
- 00145 SQL OOM Speicherplatz mehr auf der Client-Workstation (SQL OOM)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00147 SQL ELE Fehler beim Lesen von Fehlermeldung
- Reason: The application program is attempting to look up an error in the
- error file ERROR.SQL and a problem occurred during the process.
- Remedy: Check error that occurred during the lookup and address that
- problem.
- 00148 SQL DNO Die bestimmte Datenbank ist nicht auf dem spezifizierten Server
- Reason: During an operation that requires both a SQLBase Server handle
- and a SQLBase database cursor it was determined that the
- database specified is not on the SQLBase Server specified.
- Remedy: Correct application so the database cursor specified is for a
- database that resides on the specified SQLBase Server.
- 00149 SQL BNE On-line-Sicherung endet nicht korrekt
- Reason: Attempting some other operation before ending an online backup
- operation.
- Remedy: End online backup before doing any other operation.
- 00150 SQL RNE Wiederherstellen endet nicht korrekt
- Reason: Attempting some other operation before ending an online restore
- operation.
- Remedy: End the online restore before attempting any other operation.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00152 SQL DAE Datenbank existiert bereits
- Reason: Attempting to create or restore a database that already exists.
- Remedy: None. Do not attempt to create or restore an existing database.
- 00153 SQL RAA Ergebnismengenproze▀ ist bereits aktiv
- Reason: Attempting to start (sqlsrs) or restart (sqlrrs) result set mode
- and result set mode is already active.
- Remedy: None. Do not attempt to start or restart result set mode if
- result set mode is already active.
- 00154 SQL RSM Ergebnismengenproze▀ mu▀ bereits aktiv sein
- Reason: The application program is attempting to start restriction mode
- (sqlstr) or stop restriction mode (sqlspr) and result mode
- (sqlsrs) has not been started.
- Remedy: Verify that the application program has previously started
- result set mode with a sqlsrs() function call.
- 00155 SQL CIA Benannter Cursor mu▀ die Operation SELECT ausfⁿhren
- Reason: Attempting to use the INSERT...ADJUSTING cursorname syntax but
- the named cursor is not performing a SELECT.
- Remedy: Modify the application program so the named cursor is performing
- 00156 SQL CTC Befehl unterstⁿtzt keinen CURRENT OF oder ADJUSTING CURSOR
- Reason: Using the CURRENT OF cursorname or ADJUSTING cursorname syntax
- when the SQL verb does not support these clauses.
- Remedy: Modify the SQL statement attempting to use the CURRENT OF
- cursorname clause or ADJUSTING cursorname clause.
- 00157 SQL NRM Benannter Cursor ist nicht im Ergebnismengenmodus
- Reason: Attempting to do an INSERT ... ADJUSTING cursorname when the
- named cursor is not in result set mode.
- Remedy: Make a change so that the named cursor is in result set mode.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00159 SQL FNS Operation Nach-hinten-holen (fetch backward) ist mit Ergebnismenge nicht erlaubt
- Reason: Using a fetch backwards (sqlfbk) when in result set mode.
- Remedy: Remove the fetch backwards (sqlfbk). If you want to fetch the
- previous row you can position (sqlprs) to the desired row when
- in result set mode and then fetch it.
- 00160 SQL CSB Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf der Client-Workstation (SQL CSB)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- 00161 SQL ACL Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf der Client-Workstation (SQL ACL)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- 00162 SQL IDN Ungⁿltiger Datenbankname
- Reason: The specified database name is invalid system identifier.
- Remedy: A valid database identifier is a maximum of 8 characters which
- start with a letter followed by letters or numbers. System
- identifiers include usernames, database names, and database
- server names.
- 00163 SQL RNA Ergebnismenge ist nicht aktiv
- Reason: Attempting to get the number of rows in a result set with the
- API function call sqlnrr() or attempting to set a position
- within a result with the API function call sqlprs() and the
- application program is not in result set mode.
- Remedy: Correct the application. The application must be result set
- mode before attempting to get the number of rows in a result set
- or before attempting to position within a result set.
- 00164 SQL NRS Keine Ergebnismenge
- Reason: Attempting to position within a front-end result set when the
- application is not in result set mode.
- Remedy: Correct the application. The application must be in front-end
- result set mode before attempting to position within a result
- set.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00166 SQL CRS Kann Front-end-Ergebnismenge nicht anlegen
- Reason: This error can occur because the client workstation is out of
- memory, or a temporary file name could not be created, or
- because the temporary front-end result set file could not be
- opened.
- Remedy: Verify that there is sufficient memory at the client
- workstation. Verify that the FILES configuration parameter of
- your operating system is set high enough to support multiple
- files.
- 00167 SQL NET Netzwerk-Prⁿffehler (front end)
- Reason: A network transmission problem has occurred while operating with
- NETCHECK=1. A network transmission error was detected at the
- client workstation. When the database server receives the bad
- network reqeust an information message "Back end receives a NAK"
- is displayed. If the error is not recoverable, the messsage
- "Back end give up" is displayed on the server F2 screen and this
- error is returned to the client workstation.
- Remedy: Try again to see if the error is reproducible. If reproducible,
- try the same scenario on another client workstation computer to
- double check if the problem is reproducible regardless of client
- workstations. If the problem is reproducible on any client
- workstation, then the network hardware problem may be at the
- database server computer. Switching database server machines
- may also help to diagnose the problem. Check for loose cabling.
- 00168 SQL FMG Fehler beim Einlesen einer temporΣren Front-end-Ergebnismengendatei
- Reason: A read error occurred reading from the front-end result set
- temporary file on the local client workstaion.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the disk read failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of the disk.
- 00169 SQL SAV Fehler beim Schreiben in eine temporΣre Front-end-Ergebnismengendatei
- Reason: Attempting to write to a front-end result set file and a disk
- write failure has occurred at the local client workstation.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the disk write failure. Most
- commonly, it may be because you have run out of available disk
- space. If sufficient disk space is available, then run a check
- disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to verify
- the status of the disk.
- 00170 SQL DSB GewΣhlte Operation wurde fⁿr fremde DBMS deaktiviert
- Reason: The requested operation is not valid for the current active
- database because front-end result sets are being employed.
- Remedy: None. This operation cannot be performed when operating with
- front-end result sets.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00172 SQL NSP API-CANcel (L÷schen; sqlcan) wird nur in einer OS/2-Umgebung unterstⁿtzt
- Reason: The API CANcel, sqlcan(), function call is not valid under the
- current operating system.
- Remedy: None. The API function call sqlcan() is only valid from an OS/2
- client workstation communicating with a OS/2 SQLBase Server.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00175 SQL OLC Lokale Datei der Client-Workstation kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: Attempting to copy a file from a SQLBase Server to a client
- workstation OR attempting to copy a file from the client
- workstation to the SQLBase Server AND the local file at the
- client workstation cannot be opened or created.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the create failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of disk. Verify that sufficient disk space is
- available and verify that the number of files allowed open for
- the operating system permits the additional file, that is, check
- the FILES= configuration parameter setting.
- 00176 SQL WRI In die lokale Datei der Client-Workstation kann nicht geschrieben werden
- Reason: Attempting to copy a file from a SQLBase Server to a client
- workstation and a disk write failure has occurred at the local
- client workstation.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the disk write failure. Most
- commonly, it may be because you have run out of available disk
- space. If sufficient disk space is available, then run a check
- disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to verify
- the status of the disk.
- 00177 SQL REA Aus der lokalen Datei der Client-Workstation kann nicht gelesen werden
- Reason: Attempting to copy a file from the client workstation to a
- SQLBase Server and a disk read failure has occurred on the file
- at the local client workstation.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the disk read failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of the disk.
- 00178 SQL SFW In die entfernte SQLBase-Serverdatei kann nicht geschrieben werden
- Reason: Attempting to copy a file from the client workstation to a
- SQLBase Server and a disk write failure has occurred at the
- remote SQLBase Server machine.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the disk write failure. Most
- commonly, it may be because you have run out of available disk
- space. If sufficient disk space is available, then run a check
- disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to verify
- the status of the disk.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00180 SQL ISH Ungⁿltiger Datenbank-Serverhandle
- Reason: Attempting a SQLBase Server administrative operation and a
- connect to a valid Server handle has not been performed.
- Remedy: Obtain a valid database server handle by connecting to a SQLBase
- Server. Use the SET SERVER command in SQLTalk or the API
- function call sqlcsv() to establish a Server connection.
- 00181 SQL BFE Sicherungsdatei besteht bereits
- Reason: Backing up the database or transaction log files and the backup
- destination file already exists.
- Remedy: Backup database or transaction log files to another disk file
- name or remove or rename the existing file of the same name.
- 00182 SQL CCB Sicherungsdatei kann nicht angelegt werden
- Reason: Backing up the database and the backup destination file cannot
- be created.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the create failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of disk. Verify that sufficient disk space is
- available and verify that the number of files allowed open for
- the operating system permits the additional file, that is, check
- the FILES= configuration parameter setting.
- 00183 SQL NED Speicherplatz reicht fⁿr die Aktion Sichern oder Wiederherstellen nicht aus
- Reason: Attempting to Backup the database or transaction log files or
- attempting to Restore the database or transaction log files and
- the system has run out of disk space.
- Remedy: Provide for additional disk space.
- 00184 SQL ISN Ungⁿltiger Servername
- Reason: The specified database server name is not valid.
- Remedy: Correct the database server name. The maximum length of a
- server name is 8 characters and must begin with a letter and
- cannot contain special characters.
- 00185 SQL CNB Sicherungsdatei kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: Attempting a Restore database and the system cannot open the
- backup file.
- Remedy: Verify the backup file name and determine why the system could
- open the backup file.
- 00186 SQL CAB Sicherungs- oder Wiederherstellungsspeicherpuffer kann nicht zugewiesen werden
- Reason: Out of memory at the remote SQLBase Server when using the
- ON SERVER clause, otherwise the system is out of memory at the
- client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory. Attempt to make more memory available.
- 00187 SQL CNC Verbindung zum Server kann nicht hergestellt werden
- Reason: Failure attempting to connect to the specified database server.
- Remedy: Verify that the correct database server name is used.
- 00188 SQL NV4 Die bestimmte Funktion ist in der SQLBase-Version 4.0 oder spΣter nicht mehr gⁿltig
- Reason: The specified operation is no longer valid for SQLBase 4.0 or
- later.
- Remedy: The specified operation has been replaced with an alternative
- way of doing the same operation. Check the documentation to
- determine the alternate technique. The obsolete function are
- described in the SQLBase C API Reference Manual, Chapter 5:
- C/API Functions by Category.
- 00189 SQL EAS Datenbank existiert bereits auf anderem Datenbankserver
- Reason: Attempting to install or create a database and the named
- database already exists on another database server.
- Remedy: Install or create the database with an alternate name or verify
- why a database already exists with the same database name.
- 00190 SQL FUP Current-Of-Cursor ben÷tigt zum Aktualisieren eine SELECT-Anweisung
- Reason: Performing an UPDATE or DELETE with the CURRENT OF cursorname
- clause and operating in DB2 compatibility mode where a SELECT
- FOR UPDATE is required to use the CURRENT OF cursorname clause.
- Remedy: Modify SQL statements to either use the SELECT FOR UPDATE clause
- or don't use the CURRENT OF cursorname clause.
- 00191 SQL FIP CURRENT OF-Cursorproze▀ kann nicht verwendet werden. Einlesen in Verwendung
- Reason: Performing a DELETE or UPDATE with the CURRENT OF cursorname
- clause and the named cursor was named after the SELECT statement
- was already in progress.
- Remedy: Name the cursor before beginning the SELECT statement. This is
- caused by naming the cursor with a sqlscn function call after
- the sqlexe function call. By naming the cursor after the
- execution (sqlexe), SQLBase cannot properly prepare for the SQL
- command to allow for CURRENT OF cursorname processing. The
- cursor needs to be named before the sqlexe function call.
- 00192 SQL LAE Protokolldateien existieren bereits
- Reason: Attempting to Restore transaction log files that already exist.
- Remedy: None. Log files that already exist cannot be restored.
- 00193 SQL FRT Lokale Ergebnismengen-Verzeichniskettennamen sind zu lang
- Reason: The specified directory name for the local result set directory
- is too large.
- Remedy: Modify the directory name so it does not exceed 40 characters.
- 00194 SQL MTT Mehr als zwei SchrΣgstriche in Verbindung
- Reason: Attempting to connect to a database and the specified database
- name, username, and password string contains more than two
- forward slashes. The forward slash separates the database name,
- username, and password, therefore a maximum of only two forward
- slashes are necessary.
- Remedy: Modify the connect string containing the database, username, and
- password so it is of the form "databasename/username/password".
- 00195 SQL ISP Ungⁿltiger SET-Parameter
- Reason: Attempting to set a database parameter and the specified
- parameter is invalid.
- Remedy: Verify and correct the specified parameter type.
- 00196 SQL IGP Ungⁿltiger GET-Parameter
- Reason: Attempting to get a database parameter and the specified
- parameter is invalid.
- Remedy: Verify and correct the specified parameter type.
- 00197 SQL GNE Globaler Cursor existiert nicht
- Reason: Attempting to retrieve the current global cursor and a global
- cursor does not exist.
- Remedy: To retrieve a global cursor the global cursor must exist. A
- global cursor is established by setting the global cursor with
- the API function call sqlset() using the SQLPGBC set parameter.
- 00198 SQL IPL Ungⁿltige SET-ParameterlΣnge
- Reason: Attempting a SET command with a numeric value and the specified
- numeric value length is incorrectly specified.
- Remedy: Specify the correct numeric value length. Generally, the
- correct numeric length is the size of a field defined with data
- type of SQLTDPV. The easiest way to insure the correct length
- is to use the length of zero whereby SQLBase will then calculate
- the correct length.
- 00199 SQL NBR Zurⁿckgesetzte ErgebnisdatensΣtze werden nicht unterstⁿtzt
- Reason: Attempting to turn off backend result sets when backend results
- do not exist.
- Remedy: None. Cannot turn off backend result sets if they do not exist.
- 00200 SQL NTT Fehlerⁿbersetzungstabelle nicht gefunden
- Reason: The application program was attempting to convert a SQLBase
- error return code to another "resultant" error code and the
- translation table can not be found.
- Remedy: Add the ERRORFILE keyword to the SQL.INI configuration file.
- This keyword specifies the name of the translation file.
- fndef SQ2ERR
- nclude "sq2err.h"
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for general
- database operation errors.
- 00201 DBO NCC Kein kompilierter Befehl
- Reason: Application program is attempting to perform a read long
- (sqlrlo), write long (sqlwlo), long seek (sqllsk), store command
- (sqlsto), or execute (sqlexe) without first compiling an SQL
- statement.
- Remedy: Revise application to compile an SQL statement prior to
- attempting the above operations.
- 00202 DBO NSE Kein SELECT-Befehl
- Reason: Trying to fetch or position within a result set when the SQL
- statement is not a SELECT.
- Remedy: Revise application to compile a SQL SELECT statement prior to
- attempting the above operations.
- 00203 DBO NEX Befehl wurde nicht ausgefⁿhrt
- Reason: Attempting a fetch or position within a result set without a
- successful SQL SELECT statement.
- Remedy: Revise application to compile an SQL SELECT statement prior to
- attempting the above operations.
- 00204 DBO NST Nach-hinten-holen (fetch backward) ist in dieser Abfrage nicht erlaubt
- Reason: Application program is attempting to enable fetch backwards
- (sqlefb) when the compiled SQL SELECT statement accesses more
- than one table. Backward fetch calls are restricted to queries
- on a single table.
- Remedy: Revise application to comply with fetch backward restrictions.
- 00205 DBO ORD ORDER BY mit Nach-hinten-holen (fetch backward)
- Reason: Application program is attempting to enable fetch backwards
- (sqlefb) when the compiled SQL SELECT statement contains an
- ORDER BY clause and the column or columns to be ordered on are
- not indexed.
- Remedy: Revise application to comply with fetch backward restrictions.
- 00206 DBO RTL Zeile zu lang zum Einlesen
- Reason: The data being fetched is too big to fit into the input message
- buffer which SQLBase increases dynamically but, the database
- router has run out of memory on the client workstation computer.
- Remedy: If you are using DBROUTER.EXE, you can increase the size of the
- SQL.INI configuration parameter called HEAP or try using the
- extended memory version of this program called DBXROUTR.EXE if
- extended memory is available. If you are already using
- DBXROUTR.EXE then you can provide more extended memory. And
- finally, as a last resort, you could decrease the number of
- column being fetched.
- 00207 DBO CNF Befehl fⁿr Abfrage nicht gefunden
- Reason: Attempting to retrieve (sqlret) a stored command from the
- database and the named stored command is not found.
- Remedy: Store the command before attempting the retrieve or use the
- correct name when attempting the retrieve.
- 00208 DBO CIN Gestapelter Befehl wurde ungⁿltig
- Reason: Attempting to retrieve (sqlret) a stored command that has been
- invalidated by the system.
- Remedy: A stored command will become invalidated by SQLBase if an index
- or field is dropped that was available when the command was
- originally stored.
- 00209 DBO STO Befehl wurde gestapelt
- Reason: Trying to seek a position in a long data column (sqllsk), read a
- long data column (sqlrlo), or write a long data column (sqlwlo)
- and the SQL command was previously stored and is not available.
- Remedy: Compile the SQL statement before attempting any of the long data
- column operations mentioned above.
- 00210 DBO IFN Ungⁿltige Memofeldnummer
- Reason: Attempting to read long data (sqlrlo) or seek a position within
- long data (sqllsk) and the column number specified is not a
- database data type of LONG VARCHAR.
- Remedy: Modify the column number so that corresponds to the long data in
- the select list. For a statement like
- the long data field HISTORY would be column three regardless of
- where it was defined when performing the CREATE TABLE PERSONAL
- 00211 DBO NBK On-line-Sicherung ist bei Nur-lesen-Isolierungsstufe nicht erlaubt
- Reason: On-line backup is not allowed while using the read-only
- isolation level.
- Remedy: Change the isolation level to CS, RR, or RL and retry the
- backup.
- 00212 DBO SDD DDL-Befehl kann nicht gestapelt werden
- Reason: Attempting to store a data definition language command.
- Remedy: None. SQLBase does not allow the storing of data definition
- language commands. Data definition language statements should
- only be executed once to establish tables, indexes, views, etc.
- Performing DDL operation in a production envinoment is
- discouraged as it can reduce user currency.
- 00213 DBO NTL Gestapelter Befehl ist zu lang
- Reason: Attempting to store (sqlsto), retrieve (sqlret), or drop
- (sqldst) a stored command and the specified name is too long.
- Remedy: Correct the specified name so that it not greater than the
- maximum bind name length, SQLMBNL (18), found in SQL.H.
- 00214 DBO NLB Ist keine Memo-Bindevariable
- Reason: Attempting a write long data column operation and the SQL
- statement is not an UPDATE or INSERT statement. Or, the column
- that is attempting to be updated or inserted is not a LONG
- VARCHAR data column.
- Remedy: Do not perform a write long data operation with an SQL statement
- that is not an UPDATE or INSERT. If the SQL statement is an
- UPDATE or INSERT then verify that the column number used with
- the write long data (sqlwlo) operation is associated with a LONG
- VARCHAR data column in the SQL statement.
- 00215 DBO GBY GROUP BY mit Nach-hinten-holen (fetch backward)
- Reason: Attempting to enable fetch backwards (sqlefb) and the the SELECT
- statement contains a GROUP BY clause.
- Remedy: Backward fetching is not allowed with a SELECT that contains a
- GROUP BY clause. Modify the application.
- 00216 DBO SFN Funkionen mit Nach-hinten-holen (fetch backward) einstellen
- Reason: Attempting a set function within a fetch backward operation.
- Remedy: None. Set functions are not allowed with a fetch backward
- operation.
- 00217 DBO RNA Wiederherstellung nicht aktiv
- Reason: Attempting a rollback and recovery is not active.
- Remedy: Modify the application so that connections is made with recovery
- active. Use sqlcnc rather than sqlcnr.
- 00218 DBO STD Gestapelter Befehl existiert nicht
- Reason: Attempting to drop a stored command that does not exist.
- Remedy: Modify the drop store command so that it specifies a stored
- command name that exists.
- 00219 DBO FBV Kann in dieser Ansicht nicht nach hinten holen (fetch backward)
- Reason: Attempting a enable fetch backward (sqlefb) function call and
- the query is on a view.
- Remedy: Modify the application program.
- 00220 DBO LSK Memo-Suchen hinter Ende von Memodaten
- Reason: The application program is trying to position within long data
- and the position specified is beyond the end of the long data.
- Remedy: Modify the application program so that it does not position
- beyond the end of the long data. Remember that the position is
- relative to zero, i.e. the first character is position zero. To
- determine the entire length of the long data you can perform the
- get long data size (sqlgls) function call.
- 00224 DBO CSD Start-Datenbank kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: The application is trying to initialize a new database (sqlins)
- and SQLBase cannot find the file START.DBS in the "home"
- database directory.
- Remedy: Verify that the file START.DBS is available in the "home"
- database directory. A definition of the "home" database
- directory can be found in the Installation and Operations Guide.
- 00225 DBO IRF Initialisierungs-Lesefehler
- Reason: The application is trying to initialize a new database (sqlins)
- and a read error has been encountered on the file START.DBS.
- Remedy: Try to determine why SQLBase cannot read the file START.DBS
- before contacting your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00226 DBO IWF Initialisierungs-Schreibfehler
- Reason: The application is trying to initialize a new database (sqlins)
- and a write error has been encountered. This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Try to determine why SQLBase cannot perform the write operation
- before contacting your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00227 DBO IIL Ungⁿltige Isolationsebene
- Reason: Trying to set the isolation level (sqlsil) and specifying an
- invalid isolation level.
- Remedy: The valid isolation levels are defined in the file SQL.H which
- include the following stings (or defined contants):
- "RR" (SQLILRR) - read repeatibility
- "CS" (SQLILCS) - cursor stability
- "RO" (SQLILRO) - read only
- "RL" (SQLILRL) - release lock
- 00228 DBO IDP Nur interner Fehler: Ungⁿltiger Datenbank-Parametertyp
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00229 DBO SNL Der letzte Befehl einer Befehlskette mu▀ ein SELECT-Befehl sein.
- Reason: SELECT commands are allowed in a chained command bug only as
- the last command.
- Remedy: Put the select command as the last command.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00231 DBO IVR Ungⁿltige Version
- Reason: The application is using mismatching versions of software or the
- database version does not correspond to the software.
- Remedy: Verify that the software and database are from the same release
- of SQLBase.
- 00232 DBO DBA Braucht DBA-Rechte fⁿr diese Operation
- Reason: Attempting an operation reserved for users with DBA authority.
- Remedy: None. The statement cannot be executed. Operator must have DBA
- authority.
- 00233 DBO ILS EingabeMeldunglΣnge zu klein
- Reason: SQLBase is attempting to set the input message buffer to a size
- smaller than the minimum size required.
- Remedy: The input message buffer should never be set so small that it is
- smaller than the minimum size required. Contact your local
- Gupta Technologies certified technical support center.
- 00234 DBO CAI Kein Speicherplatz mehr im Datenbankcomputer (DBO CAI)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00239 DBO MBR Mu▀ in Ergebnismengenmodus sein, um in Restriktionsmodus zu wechseln
- Reason: An application is attempting to stop restriction mode (sqlspr)
- or start restriction mode (sqlstr) and the application is not in
- result set mode.
- Remedy: Modify the application so that it is in result set mode before
- attempting to start or stop restriction mode. Restriction set
- mode is a submode of result set mode.
- 00240 DBO RMA Restriktionsmodus ist bereits aktiv
- Reason: An application is attempting to start restriction mode (sqlstr)
- and the application is already in restriction mode.
- Remedy: Modify the application so that it does not attempt to start
- restriction mode while already in restriction mode.
- 00241 DBO RAO Restriktionsmodus ist bereits deaktiviert
- Reason: An application is attempting to stop restriction mode (sqlspr)
- and the application is not in restriction mode.
- Remedy: Modify the application so that it does not attempt to stop
- restriction mode while not in restriction mode.
- 00242 DBO RSN Ergebnismengenproz▀ wird nicht verwendet
- Reason: An application is attempting to get the number of rows in a
- result set (sqlnrr) and the application is not in result set
- mode.
- Remedy: Modify the application so that it does not attempt to get the
- number of rows in a result set (sqlnrr) while not in result set
- mode.
- 00243 DBO CIB Kein Speicherplatz mehr im Datenbankcomputer (DBO CIB)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 00244 DBO DIU Mit anderen Benutzern deinstallieren
- Reason: Attempting to deinstall a database while other users are
- connected to the database.
- Remedy: Verify that everyone have logged off of the database before
- trying to deinstall the database.
- 00245 DBO SDC SELECT in verketteten Befehlen nicht erlaubt
- Reason: SQL SELECT statements are not allowed in a sequence of chained
- commands.
- Remedy: Eliminate any stored SELECT commands from the chained command
- sequence.
- 00246 DBO CDC CURRENT OF CURSOR in verketteten Befehlen
- Reason: A DELETE or UPDATE is not allowed with the CURRENT OF cursorname
- clause within a chained command.
- Remedy: Eliminate any stored DELETE or UPDATE statements that use the
- CURRENT OF cursorname clause from the chained command sequence.
- 00247 DBO DAR DBA-Rechte werden fⁿr diese Operation ben÷tigt
- Reason: Attempting to shutdown a database without DBA authority.
- Remedy: None. Only a user with DBA authority can shutdown a database.
- 00248 DBO COF Die bestimmte entfernte Datei kann auf dem SQLBase-Server nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: Attempting to open an existing file and a failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the open file failure.
- Verify that the specified file exists. Verify the number of
- files allowed open for the operating system permits the
- additional file, that is, check the FILES= configuration
- parameter setting.
- 00249 DBO CCF Die bestimmte entfernte Datei kann auf dem SQLBase-Server nicht geschlossen werden
- Reason: Attempting to close a file and a failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the close file failure.
- 00250 DBO CDF Die bestimmte entfernte Datei kann auf dem SQLBase-Server nicht gel÷scht werden
- Reason: Attempting to delete a remote file or remove an existing
- directory on the remote SQLBase Server and a failure has
- occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the delete failure. Verify
- that the specified file exists.
- 00251 DBO REA Lesefehler beim Lesen einer entfernten Datei auf einem SQLBase-Server
- Reason: Attempting to read a file and a disk read failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the disk read failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of the disk.
- 00252 DBO WRI Schreibfehler beim Schreiben in eine entfernte Datei auf einem SQLBase-Server
- Reason: Attempting to write to a file and a disk write failure has
- occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the disk write failure. Most
- commonly, it may be because you have run out of available disk
- space. If sufficient disk space is available, then run a check
- disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to verify
- the status of the disk.
- 00253 DBO CSK Fehler beim Suchen in einer entfernten Datei auf einem SQLBase-Server
- Reason: Attempting to lseek within a file and a lseek failure has
- occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the disk lseek failure. Run
- a check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system
- to verify the status of the disk.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00256 DBO OOM Kein weiterer Speicherplatz mehr auf dem Datenbank-Computer (DBO OOM)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 00257 DBO CAL Kein weiterer Speicherplatz mehr auf dem Datenbank-Computer (DBO CAL)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 00258 DBO RDO Nur-Lesen-Modus ist fⁿr diese Datenbank deaktiviert
- Reason: Attempting to switch to Read Only Locking isolation mode and the
- database is not prepared to handle read only transactions.
- Remedy: To use the Read Only Locking isolation mode, the database must
- have the READONLY keyword enabled.
- 00259 DBO NV4 Die bestimmte Funktion ist in der SQLBase-Version 4.0 oder spΣter nicht mehr gⁿltig
- Reason: The specified operation is no longer valid for SQLBase 4.0 or
- later.
- Remedy: The specified operation has been replaced with an alternative
- way of doing the same operation. Check the documentation to
- determine the alternate technique. The obsolete function are
- described in the SQLBase C API Reference Manual, Chapter 5:
- C/API Functions by Category.
- 00260 DBO DNS Datum-Zeit wurde nicht mit ROLLFORWARD fⁿr eine bestimmte Datum-Zeit bestimmt
- Reason: ROLLFORWARD TO TIME specified but not datetime specified.
- Remedy: Specify the datetime when performing a ROLLFORWARD TO TIME.
- 00261 DBO IDS Ungⁿltige Datum-Zeit-Spezifikation wurde mit ROLLFORWARD bestimmt
- Reason: ROLLFORWARD to a specific datetime specified an invalid
- datetime.
- Remedy: Specify the correct datetime format of "mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss".
- 00262 DBO ICM NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Ungⁿldiger Verbindungsmodus
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00263 DBO LFS Die bestimmte Transaktionsprotokolldateigr÷▀e ist zu klein
- Reason: Attempting to set the transaction log file size too small.
- Remedy: Modify transaction log file size being set. Generally, the
- minimum size is 100K, unless you are using partitioned
- databases, in which case, the minimum size is 1MB (1000K).
- 00264 DBO IRM Unerlaubter Rollforward-Modus
- Reason: The specified rollforward mode is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct the rollforward mode. The following modes are the valid
- choices: (1) SQLMEOL Rollforward to end of all available logs.
- (2) SQLMEOB Rollforward to end of backup.
- (3) SQLMTIM Rollforward to a specified time.
- 00265 DBO CTI Prⁿfpunkt-Zeitintervall zu lang
- Reason: Cannot set the checkpoint interval greater than 30 minutes.
- Remedy: Use a valid checkpoint interval not greater than 30 minutes.
- 00266 DBO RFS NΣchstes Protokoll einlesen ist nur gⁿltig, nachdem Rollforward gestartet wurde
- Reason: A Get Next Log command has been issued before beginning the
- Rollforward recovery process.
- Remedy: Start Rollforward recovery before doing a Get Next Log.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00268 DBO HSS History-Dateigr÷▀e mu▀ einen positiven Wert haben
- Reason: Cannot set the History file size to zero or less than zero.
- Remedy: Correct history file size setting to be a positive value.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00270 DBO RFI Rollforward unterbrochen; Datenbank-Sicherung wird wiederhergestellt
- Reason: The Rollforward operation has been interrupted.
- Remedy: Restart the restore of database backup again.
- 00271 DBO LNE Protokollierung nicht aktiviert
- Reason: Attempting a Backup and Recovery, or Rollback operation and
- transaction logging (recovery) is not enabled.
- Remedy: Backup and Recovery, and transaction Rollbacks are not possible
- with transaction logging (recovery) turned off. Connect with
- recovery ON to perform Backup and Recovey, and transaction
- Rollbacks.
- 00272 DBO CAF Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (DBO CAF)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 00273 DBO COP Datenbank-Kopiedatei ÷ffnen ist fehlgeschlagen
- Reason: Attempting to open an existing file and a failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the open file failure.
- Verify that the specified file exists. Verify the number of
- files allowed open for the operating system permits the
- additional file, that is, check the FILES= configuration
- parameter setting.
- 00274 DBO CCR Datenbank-Kopiedatei anlegen ist fehlgeschlagen
- Reason: Attempting to create a file and a failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the create failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of disk. Verify that sufficient disk space is
- available and verify that the number of files allowed open for
- the operating system permits the additional file, that is, check
- the FILES= configuration parameter setting.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00277 DBO LBD Protokollsicherung deaktiviert
- Reason: Attempting to backup logs or get the next log or set the next
- log and transaction logging is disabled.
- Remedy: Enabled logging before attempting to backup logs, get the next
- log, or set the next log.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00279 DBO SLS Transaktionsspannenbereich zu klein
- Reason: Trying to set the transaction span limit to less than zero.
- Remedy: Set the transaction span limit using a valid number. The
- transaction span limit is the number of log files an active
- transaction is allowed to span. Any transaction that violates
- the limit is rolled back. A span limit of zero indicates that
- transaction span limit checking is disabled.
- 00280 DBO ITO Ungⁿltiger Zeitⁿberschreitungswert
- Reason: Trying to set an invalid database lock timeout value.
- Remedy: Set the lock wait timeout value using a valid number. The
- number represent seconds to wait for a database lock to be
- acquired. After the specified time has elapsed, the transaction
- is rolled back. The default setting is 300 seconds. Valid
- timeout values are:
- 1 to 1800 Seconds to wait for a lock (1 second to 30 minutes)
- -1 Wait forever for a lock held by another transaction
- 0 Never wait for a lock and immediately return a
- timeout error (nowait locking).
- 00281 DBO IVS Ungⁿltige Versionszeichenkette
- Reason: Attempting to set an invalid version number.
- Remedy: Set the version number with a valid version number string.
- For example, "5.0.0".
- 00282 DBO RNS NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Forderung nicht unterstⁿtzt
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00283 DBO LFL Protokolldateigr÷▀e zu gro▀
- Reason: Attempting to set the transaction log file size too large.
- Remedy: Modify transaction log file size being set.
- The mamixum size is 4,194,303K.
- Reason: Transaction log backup must be ON for a BACKUP DATABASE
- Remedy: Try doing a BACKUP SNAPSHOT.
- 00285 DBO NSR SELECT-Befehl kann in Restriktionsmodus nicht gestapelt werden
- Reason: Cannot store a SELECT statement while operating in restriction
- mode.
- Remedy: Store the SELECT command while not operating in restriction
- mode.
- 00286 DBO CBL Dieses NΣchste Protokoll ist kleiner als das NΣchste Protokoll, das gesichert werden soll
- Reason: Specifying log files in an incorrect fashion. Subsequent log
- files should always have the next higher transaction log file
- numbers.
- Remedy: Specify the correct next transaction log file.
- 00287 DBO CBG Das NΣchste Protokoll ist gr÷▀er als das momentan aktive Protokoll
- Reason: Specifying log files in an incorrect fashion. A subsequent log
- file can never be greater than the current active log file.
- Remedy: Specify the correct next transaction log file.
- 00288 DBO IFE Datenbankdateigr÷▀e ist zu klein
- Reason: The specified database file size extension is too small.
- Remedy: Correct database file size extension size. If you are using
- partitioned databases, the minimal size is 1024, otherwise the
- size can be any positive value.
- 00289DBO RSR SELECT-Befehl kann in Restriktionsmodus nicht ausgefⁿhrt oder abgefragt werden
- Reason: A SQL SELECT statement cannot be retrieved when operating in
- restriction mode.
- Remedy: Retrieve the stored SELECT statement while NOT in restriction
- mode.
- 00290 DBO NDB Ungⁿltiger NEWDB-Wert
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 00291 DBO BME LOGBACKUP-Modus ist bereits aktiviert
- Reason: Trying to set LOGBACKUP mode ON and the mode is already ON.
- Remedy: None. Informational only.
- 00292 DBO BMD LOGBACKUP-Modus ist bereits deaktiviert
- Reason: Trying to set LOGBACKUP mode OFF and the mode is already OFF.
- Remedy: None. Informational only.
- 00293 DBO OSC Die bestimmte Funktion ist in der SQLBase-Version 4.0 oder spΣter nicht mehr gⁿltig
- Reason: The specified operation is no longer valid for SQLBase 4.0 or
- later.
- Remedy: The specified operation has been replaced with an alternative
- way of doing the same operation. Check the documentation to
- determine the alternate technique. The obsolete function are
- described in the SQLBase C API Reference Manual, Chapter 5:
- C/API Functions by Category.
- 00294 DBO NOL RECOVERY it OFF, keine Protokolldatei vorhanden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 00295 DBO NSS Arbeitssitzung ohne Server
- Reason: Trying to compile a server command in a non-server session
- Remedy: Use a server session to compile a server command.
- 00296 DBO IVC Gesicherte Codeseite stimmt nicht ⁿberein. ▄berprⁿfen Sie die Datei SQL.INI und code.pag
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 00297 DBO CSC Befehl kann nicht gestapelt werden
- Reason: Trying to store a server command
- Remedy: Run the command directly instead of storing the command and
- executing it later.
- 00298 DBO CRM MAIN kann nicht wiederhergestellt oder nach vorne gerollt werden, wΣhrend partionierte Datenbank aktiviert ist.
- Reason: While partitioned databases are enabled the MAIN database must
- be availble to SQLBase to access partitioned databases. The
- availability of the MAIN database prevents it from being
- restored from a backup.
- Remedy: Disconnect all clients accessing partitioned databases and
- disable partitioned databases.
- 00299 DBO IOL Ungⁿltige Optimizerstufe
- Reason: Optimizer level must be 1 or 2.
- Remedy: Use correct optimizer level, 1 or 2.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are errors that
- generally occur during the execution of a SQL operation.
- 00301 EXE NCH Kann nur Daten vom Typ CHAR verΣndern
- Reason: Attempting to alter the size of an existing column and the
- column is not defined as CHAR or VARCHAR.
- Remedy: Do not attempt to change to size of a column that is not defined
- 00302 EXE NAV ALTER-Recht ist in Ansichten nicht erlaubt
- Reason: Cannot grant ALTER privileges on a VIEW
- Remedy: None. Views cannot be altered, only tables can be altered.
- Therefore the granting of ALTER on a VIEW is not allowed.
- 00303 EXE CRI Ansicht kann nicht mit einer ROWID-Spalte angelegt werden
- Reason: Trying to use the ROWID column in a VIEW.
- Remedy: None. The ROWID is not allowed as a column within a VIEW.
- 00304 EXE CDT Tabelle eines anderen Benutzers kann nicht gel÷scht werden
- Reason: A user is attempting to drop a table that s/he did not create
- and s/he does not have DBA authority.
- Remedy: None. Do not attempt to drop someone else's table unless you
- have DBA authority.
- 00305 EXE CDI Indizierte Spalte kann nicht gel÷scht werden
- Reason: Attempting to drop a column that has an index on it.
- Remedy: Drop all indexes associated with the column before dropping the
- column.
- 00306 EXE CDS Systeminformationen k÷nnen nicht gel÷scht werden
- Reason: Attempting to drop a column, index, or table that is considered
- system information.
- Remedy: None. Do not attempt to drop columns, indexes, or tables that
- are considered system catalog information.
- 00307 EXE STO Kann nach Stapeln nicht ausgefⁿhrt werden
- Reason: Attempting to execute a command that was just previously stored.
- You cannot execute a command that was just stored.
- Remedy: You must retrieve the stored commands and then execute it or
- compile the command after storing and execute it. A stored
- command is stored in the database and is not available for
- immediate execution until it is retreived.
- 00308 EXE CIL Memodaten k÷nnen nicht indiziert werden
- Reason: Attempting to create an index on a column that is defined as
- long data.
- Remedy: None. You cannot create an index on a long data column.
- 00309 EXE MSC Systemspalte kann nicht verΣndert werden
- Reason: Attempting to modify a system column.
- Remedy: None. You cannot modify a system column.
- 00310 EXE RSC Systemspalte kann nicht umbenannt werden
- Reason: Attempting to rename a system column.
- Remedy: None. You cannot rename a system column.
- 00311 EXE RST Systemtabelle kann nicht umbenannt werden
- Reason: Attempting to rename a system table.
- Remedy: None. You cannot rename a system table.
- 00312 EXE RCD Einem DBA kann die Connect-Berechtigung nicht entzogen werden
- Reason: Attempting to revoke connect from a user with DBA authority.
- Remedy: None. SYSADM must revoke DBA authority before being able to
- revoke connect authority.
- 00313 EXE RND Einem Nicht-DBA k÷nnen keine DBA-Rechte entzogen werden
- Reason: Attempting to revoke DBA authority from a user that does not
- have DBA authority.
- Remedy: None. You cannot revoke an authority a user does not hold.
- 00314 EXE RRD Einem DBA k÷nnen Resource-Rechte nicht entzogen werden
- Reason: Attempting to revoke RESOURCE authority from a user that has DBA
- authority.
- Remedy: None. You cannot revoke RESOURCE authority from a user who has
- DBA authority. Having DBA authority automatically means that
- s/he has all privileges on any table in the database, including
- the right to grant, modify, or revoke the privileges of any
- other user in the database. A DBA may not, however, create new
- users, nor may a DBA change the passwords or authority levels of
- existing users. These privileges are restricted to SYSADM.
- Having DBA authority means you also have RESOURCE authority.
- 00315 EXE CAE Die Spalte besteht bereits
- Reason: Attempting to add or rename a column and the column name already
- exists.
- Remedy: Use a different column name from the one currently being used in
- the ALTER TABLE statement.
- 00316 EXE CST Die Spalte wurde doppelt spezifiziert
- Reason: Specified a column with a duplicate column name.
- Remedy: Do not use the column name that has already been used.
- 00317 EXE DND Eingabe ist kein Datum
- Reason: Attempting to insert or update a column defined as DATE, TIME,
- DATETIME, or TIMESTAMP and the data attempting to be inserted or
- updated is not a date.
- Remedy: Check data to verify that the data being inserted or updated is
- a date.
- 00318 EXE DNN Eingabe ist nicht numerisch
- Reason: Attempting to insert or update a column defined as SMALLINT,
- INTEGER, DECIMAL, FLOAT, or NUMBER and the data attempting to be
- inserted or updated is nonnumeric.
- Remedy: Check data to verify that the data being inserted or updated is
- numeric.
- 00319 EXE IAE Der Index besteht bereits
- Reason: The CREATE INDEX statement sought to create an index when there
- is already an index with the same name defined.
- Remedy: The CREATE INDEX statement cannot be executed. No new index was
- created, and the existing index was not altered or modified.
- Either the existing index must be dropped or another name must
- be chosen for the new index.
- 00320 EXE IDE Der Index existiert nicht
- Reason: Attempting to drop an index that does not exist.
- Remedy: Find correct index name and retry. All current index names can
- be determined by querying the SYSINDEXES tables.
- 00321 EXE VTL Eingabe/Aktualisierungswert ist zu lang
- Reason: The application is attempting to execute an UPDATE, INSERT, or
- COMMENT ON and the update or insert value, or the comment is too
- big for the column as it was defined at CREATE TABLE time.
- Remedy: Identify which column exceeds the defined length and correct the
- application program. When binding data, be sure the specified
- bind variable lengths does not exceed the defined length in the
- database. If using a program data type of string (SQLPSTR), be
- sure that you have provided the null terminating character so
- that SQLBase can calculate the data length accurately. Check
- the length of the object column, and correct the program or SQL
- statement so that the length of the UPDATE, INSERT, or COMMENT
- ON string does not exceed the maximum.
- 00322 EXE IDV Ungⁿltige Daten fⁿr diese Ansicht
- Reason: Attempting to insert or update through a view and the view
- definition rejects the data because it does not conform to the
- view definition. View checking is provided if the optional WITH
- CHECK OPTION clause if used when creating the view.
- Remedy: Examine the view definition to determine why the requested
- INSERT or UPDATE was rejected. Note that this may be a
- data-dependent condititon.
- 00323 EXE IVN Ungⁿltige Zahl
- Reason: Attempting to convert character data to numeric data and the
- conversion fails.
- Remedy: Verify that numeric data is being provided for conversion.
- 00324 EXE IBV Ungⁿltige Programmbindevariable
- Reason: The application is attempting to use a bind variable that was
- not bound with a sqlbnn or sqlbnd function call.
- Remedy: Bind all bind variables with either a sqlbnn or sqlbnd function
- call before attempting to execute the statement (sqlexe).
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00326 EXE NGA Kein Recht zum Erteilen von Rechten
- Reason: Attempting to grant or revoke connect authority, or grant table
- privileges and the user attempting this does not have the
- authority. Only SYSADM can grant or revoke connect authority.
- Table privileges can only be granted by users who have the
- authority to do so. A user with DBA authority may grant
- privileges on any tables or views in the database. A user with
- RESOURCE authority may grant privileges only on tables created
- by him or on views that are based completely on tables created
- by him. A user with only CONNECT authority may not grant
- privileges. Nor does user possess privileges to any tables or
- views unless the user is explicitly granted such privileges via
- a GRANT statement.
- Remedy: None. You can not grant or revoke connect authority, or grant
- table privileges when the user attempting this does not have the
- authority.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00328 EXE NRE Keine Resource-Rechte
- Reason: Attempting to create a table and the user does not possess
- resource authority to create tables.
- Remedy: None. A user must possess resource authority to create tables,
- to drop those tables, and to grant, modify or revoke privileges
- to those tables for valid users of the database.
- 00329 EXE NRA Kein Recht, Rechte zu entziehen
- Reason: Attempting to revoke RESOURCE authority, table privileges, or
- DBA authority and the user attempting this does not have the
- authority. Only SYSADM can revoke DBA or RESOURCE authority.
- Table privileges can only be revoked by users who have the
- authority to do so. A user with DBA authority may revoke
- privileges on any tables or views in the database. A user with
- RESOURCE authority may revoke privileges only on tables created
- by him or on views that are based completely on tables created
- by him. A user with only CONNECT authority may not revoke
- privileges.
- Remedy: None. You can not revoke RESOURCE authority, table privileges,
- or DBA authority when the user attempting this does not have the
- authority.
- 00330 EXE NCN Ist keine Spalte
- Reason: Attempting to create a view and a named column does not exist
- in the target table or view.
- Remedy: Modify the CREATE VIEW statement so that all named columns
- correspond to columns in the base table or base view.
- 00331 EXE NEV Nicht genⁿgend Ungleich-Null-Werte
- Reason: Attempting to execute an INSERT statement and there exist
- columns defined as NOT NULL which have not been provided values.
- Remedy: Modify the INSERT statement so that a value exists for each
- column defined in the CREATE TABLE statement as NOT NULL.
- 00332 EXE PEU Rechte bestehen fⁿr Benutzer
- Reason: Attempting to execute a REVOKE CONNECT FROM a specific user and
- the named user has been granted table privileges.
- Remedy: Revoke the user's privileges before attempting to revoke the
- user's connect authority.
- 00333 EXE SNI CHAR-Gr÷▀e nicht vergr÷▀ert
- Reason: Attempting to execute a ALTER TABLE with a MODIFY clause and the
- length of a character column is attempting to be decreased.
- Remedy: Modify the ALTER TABLE statement. The length of a character
- column may be increased but not decreased.
- 00334 EXE SYA Synonym, Tabelle oder Ansicht besteht bereits
- Reason: Trying to execute a CREATE SYNONYM and the synonym name already
- exists as another synonym name, table name, or view name.
- Remedy: Modify the CREATE SYNONYM statement by using a unique name.
- 00335 EXE SYT Synonym, Tabelle oder Ansicht existiert nicht
- Reason: Attempting to execute a CREATE SYNONYM and the target table name
- or view name does not exist.
- Remedy: Modify the CREATE SYNONYM statement to use an existing table
- name or view name.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00337 EXE TEU Tabelle(n) besteht (bestehen) fⁿr bestimmte(n) Benutzer
- Reason: Attempting to execute a REVOKE CONNECT FROM a specific user and
- the tables exist for the name user.
- Remedy: Drop the tables for the name user before attempting to revoke
- the user's connect authority.
- 00338 EXE TVS Tabelle, Ansicht oder Synonym besteht bereits
- Reason: Attempting to execute a CREATE VIEW or ALTER TABLE with a RENAME
- TABLE clause and the table name or view name already exists.
- Remedy: Modify the CREATE VIEW or ALTER TABLE statement to use a unique
- name.
- 00339 EXE TMC Zuviele Spalten
- Reason: Attempting to execute a CREATE VIEW and the number of columns
- exceeds the maximum number of columns allowed for any table or
- view.
- Remedy: Modify the CREATE VIEW statement so it does not exceed the
- maximum number of columns allowed.
- 00340 EXE UNE Benutzer existiert nicht
- Reason: Attempting to execute a CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, GRANT table
- privilege, or REVOKE and the name user does not exist.
- Remedy: Modify the statement to use an existing user.
- 00341 EXE VIN INSERT/UPDATE-Wert ist null, und die Zielspalte darf keinen Nulleintrag enthalten
- Reason: The update or insert value was NULL, but the target column was
- declared as NOT NULL in the table definition. Consequently,
- null values cannot be inserted into that column, and values in
- that column cannot be set to NULL by an update.
- Remedy: The statement cannot be execute. Examine the definition of the
- target table to determine which columns of the table have the
- NOT NULL attribute, and correct the SQL statement accordingly.
- DB2 treats "empty" strings and NULL strings different whereas
- SQLBase does not distinguish between an "empty" string and a
- NULL string. This problem may be occurring because a CHAR or
- VARCHAR column has been defined as NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT and
- SQLBase use a one character space for the DEFAULT. For DB2
- compatibility you may want to consider NOT using the NOT NULL
- WITH DEFAULT characteristic for CHAR or VARCHAR columns.
- 00342 EXE WPS NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Warten/Postieren
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00343 EXE ICR Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (EXE ICR)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 00344 EXE CAS Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (EXE CAS)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 00345 EXE IOP Ungⁿltiges oder altes Pa▀wort
- Reason: Attempting to execute an ALTER PASSWORD and the old password is
- not valid.
- Remedy: Modify the ALTER PASSWORD statement to use a valid old password.
- 00346 EXE NVL NULL-Wert erhalten
- Reason: Attempting to execute a ALTER TABLE with a MODIFY clause. The
- statement attempts to change a column which contains NULL values
- to a column with a definition of NOT NULL.
- Remedy: Modify the ATLER TABLE statement or modify the data. If a
- column contains NULL values, you will not be able to redefine
- the column as NOT NULL.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00348 EXE CNA Current-Of-Cursor ist in dieser Abfrage nicht erlaubt
- Reason: The CURRENT OF cursorname clause is not allow with this query.
- Remedy: None. CURRENT OF cursorname cannot be used with this SELECT
- statements. The CURRENT OF cursorname clause is not allowed
- under certain conditions, including a query which contains a
- join, GROUP BY, DISTINCT, aggregate functions, or a UNION.
- 00349 EXE CDD Aktueller Cursor befindet sich in anderer Datenbank
- Reason: A CURRENT OF cursorname clause is referring to a cursor which is
- currently referencing the same table name but in different
- databases. For example: With a first cursor named C1 connected
- to the PAYROLL database, it is performing a select like:
- and with a second cursor connected to the PERSONNEL database, it
- is attempting to perform an update or delete similiar to:
- Remedy: Revise SQL statements so that both statements refer to a table
- named in the same database.
- 00350 EXE DBA DBA-Rechte werden fⁿr diese Operation ben÷tigt
- Reason: Attempting to execute a CREATE or DROP a public SYNONYM and user
- does not have DBA authority.
- Remedy: None. A user cannot CREATE or DROP a public SYNONYM without DBA
- authority.
- 00351 EXE CDA Es k÷nnen nicht alle Spalten gel÷scht werden
- Reason: Attempting to execute a ALTER TABLE with a DROP column clause
- and the column is the lone remaining column in the table.
- Remedy: None. You cannot drop the the last column of a table. Each
- table must have at least one column. If necessary, drop the
- entire table with a DROP TABLE statement.
- 00352 EXE KTL Indexschlⁿsselgr÷▀e ist zu gro▀
- Reason: Attempting to execute a CREATE INDEX and the key size exceeds
- the maximum key size allowed.
- Remedy: Modify the index attempting to be created. The maximum size of
- an index is limited occuring to a formula documented in the SQL
- Language Reference manual under the CREATE INDEX statement.
- 00353 EXE NSY Kein Synonym
- Reason: Attempting to execute a DROP SYNONYM and the named synonym is
- not a synonym but a table name.
- Remedy: Modify the DROP SYNONYM statement to use a synonym name or if
- you really want to drop a table then use a DROP TABLE statement.
- 00354 EXE NVW Der in Ansicht entfernen bestimmte Name ist ein Tabellennamen
- Reason: The name specified in the DROP VIEW statement identifies a
- table, rather than a view. The DROP VIEW statement can only
- have a view as its target. The DROP TABLE statement must be
- used to drop a table.
- Remedy: Correct the DROP VIEW statement so that the view name is
- specified correctly (with the proper qualifier). If the intent
- is to drop the specified table, then the DROP TABLE statement
- must be used.
- 00355 EXE NTB Der in Tabelle entfernen bestimmte Namen ist ein Ansichtenname
- Reason: The name specified in the DROP TABLE statement identifies a
- view, rather than a table. The DROP TABLE statement can only
- have a table as its target. The DROP VIEW statement must be
- used to drop a view.
- Remedy: Correct the DROP TABLE statement so that the table name is
- specified correctly (with the proper qualifier). If the intent
- is to drop the specified view, then the DROP VIEW statement must
- be used.
- 00356 EXE MBC Funktionsparameter mⁿssen Konstanten sein
- Reason: Attempting to execute a CREATE INDEX statement the index is
- using @Functions that are not constants.
- Remedy: Modify the CREATE INDEX statement so that all function
- parameters are constants.
- 00357 EXE PTL Funktionsparameter zu gro▀
- Reason: Attempting to execute a CREATE INDEX statement the index is
- using @Functions that are too large.
- Remedy: Modify the CREATE INDEX statement so that all function
- parameters are not larger than the maximum data value length of
- 254 characters.
- 00358 EXE NIR Numerischer Eingabewert liegt nicht im Bereich
- Reason: Attempting to convert either a character string or a number to a
- data format and the converted date is not within an acceptable
- date range.
- Remedy: Verify that the dates being put in the database are between
- January 1, 001 and December 31, 9999.
- 00359 EXE OCT Auf Tabelle wurde mit anderem Cursor verwiesen
- Reason: One cursor is attempted to modify or drop a table when another
- offending cursor is currently using that table.
- Remedy: Commit, disconnect or have the offending cursor compile a
- statement using a different table.
- 00360 EXE RSD Dem SYSADM k÷nnen DBA-Rechte nicht entzogen werden
- Reason: Attempting to execute a REVOKE DBA authority from a specific
- user and the user happens to be SYSADM.
- Remedy: None. You cannot revoke DBA authority from SYSADM.
- 00361 EXE ACI ADJUSTING-CURSOR ist mit eingebettetem SELECT nicht erlaubt
- Reason: Attempting to execute an INSERT using ADJUSTING cursor name
- when the INSERT statement has an embedded SELECT statement.
- Remedy: None. You cannot use the ADJUSTING cursor clause with an
- INSERT statement that uses an embedded SELECT statement.
- 00362 EXE DHR Benutzer hat keine RESOURCE-Rechte
- Reason: Attempting to execute a REVOKE RESOURCE authority statement
- from a user that does not have resource authority.
- Remedy: None. You cannot revoke an authority from a user when the user
- does not have that authority.
- 00363 EXE TVC Zuviele Ansichtspalten festgelegt
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE VIEW and the number of columns defined in
- the new target view exceed the number of column selected from
- the source table or view.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL CREATE VIEW statement. The number of columns
- select to formed the view must match the number of columns
- defined in the new view.
- 00364 EXE TSE Zuviele Ansichten-auswΣhlen-Ausdrⁿcke
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE VIEW and the number columns selected from
- the source table or view exceed the number of columns defined in
- the new target view.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL CREATE VIEW statement. The number of columns
- select to formed the view must match the number of columns
- defined in the new view.
- 00365 EXE PNO Dieser Benutzer hat diese Rechte nicht
- Reason: Attempting to execute a REVOKE table privilege from a specific
- user and the user does not have the name privileges.
- Remedy: None. You cannot revoke a table privilege that does not exist.
- 00366 EXE IIF @function wird als Indexfunktion nicht unterstⁿtzt
- Reason: Trying to specify a @function in the creation of an index and
- this particular @function is not supported by SQLBase as a
- possible index.
- Remedy: None. This @function is not supported as an index.
- 00367 EXE SNR Kleiner Integerwert liegt nicht im Bereich
- Reason: A small integer value is not within the acceptable range of
- SMALLINT values.
- Remedy: Correct small integer value so that it is within the range of an
- acceptable SMALLINT values. An SMALLINT value can have up to 5
- digits of precision: -32,768 to +32,767
- 00368 EXE INR Integerwert ist nicht im Bereich
- Reason: An integer value is not within the acceptable range of INTEGER
- values.
- Remedy: Correct integer value so that it is within the range of an
- acceptable INTEGER value. An INTEGER value can have up to 10
- digits of precision: -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647
- 00369 EXE CCD Aktueller Cursor befindet sich in anderer Tabelle
- Reason: A CURRENT OF cursorname clause is referring to a cursor which is
- currently referencing a different table. For example: With one
- cursor named C1 connected to the PAYROLL database, it is
- performing a select like: SELECT * FROM SALARY and with a second
- cursor connected to the PAYROLL database, it is attempting to
- perform an update or delete similiar to:
- Remedy: Revise SQL statements so that both statements refer to the same
- table named in the same database.
- 00370 EXE OOC Tabelle kann nur einen Hashed-Clusterindex enthalten
- Reason: A table can only have one CLUSTERED HASHED index.
- Remedy: None. Only one CLUSTERED HASHED index can be created for any
- one table.
- 00371 EXE TNE Clusterindex kann nur in einer leeren Tabelle angelegt werden
- Reason: A clustered hashed index can only be created on an empty table.
- Remedy: Unload the target table. Recreate the table and create the
- clustered hashed index before inserting any data back into the
- table.
- 00372 EXE IPD Clusterindex wurde in dieser Tabelle bereits festgelegt
- Reason: A table can only have one CLUSTERED HASHED index.
- Remedy: None. Only one CLUSTERED HASHED index can be created for any
- one table.
- 00373 EXE NIV INDEX-Recht wird in Ansichten nicht unterstⁿtzt
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 00374 EXE NNE NOT-NULL-Spalte mu▀ nur einer leeren Tabelle hinzugefⁿgt werden
- Reason: A NOT NULL column cannot be added to table that already has
- existing rows because if it could then those columns of the
- existing rows would have NULL values in columns defined as NOT
- NULL which would violate the definition.
- Remedy: Add the column without defining the column as NOT NULL. Update
- the existing rows by putting data in the newly created columm
- and then ALTER the column to NOT NULL.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00377 EXE CUI Statistiken k÷nnen bei einem Hashed-Clusterindex nicht aktualisiert werden
- Reason: Cannot update the index statistics on a CLUSTERED HASHED INDEX
- because some limitations exist on the index statistics regarding
- @function indexes.
- Remedy: None. Because of @function index limitations, the CLUSTERED
- HASHED INDEX cannot be statistically updated.
- 00378 EXE RCN ROWCOUNT wird bei Nur-Lesen-Aktionen nicht unterstⁿtzt
- Reason: The ROWCOUNT command is not support for read-only transactions.
- Remedy: None. The ROWCOUNT operation is not supported for read-only
- transactions.
- 00379 EXE BRL Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (EXE BRL)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 00380 EXE CEF CHECK EXISTS fehlgeschlagen
- Reason: An UPDATE statement was succesful but no rows were updated.
- Remedy: None. Informational only. The CHECK EXIST clause on the SQL
- UPDATE statement specifies to return this error if at least one
- row is NOT updated.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00382 EXE UFV Fremde Schlⁿsselwerte stimmen nicht ⁿberein
- Reason: Insert of a new row into a dependent table violates a
- referential integrity constraint because there was no
- parent row in the parent table.
- Remedy: None. Informational only. This insert violates an existing
- referential integrity contraint, therefore to maintain the
- integrity of the data this insert is not allowed. For more
- information on how to enhance or customize this SQLBase error
- message, see the SQLBase Language Reference Manual, Chapter 11:
- Referential Integrity, in the section entitled "Enhancing
- SQLBase Error Messages".
- 00383 EXE CDR Zeile kann nicht gel÷scht werden, solange nicht alle untergeordneten abhΣngigen Zeilen gel÷scht wurden
- Reason: Delete of a row from a parent table when there are dependent
- rows in a dependent table.
- Remedy: None. Informational only. This delete violates an existing
- referential integrity contraint, therefore to maintain the
- integrity of the data this delete is not allowed. For more
- information on how to enhance or customize this SQLBase error
- message, see the SQLBase Language Reference Manual, Chapter 11:
- Referential Integrity, in the section entitled "Enhancing
- SQLBase Error Messages".
- 00384 EXE AMO Eine auf sich selbst verweisende Tabelle erlaubt nur eine INSERT... SELECT-Zeile
- Reason: The target table of the INSERT has foreign keys defined and one
- of them is self-referencing and the INSERT statement involves an
- INSERT with a nested subSELECT which returns multiple rows, so
- the INSERT operation is not permitted.
- Remedy: None. Informational only. The INSERT with a nested subSELECT
- may violate an existing referential integrity contraint,
- therefore to maintain the integrity of the data this INSERT is
- not allowed. For more information on how to enhance or
- customize this SQLBase error message, see the SQLBase Language
- Reference Manual, Chapter 11: Referential Integrity, in the
- section entitled "Enhancing SQLBase Error Messages".
- 00385 EXE UPO UPDATE Mit dem PrimΣrschlⁿssel kann nicht mehr als eine Spalte aktualisiert werden
- Reason: The specified UPDATE statement involves the updating of the
- primary key and the updating of multiple rows at one time.
- Remedy: Update of a primary key is must be done one row at a time.
- 00386 EXE CUR Zeile kann nicht aktualisiert werden, bevor nicht alle abhΣngigen untergeordneten Zeilen gel÷scht wurden
- Reason: Attempting to update rows in a parent table when there are
- dependent rows in a dependent table.
- Remedy: None. Informational only. You must delete all dependent rows
- before you can update the target row otherwise you will be
- violating an existing referential integrity contraint. For more
- information on how to enhance or customize this SQLBase error
- message, see the SQLBase Language Reference Manual, Chapter 11:
- Referential Integrity, in the section entitled "Enhancing
- SQLBase Error Messages".
- 00387 EXE NUI Bevor ein PrimΣrschlⁿssel hinzugefⁿgt werden kann, mu▀ ein entsprechender eindeutiger Index existieren
- Reason: Attempting to add a primary key and no suitable unique index has
- been found to use after the system scanned all available
- indexes.
- Remedy: Create an unique index on the column or columns to be included
- in the primary key. The column or columns making up the key
- must be unique and defined as NOT NULL.
- 00388 EXE AFU Das Hinzufⁿgen eines fremden Schlⁿssels hat nichtⁿbereinstimmende fremde Schlⁿsselwerte zur Folge
- Reason: Attempting to add a foreign key and the addition of this foreign
- key will cause unmatched foreign key values which would violate
- the referential integrity constraints.
- Remedy: A foreign key references a primary key in the same table or
- another table. To add the foreign key, verify and correct the
- values in the foreign key column or columns so that their values
- match the values in the primay key column or columns.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00390 EXE CCL Memodaten k÷nnen nicht verglichen werden
- Reason: Attempting a comparison on a LONG VARCHAR data element or
- attempting to use a LIKE clause with a LONG VARCHAR data type.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement and retry.
- 00391 EXE FUP RR oder CS-Sperre wird fⁿr SELECT FOR UPDATE-Anweisung ben÷tigt
- Reason: Trying to perform a SQL SELECT statement using the FOR UPDATE OF
- clause and the transaction is not in the DB2 compatible locking
- modes of Read Repeatibility (RR) or Cursor Stability (CS).
- Remedy: Use the lock isolation modes of Read Repeatibility (RR) or
- Cursor Stability (CS) when using the FOR UPDATE OF clause in the
- SQL SELECT statement.
- 00392 EXE NDR Kein DDL-Statement in Nur-Lesen-Datenbank
- Reason: SQL Data Definition Language statements are not allowed when
- operating with a READONLY database.
- Remedy: None. Informational only. To perform DDL statements on this
- database, you need to restart the database so READONLY database
- is disabled.
- 00393 EXE UEE Fⁿr diesen Fehler besteht bereits eine Benutzerfehlermeldung
- Reason: Performing an ALTER TABLE and trying to ADD a new user error for
- the specified error class and a user error already exists.
- Remedy: Perform an ALTER TABLE and MODIFY the existing user error for
- the specified error class rather than attempting to create a new
- user error when one already exists.
- 00394 EXE UEN Fⁿr diesen Fehler existiert keine Benutzerfehlermeldung
- Reason: Performing an ALTER TABLE and trying to DROP or MODIFY an
- existing user error for a specific error class and the user
- error does not exist.
- Remedy: None. Informational only. You cannot drop or modify a user
- error that does not exist. Verify that you have specified the
- correct user error number.
- 00395 EXE CDK PrimΣrschlⁿssel- oder Fremdschlⁿsselspalten k÷nnen nicht entfernt werden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 00396 EXE NUV UPDATE Privilege auf Views nicht m÷glich
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 00397 EXE CIR Kein Index auf der Basis der ROWID erlaubt
- Reason: Attempting to create an index on a table's ROWID.
- Remedy: None. You cannot create an index on a table's ROWID.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are errors that
- generally occur during database access.
- 00401 DBA COD Datenbank kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: The specified database cannot be opened. SQLBase cannot open
- the file named "x:\dbdir\dbname\dbname.DBS" where x:\dbdir is
- either the default, c:\SQLBASE, or modified with the DBDIR
- SQL.INI configuration keyword. In a multiuser network
- configuration, this error indicates that your network is working
- correctly, but the database system was unable to locate the
- specified database filename.
- This problem can also occur with a SQLGateway when you leave out
- the protocol type in the SERVERNAME parameter that the client
- uses to communicate with the gateway (i.e. SQLNBIOS).
- won't allow a remote client process (using SQLNBIOS on the LAN
- to communicate with the SQLGateway machine) to connect to the
- SQLGateway machine.
- Remedy: Verify a database file exists with a operating system directory
- command: "DIR x:\dbdirname\dbname\dbname.DBS". The default
- drive letter and dbdirname is c:\SQLBASE unless overridden with
- a DBDIR SQL.INI configuration keyword parameter. Verify that
- the DBDIR configuration keyword is not missing or pointing to a
- wrong database directory. Verify that the DBNAME configuration
- keyword is specified for the named database. Verify that the
- SERVER configuration keyword is not missing or conflicting with
- other network server names. In your CONFIG.SYS file, verify
- that you have a least a 40 files set with the FILES=40
- parameter. If all of the above fails, try using a different
- database name or try connecting to the database in single user
- mode at the same machine. If you can connect with a local
- engine it probably indicates that a network configuration error
- exists. If you can connect with a new database name it probably
- indicates that the previous named database was never properly
- initialized.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00404 DBA IPW Ungⁿltiges Pa▀wort
- Reason: Attempting to connect to the database with a bad password.
- Remedy: Use a valid database name, user name, and password.
- 00405 DBA IUN Ungⁿltiger Benutzername
- Reason: Trying to connect to the database with an invalid user name.
- Remedy: Use a valid database name, user name, and password.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00407 DBA CAD Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (DBA CAD)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 00408 DBA DON Datenbank bereits ohne Wiederherstellung ge÷ffnet
- Reason: Attempting to connect to the database with recovery ON and the
- database server has already been connected to with recovery OFF.
- Remedy: None. It is recommended that recovery is always ON.
- 00409 DBA DOR Datenbank wurde bereits mit Wiederherstellung ge÷ffnet
- Reason: Attempting to connect to the database with recovery OFF and the
- database server has already been connected to with recovery ON.
- Remedy: None. It is recommended that recovery is always ON.
- 00410 DBA IDF Ungⁿltige Datenbankdatei
- Reason: The specified database cannot be opened. The version number of
- the specified database conflicts with the version of SQLBase
- software being used.
- Remedy: Verify that the version of the database file (.DBS) corresponds
- to the software version number.
- 00411 DBA IDB Ungⁿltiger Datenbankname
- Reason: A specified database name has been determined to be invalid.
- Remedy: A valid database file name must consist of one to eight
- characters. The file name is not allowed to have any invalid
- characters such as: . " / \ [ ] : | < > + = ; , and ASCII
- characters less than 20 hexadecimal. Additionally, the
- character "space" is consider invalid.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00414 DBA RIP Verbindungen nicht erlaubt, bis Wiederherstellen abgeschlossen ist
- Reason: Online restore is in progress, other connection to the database
- are not allowed until the restore operation is complete.
- Remedy: Wait until restore operation is complete.
- 00415 DBA REC Wiederherstellung ist in Arbeit
- Reason: Recovery operation is in progress, other connection to the
- database are not allowed until the recovery operation is
- complete.
- Remedy: Wait until the recovery operation is complete.
- 00416 DBA OUC Operation nicht erlaubt, solange andere Benutzer angeschlossen sind
- Reason: The operation attempting to be performed is not allowed while
- other users are connected to the SQLBase Server.
- Remedy: Try again later or have everyone disconnect from the SQLBase
- Server so that you can perform your operation.
- 00417 DBA CCD Datenbankdatei kann nicht angelegt werden
- Reason: Attempting to create a file and a failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the create failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of disk. Verify that sufficient disk space is
- available and verify that the number of files allowed open for
- the operating system permits the additional file, that is, check
- the FILES= configuration parameter setting.
- 00418 DBA SDN Wird gerade heruntergefahren
- Reason: The database is being shutdown, therefore no new users are
- allowed to connect to the SQLBase Server.
- Remedy: Try again later, the SQLBase Server is coming down.
- 00419 DBA ICM Inkompatibler Verbindungsmodus
- Reason: When connecting to a database, a check is made to see if the
- requested connect mode is compatible with other users' connect
- modes to the database. This error occurs because the requested
- connect mode conflicts with another user already connected to
- the database.
- Remedy: Wait and connect later or verify how other users are connected
- and attempt to connect in mode that is compatible with the
- existing users connected to the database. Possible conflicts
- could be:
- Current User Connect Modes Requested connect mode
- -------------------------- ----------------------
- No recovery connect Server connect
- Normal connect Server connect
- Read-only database connect Server connect
- Read-only database connect Recovery connect
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00421 DBA ISC Ungⁿltige Serververbindung
- Reason: The specified database server name is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct the database server name and retry again.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00423 DBA NRS Kein entfernter Server
- Reason: A server name has been specified for a local single user
- database engine.
- Remedy: Correct the server name specification. Server names are not
- necessary to communicate with a local database. If you are
- using the API, specify a pointer to a null terminator to
- indicate a null server name for a local database.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00425 DBA ROE Nur-Lesen-Modus wurde bereits aktiviert
- Reason: Attempting to enable Read-Only mode and the database is already
- in Read-Only mode.
- Remedy: None. The database is already a Read-Only database.
- 00426 DBA ROD Nur-Lesen-Modus wurde bereits deaktiviert
- Reason: Attempting to disable Read-Only mode and the database is not a
- Read-Only mode database.
- Remedy: None. The database is not a Read-Only mode database.
- 00427 DBA CCH History-Datei konnte auf Datenbank-Computer nicht angelegt werden
- Reason: Attempting to create a file and a failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the create failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of disk. Verify that sufficient disk space is
- available and verify that the number of files allowed open for
- the operating system permits the additional file, that is, check
- the FILES= configuration parameter setting.
- 00428 DBA IRS Ungⁿltige Parametereinstellung fⁿr READONLY-Transaktionswert
- Reason: Settine whether read-only transactions are allowed and the
- setting is something other than OFF (0), ON (1), or DEFAULT (2).
- Remedy: Use a proper read-only transaction option and resubmit.
- 00429 DBA DNB Datenbankname ist zu lang
- Reason: Specified database name exceeds 8 characters.
- Remedy: Correct specified database name.
- 00430 DBA NFS Kein freier Cursorslot beim Versuch, die Datenbank herunterzufahren, vorhanden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 00431 DBA CLF SΣubern von Protokolldateien beim Wiederherstellen vom Snapshot fehlgeschlagen
- Reason: The SQLBase system is trying to read the log files to be deleted
- from the log file directory and a failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Verify that the log file directory as specified by the SQL.INI
- configuration parameter LOGDIR exists and try again.
- 00432 DBA ISI Sortierinformationen stimmen in dieser Datenbank nicht ⁿberein. ▄berprⁿfen Sie die Datei SQL.INI
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 00433 DBA RDE Nur-Lesen-Datenbank wurde bereits aktiviert
- Reason: Attempting to enable a Read-Only database and the database is
- already a Read-Only database.
- Remedy: None. The database is already a Read-Only database.
- 00434 DBA RDD Nur-Lesen-Datenbank wurde bereits deaktiviert
- Reason: Attempting to disable a Read-Only database and the database is
- not a Read-Only database.
- Remedy: None. The database is not a Read-Only database.
- 00435 DBA TDM TEMPDIR mu▀ bestimmt werden, um auf Nur-Lesen-Datenbanken zugreifen zu k÷nnen
- Reason: Attempting to start or enable a Read-Only database and no
- TEMPDIR environment variable is set.
- Remedy: Enter the following line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
- TEMPDIR=C:\SQLBASE\databasename
- All the temporary files associated with a Read-Only database
- will then be stored in the TEMPDIR\databasename directory.
- 00436 DBA CTF TemporΣre Datei kann nicht angelegt werden
- Reason: Attempting to create a file and a failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the create failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of disk. Verify that sufficient disk space is
- available and verify that the number of files allowed open for
- the operating system permits the additional file, that is, check
- the FILES= configuration parameter setting.
- 00437 DBA ICP Codeseiten stimmen in dieser Datenbank nicht ⁿberein
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 00438 DBA CCT TemporΣre Datei kann nicht angelegt werden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 00439 DBA ILW Kleinschreibtabelle stimmt in dieser Tabelle nicht ⁿberein
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 00440 DBA IUP Gro▀schreibtabelle stimmt in dieser Tabelle nicht ⁿberein
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 00441 DBA NDB Database nicht vorhanden
- Reason: The specified database does not exist.
- Remedy: Create the specified database.
- 00442 DBA COF Database kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden; nicht genⁿgend file handles
- Reason: The specified database cannot be opened because the number
- of file handles needed to complete the open would exceed the
- number of file handles available. The file handles are
- provided by the operating envioronment, ie., DOS, Windows,
- OS/2.
- Remedy: Investigate why so many databases were previously being
- connected by your application(s). Reduce these connections
- to a minimum. Deinstalling one or more databases will also
- make more file handles available.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are errors that
- relate to database memory workspace.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00502 WSP CNA Arbeitsbereich kann nicht zugewiesen werden
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00504 WSP CRP Zeiger kann nicht relokalisiert werden
- Reason: This error indicates that a pointer which is part of a view or
- stored command cannot be relocated. This relocation happens
- when a view is referenced in a subsequent command or when a
- stored command is retrieved. The object that is being retrieved
- (either a view or a stored command) may be bad. A pointer
- stored in the view or stored command is no longer valid and
- therefore cannot be relocated. Also, the pointer might be good
- but the data structure used to relocate the pointer may be bad.
- Remedy: The problem can be resolved by dropping the view or restoring
- the stored command. Run a CHECK DATABASE to verify the
- integrity of the database.
- 00505 WSP WLE Arbeitsbereichsgrenzen ⁿberschritten
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- The errors in this section of the Error Guide are errors that generally
- relate to database dictionary operations.
- 00601 DIC ITN Tabelle wurde nicht angelegt
- Reason: Specified table name does not exist.
- Remedy: Submit the SQL statement with a correct (existing) table name.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00603 DIC ICN Ungⁿltige Spaltennummer
- Reason: A column has been specified by column number and the column
- number specified cannot be translated to an appropriate column
- name.
- Remedy: Specify a valid column number.
- 00604 DIC IIN Ungⁿltige Indexnummer
- Reason: Trying to execute a SQL EXPLAIN statement and SQLBase cannot
- find a particular index looking it up by index number.
- Remedy: If the EXPLAIN was bases on a STORED command, drop the stored
- command, restore it, and try the EXPLAIN again. If the EXPLAIN
- was following a compile of a SQL statement, run a CHECK DATABASE
- to verify the consistency of the database.
- 00605 DIC SYN Synonym existiert nicht
- Reason: Attempting to drop a synonym and the specified synonym name does
- not exist.
- Remedy: Specify a correct (existing) synonym name.
- The errors in this section of the Error Guide are errors that generally
- relate to database virtual input/output operations.
- 00701 VIO OCP Zuwenig Cachespeicherseiten
- Reason: Database cache is page buffers which can hold the most recently
- referenced database pages. The number of cache pages is
- specified by the CACHE configuration parameter in the SQL.INI
- file. Whenever a database page is accessed, SQLBase first
- locates a cache page for it. Sometimes the database page is
- already in cache. If the page is not already in the cache,
- SQLBase locates a free cache page and reads the database page
- into the cache page and then uses the cache page buffer to
- perform the desired operation. While SQLBase is performing
- operations on the cache page it refers to them as "inuse". Once
- SQLBase is done with the cache page, it is marked as "free".
- To locate free cache pages, SQLBase searches a LRU (least
- recently used) chain. If SQLBase goes thru the entire LRU chain
- and all pages are inuse, it waits and then gives this error
- message. If some user frees up a page while SQLBase is waiting,
- SQLBase uses that page.
- Remedy: There are various alternatives to avoiding this problem. One
- quick solution is to increase the number of CACHE pages.
- Another solution is to reduce the number of "inuse" cache pages
- by reducing the span of the active transactions. That is,
- COMMIT the transaction more often in the application programs.
- Also, try eliminating any unnecessary drivers at the database
- computer such as DOS16M settings, HIMEM.SYS, etc.
- 00702 VIO PNO Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (VIO PNO)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 00703 VIO IPN Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (VIO IPN)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 00704 VIO DUN Wiederherstellung fehlgeschlagen; Datenbank kann nicht wiederhergestellt werden
- Reason: The database has crashed with recovery turned OFF.
- Remedy: The database is unrecoverable. Backup the database to the most
- recent backup copy of the database. All transactions since the
- most recent backup will be losted.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00706 VIO CPO Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (VIO CPO)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 00707 VIO TBO Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (VIO TBO)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 00708 VIO NUR Keine Aktualisierung bei Nur-Lesen-Sperre
- Reason: Attempting an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE while in Read Only (RO)
- Locking Isolation Mode.
- Remedy: Change isolation mode setting to either Read Repeatibility (RR),
- Cursor Stability (CS), or Release Lock (RL) locking isolation
- mode before attempting to do an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.
- 00709 VIO BVC Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (VIO BVC)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 00710 VIO ILP Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (VIO ILP)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00712 VIO CAT Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (VIO CAT)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 00713 VIO CAF Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (VIO CAF)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 00714 VIO ILT Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (VIO ILT)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 00715 VIO RFI Rollforward wurde unterbrochen; Datenbanksicherung mu▀ wiederhergestellt werden
- Reason: A ROLLFORWARD operation was unexpectedly interrupted.
- Remedy: To restore the database, the RESTORE operation must be restarted
- from the beginning, again.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00718 VIO BKF Wiederhergestellte Sicherungsdatei ben÷tigt Wiederherstellung des Mediums; Verwenden Sie den Befehl ROLLFORWARD
- Reason: A restore of a backup file has failed.
- Remedy: The failed restore should be treated as if a media failure has
- occurred. Use media recovery techniques. Use the ROLLFORWARD
- command.
- 00719 VIO RFS Es kann nicht verbunden werden, bevor Rollforward abgeschlossen wurde. Verwenden Sie den Befehl ROLLFORWARD END
- Reason: A ROLLFORWARD operation has not been completed and a user is
- attempting to connect to the database.
- Remedy: Issue a ROLLFORWARD END command to complete the rollforward
- operation.
- 00720 VIO UCO Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (VIO UCO)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 00721 VIO DMO Zuviele Seiten fⁿr Demoprogramm zugewiesen
- Reason: The demonstation system that you are using from Gupta
- Technologies has exceeded the maximum number of pages allowed
- for demo purposes.
- Remedy: Reduce the size of the database or acquire a production version
- of the latest Gupta Technologies' software.
- 00722 VIO MIP Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (VIO MIP)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 00723 VIO NRD Keine Aktualisierungen bei Nur-Lesen-Datenbanken
- Reason: Cannot perform INSERTs, UPDATEs, DELETEs, or any other
- operations that change the database when operating with a Read
- Only database.
- Remedy: None. Informational Only. Read Only databases do not allow
- changes, query access is only allowed.
- 00724 VIO PMC Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (VIO PMC)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 00725 VIO ITP Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (VIO ITP)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for general
- database internal row munipulation operations.
- 00801 ROW END NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Ende der Aktion Einlesen
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00802 ROW ISA Datenseiten-Speicherplatz reicht nicht aus, um Spalte(n) zu aktualisieren
- Reason: Attempting to update a row where the size of the row has grown
- to exceed the maximum space available for this row in the data
- page and its extent pages.
- Remedy: Unload the table, drop the table, and recreate the table with a
- larger PCTFREE value, and then reload the table. A larger
- PCTFREE will allow more space on each data page for the growth
- of rows such as the one attempting to be updated.
- 00803 ROW UEP Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (ROW UEP)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 00804 ROW KTL Schlⁿsselwert ist zu gro▀
- Reason: The row key value exceeds 255 characters.
- Remedy: Modify the index being used or modify the ORDER BY or GROUP BY
- clause being used so the key does not exceed 255 characters.
- See the formula for computing the size of an index in the CREATE
- INDEX documentation of the SQL Language Reference Manual.
- 00805 ROW NUD Eindeutige Daten einfⁿgen oder aktualisieren schlie▀t die Bearbeitung von mehrfach eingetragenen Daten aus
- Reason: The target table of an INSERT or UPDATE operation is constrained
- (by a CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement) to have unique values in
- certain columns. Completion of the requested INSERT or UPDATE
- would result in duplicate values occurring in the row. If a
- view is the object of the INSERT or UPDATE statement, the table
- that defines the view is constrained. The update might also be
- caused by a DELETE operation of a parent row that cascades to a
- dependent row with a delete rule of SET NULL.
- Remedy: Examine the definitions for any UNIQUE INDEX indexes to
- determine the uniqueness constraints imposed. For an UPDATE
- statement, verify that the specified operation is consistent
- with the uniqueness constraint. If this does not indicate the
- error, examine the target table to determine the cause of the
- problem. For an INSERT statement, examine the target table to
- determine which values violate the uniqueness constraint. If
- the INSERT statement contains a subquery, match the contents of
- the table addressed by the subquery and the contents of the
- target table to determine the cause of the problem. For a
- DELETE statement, examine the index key columns in the table
- that defines the index. These columns contain a foreign key,
- which when set NULL on a cascade delete from the target table,
- causes the duplicate values.
- 00806 ROW IRI Ungⁿltige Zeilenkennung
- Reason: Application has submitted an invalid rowid while using the
- ROWID=<rowid> constraint in the where clause. SQLBase has
- determined that this rowid cannot be matched with any row
- within the database. Valid rowid's are retrieved using SELECT
- Remedy: Correct the rowid by retrieving the correct rowid using SELECT
- 00807 ROW IIC Index ist fehlerhaft
- Reason: The current operation is attempting to use an index that has
- been found to be corrupt.
- Remedy: Try to determine which index is corrupt. The EXPLAIN command
- may help diagnose which indexes were being used. Running a
- CHECK DATABASE may also flush out the corrupt index. Once you
- have identified the corrupt index, drop the index, and recreate
- it. Run CHECK DATABASE to verify the consistency of the
- database. And, finally, rerun the operation that was causing
- the corrupt index problem to occur.
- 00808 ROW UFA Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (ROW UFA)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 00809 ROW BPT CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (ROW BPT)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00810 ROW BSN CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW BPT)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00811 ROW FSB CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW FSB)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00812 ROW BSO CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW BSO)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00813 ROW BSL CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW BSL)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00814 ROW BRH CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW BRH)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00815 ROW MRH CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW MRH)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00816 ROW URH CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW URH)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00817 ROW BIT CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW BIT)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00818 ROW BIL CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW BIL)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00819 ROW BEM CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW BEM)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00820 ROW TMI CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW TMI)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00821 ROW TFI CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW TFI)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00822 ROW IOS CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW IOS)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00823 ROW SDT CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW SDT)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00824 ROW FDT CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW FDT)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00825 ROW BPL CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW BPL)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00826 ROW BEN CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW BEN)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00827 ROW BEB CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW BEB)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00828 ROW BRC CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW BRC)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00829 ROW BRN CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW BRN)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00830 ROW USL CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW USL)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00831 ROW BTP CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW BTP)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00832 ROW BRP CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW BRP)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00833 ROW RIF Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (ROW RIF)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 00834 ROW CKU UPDATE auf HASHED-CLUSTERINDEX-Schlⁿssel nicht m÷glich
- Reason: Cannot UPDATE any columns used in a clustered hash index.
- Remedy: Delete the row and re-insert the row with the new clustered
- hashed index values.
- 00835 ROW MHV CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen: Datenseite ist fehlerhaft (ROW MHV)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00836 ROW TNN HASHED-CLUSTEREINDEX mu▀ in einer leeren Tabelle angelegt werden
- Reason: A CREATE INDEX statement that specifies a clustered hashed index
- must be given after the CREATE TABLE statement and before any
- data is inserted into the table.
- Remedy: Unload the data. Delete the data. Create the clustered hashed
- index. Reload the data.
- 00837 ROW IVF NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Ungⁿltige Funktion
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00838 ROW RTL Anfangszeilengr÷▀e ist zu gro▀
- Reason: Row attempting to be insert is too large for the system. The
- number of columns and width of each column exceeds the maximum
- size available. The row length for a table cannot exceed the
- page size of the table space ih which that table resides (or is
- to reside).
- Remedy: Reevaluate the structure of table and determine if its possible
- to create multiple tables for the single table currently being
- used.
- 00839 ROW CNL Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (ROW CNL)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 00840 ROW CND Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (ROW CND)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 00841 ROW CNU Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (ROW CNU)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 00842 ROW PPN Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (ROW PPN)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 00843 ROW PEB Zeilenseitenfehler: Die Seite nach ebo hat einen Bitmap-Eintrag
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 00844 ROW BFP Zeilenseitenfehler: Fehlerhafte Nummer der ersten freien Seite
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 00845 ROW BLP CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen; Fehlerhafter Seitentap in Memoseite (ROW BLP)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 00846 ROW BLS CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen; Fehlerhafte MemodatenlΣnge (ROW BLS)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for general SQL
- parsing errors. These errors generally occur during the compile of a SQL
- statement and the statement violates the syntax for that SQL command.
- 00901 PRS CNE Befehl endet nicht korrekt
- Reason: The end of a SQL statement was unexpectedly determined.
- Remedy: Verify that the SQL statement syntax is correct and that the
- statement was not somehow truncated.
- 00902 PRS MFC FROM-Klausel fehlt
- Reason: The FROM clause is missing from a SELECT statement.
- Remedy: Verify that the FROM clause exists and that it is correctly
- entered after the select list, for example:
- SELECT columnnames FROM tablename ...
- 00903 PRS ICC Ungⁿltiger CREATE-Befehl
- Reason: The next keyword immediately following a CREATE verb is
- invalid.
- Remedy: Verify that the keyword immediately following the CREATE verb
- keyword is either TABLE, INDEX, UNIQUE (index), SYNONYM,
- PUBLIC (synonym), or VIEW.
- 00904 PRS MLP Linke Klammer fehlt
- Reason: A missing left parenthesis has been determined.
- Remedy: Check the syntax of the SQL statement to determine the missing
- left parenthesis.
- 00905 PRS MRP Rechte Klammer fehlt
- Reason: A missing right parenthesis has been determined.
- Remedy: Check the syntax of the SQL statement to determine the missing
- right parenthesis.
- 00906 PRS ITN Ungⁿltiger Tabellenname
- Reason: The table name is invalid.
- Remedy: Verify that the specified table name is valid.
- 00907 PRS ICN Ungⁿltiger Spaltenname
- Reason: The column name is invalid.
- Remedy: Verify that the specified column names are valid.
- 00908 PRS ICS Ungⁿltige CHAR-oder VARCHAR-Gr÷▀e
- Reason: Attempting to create or modify a column and the specified size
- exceeds 254 characters.
- Remedy: Modify statement so CHAR or VARCHAR size does not exceed 254
- characters.
- 00909 PRS INC Ungⁿltiges Zeichen
- Reason: The SQL parser has determined an invalid character while
- searching for quoted strings, numbers, keywords, and
- identifiers.
- Remedy: Verify that the SQL statement is correctly stated and that no
- invalid characters are present.
- 00910 PRS ITL Bezeichner zu lang
- Reason: An identifier exceeds 18 characters.
- Remedy: Correct the identifier that exceeds 18 characters.
- 00911 PRS MIK INTO-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: INTO keyword is missing from an INSERT statement.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. All INSERT statements begin
- "INSERT INTO tablename...".
- 00912 PRS MVK VALUES-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: VALUES keyword is missing from an INSERT statement.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00913 PRS NEV Die Anzahl der INSERT-Werte entspricht nicht der Anzahl der Zielspalten
- Reason: The number of columns specified in the INSERT statement does
- not match the number of values specified in the VALUES clause.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement. The number of columns exceeds the
- number of values. Specify one and only one value for each of
- the specified object columns.
- 00914 PRS IBV Ungⁿltige Bindevariable
- Reason: A bind variable, identified because it follows a colon, has
- been determined as invalid.
- Remedy: Check that each bind variable is either a number or valid
- identifier.
- 00915 PRS IVC Ungⁿltige Konstante
- Reason: An invalid constant has been determined.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00916 PRS QNE Angegebene Zeichenkette endet nicht korrekt
- Reason: A quoted string has not been properly terminated.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00917 PRS ISC Ungⁿltiger SQL-Befehl
- Reason: The SQL statement verb is invalid.
- Remedy: Verify that the first keyword is a valid SQL statement verb.
- 00918 PRS TMV Anzahl der INSERT-Werte ⁿbersteigt die Anzahl der Zielspalten
- Reason: The number of columns specified in the INSERT statement does
- not match the number of values specified in the VALUES clause.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement. The number of values exceeds the
- number of columns. Specify one and only one value for each of
- the specified object columns.
- 00919 PRS QTL Angegebene Zeichenkette zu lang
- Reason: A quoted string is longer than 254 characters.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00920 PRS MES Gleichheitszeichen fehlt
- Reason: An equal sign is missing in an UPDATE statement.
- Remedy: Correct UPDATE statement. The SET clause within an UPDATE
- statement has the general form of
- SET column-name = expression
- 00921 PRS IVO Ungⁿltiger Operator
- Reason: An invalid operator has been determined. The SQL parser was
- attempting to parse a boolean factor when it discovered this
- invalid operator.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00922 PRS MCP Klammer oder Komma fehlt
- Reason: A missing comma or parenthesis has been determined in an INSERT
- statement.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00923 PRS MSE SET-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: A SET keyword is missing in an UPDATE statement.
- Remedy: Correct UPDATE statement. The SET clause within an UPDATE
- statement has the general form of
- SET column-name = expression
- 00924 PRS CST Spalte wurde mehr als einmal bestimmt
- Reason: A SQL statement is attempting to create a table or view, perform
- an insert or update, rename a column, or use the ORDER BY or
- GROUP BY clause and the same column name is specified for two
- (or more) columns.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement to specify unique names for each of
- the columns.
- 00925 PRS MFK FROM-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: A SQL statement is attempting to revoke user privileges FROM
- a specific table, revoke connect, DBA, or resource authority
- FROM users, or is deleting rows FROM a specified table and has
- failed to properly specify the FROM keyword.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00926 PRS MNK NULL-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: The keyword NULL has been determined to be missing.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00927 PRS MOK ON-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: A SQL statement is attempting to grant user privileges ON a
- table, create an index ON a table, or comment ON a table or
- column and has failed to properly specify the ON keyword.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00928 PRS MBK BY-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: A SQL statement is using the ORDER BY clause, GROUP BY clause,
- or granting connect authority to users IDENTIFIED BY passwords
- and the BY keyword was not properly specified.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00929 PRS IDC Ungⁿltiger DROP-Befehl
- Reason: The next keyword immediately following a DROP verb is invalid.
- Remedy: Verify that the keyword immediately following the DROP verb
- keyword is either TABLE, SYNONYM, PUBLIC (synonym), VIEW or
- 00930 PRS IIN Ungⁿltiger Indexname
- Reason: The index name specified in a CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX, DROP
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. An index name can be a qualified or
- unqualified long identifier. The qualified form is an
- userid followed by a period and a long identifier. An
- unqualified index name in a SQL statement is implicitly
- qualified by the userid of the user who issued the statement.
- 00931 PRS IVD Ungⁿltige(s) Datum und/oder Zeit
- Reason: An invalid date was determined in the SQL statement.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00932 PRS TMC Zuviele Spalten bestimmt
- Reason: Attempting to execute a CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, or ALTER
- TABLE to add columns and the number of columns exceeds the
- maximum (254) number of columns allowed for any table or view.
- Remedy: Modify the SQL statement so it does not exceed the maximum (254)
- number of columns allowed.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00934 PRS IVN Ungⁿltige Zahl
- Reason: The database is attempting to parse a number in a SQL statement
- and is finding the number to be invalid.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00936 PRS IAO Ungⁿltige ─nderungsoption
- Reason: The keyword expected immediately after the ALTER verb keyword
- is expected to be TABLE.
- Remedy: Correct ALTER SQL statement. The proper syntax should begin:
- ALTER TABLE tablename ...
- 00937 PRS SFN Set-Funktion ist hier nicht erlaubt
- Reason: A set function was found that is not allowed in conjuction with
- the current nesting level and various set function rules.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00939 PRS IAS Ungⁿltiger Stern
- Reason: While parsing a SELECT statement the system has determined an
- invalid asterisk.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00940 PRS ITA Ungⁿltige <Tabelle>.*
- Reason: An invalid tablename.* has been determined.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00941 PRS MAK AND-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: The AND keyword is missing from a BETWEEN predicate clause.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. The BETWEEN predicate clause has the
- general syntax of:
- expression [NOT] BETWEEN expression AND expression
- 00942 PRS AWC Stern ist nur mit COUNT erlaubt
- Reason: An asterisk has been found in a function and the function is
- not the COUNT(*) function.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00943 PRS MTK TO-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting to GRANT authority TO a user or attempting to ALTER
- an old password TO a new password and the TO keyword is missing.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00944 PRS UST Doppelte Benutzernamen in Liste gefunden
- Reason: While parsing the list a users, the same user name has been
- found to appear more than once.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00945 PRS IPW Ungⁿltiges Pa▀wort
- Reason: Attempting to grant connect authority to a user or attempting
- to change a password and the one of the specified passwords has
- been found to be invalid.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00947 PRS IUN Ungⁿltiger Benutzername
- Reason: Attempting to grant connect authority to any number of users and
- one of the specified usernames has been found to be invalid.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00948 PRS IPR Ungⁿltige Rechte wurden bestimmt
- Reason: Attempting to grant table privileges and one of the specified
- privileges is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. Valid privileges are ALL, SELECT,
- 00949 PRS MID IDENTIFIED-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting to grant connect authority to a user or users and
- the keyword IDENTIFIED is missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. The grant connect authority syntax is:
- GRANT CONNECT TO authorization-id IDENTIFIED BY password
- 00950 PRS MIS IS-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a COMMENT ON statement and the keyword IS is missing
- or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. The COMMENT ON syntax is:
- COMMENT ON TABLE tablename IS string-constant
- or
- COMMENT ON COLUMN columnname IS string-constant
- 00951 PRS COM Ungⁿltiger COMMENT-Befehl
- Reason: Attempting a COMMENT ON statement and the COMMENT ON TABLE
- keywords are not immediately followed by a table name or view
- name, or the COMMENT ON COLUMN is not immediately followed by a
- column name.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00952 PRS MDK Datentyp-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE to add or modify a
- column and the data type specified is misspelled or missing.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. Check valid data types in the SQL
- Language Reference Guide.
- 00953 PRS MTN Tabellenname fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a COMMENT ON COLUMN tablename.columnname or
- viewname.columnname and the tablename or viewname is missing.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- Reason: Attempting a GROUP BY clause under an EXISTS predicate clause.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. The EXISTS predicate tests for the
- existence of certain rows in a table. The testing of existence
- cannot be grouped.
- 00955 PRS MSC Die SELECT-Klausel der Unterabfrage bestimmt mehrere Spalten
- Reason: In the context in which it was used in the SQL statement, the
- subquery can have only one column specified in its SELECT clause
- because this is not an EXISTS subselect and because it uses
- multiple columns.
- Remedy: Correct the syntax of the SQL statement. Refer to the SQL
- Language Reference Manual for information about restrictions on
- the syntax for subqueries.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00957 PRS IUI Ungⁿltige UNION
- Reason: Attempting a UNION of two SELECT statements and the second
- SELECT statement is missing.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00958 PRS SSR Unterauswahl wird ben÷tigt
- Reason: Attempting a subselect but the first keyword after the left
- parenthesis is not a SELECT keyword. It may be missing or just
- misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00959 PRS IWC Ungⁿltiger Wartecode
- Reason: Attempting a WAIT or POST command and the event number specified
- is invalid or missing.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. The WAIT or POST command has the general
- form of WAIT n or POST n where n is some valid integer.
- 00960 PRS MFO FOR-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE SYNONYM statement or a ALTER TABLE statement
- for user specified referential integrity errors and the FOR
- keyword is either missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. See the SQL Language Reference Manual
- for information on the syntax of the CREATE SYNONYM statement
- and the ALTER TABLE statement for user specified referential
- integrity errors.
- 00961 PRS ISN Ungⁿltiger SYNONYM-Name
- Reason: Attempting to create or drop a synonym and the specified synonym
- name is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. A synonym name can be any long
- identifier that designates a table or view. A synonym name can
- be used wherever a table name or view name could be used to
- reference a table or view.
- 00962 PRS MSL SELECT-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE VIEW and the SELECT keyword is missing or
- misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. The create view has a general form of:
- CREATE VIEW viewname (colnames) AS SELECT...
- 00963 PRS BNV Bindevariabble ist in Ansicht nicht erlaubt
- Reason: Attempting to create a view and the select statement has bind
- variables.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. Bind variables are not allowed in a
- select statement when creating a view.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00965 PRS TMP Anzahl der Pa▀w÷rter ⁿberstiegt die Anzahl der Benutzernamen
- Reason: The number of passwords exceed the number usernames.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. The number of usernames and passwords
- must be equal.
- 00966 PRS DIN Begrenzender Bezeichner nicht beendet
- Reason: A delimited string is not properly ended.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00967 PRS DIL Begrenzender Bezeichner zu lang
- Reason: A delimited string is too long.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00968 PRS TMO Zuviele Operanden
- Reason: Too many operands have been found in an expression.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00969 PRS NEO Nicht genⁿgend Operanden
- Reason: Not enough operands have been found in an expression.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00970 PRS CCN CURRENT OF-Cursor nicht erlaubt
- Reason: Attempting to use a CURRENT OF cursorname clause in a WHERE
- clause and it is not allowed.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. The CURRENT OF cursorname clause is
- only allowed in a DELETE and an UPDATE statement.
- 00971 PRS MOF OF-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a CURRENT OF cursorname clause and the OF keyword
- immediately following the CURRENT keyword is either missing or
- misspelled. Or, attempting an ALTER TABLE statement for
- referential integrity user errors and the mandatory OF keyword
- is either missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00972 PRS ICU Ungⁿltiger CURRENT OF-Cursorname
- Reason: Attempting an UPDATE or DELETE with a CURRENT OF cursorname
- clause and the cursor name is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00973 PRS OCU ORDER BY ist mit mit UNION in Spalte nicht erlaubt
- Reason: Attempting an ORDER BY clause in a UNION and the order by column
- has been specified by column name rather than by integer.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. An ORDER BY clause may be used to sort
- the final result of rows from the UNION of two (or more) tables.
- When an ORDER BY clause is used with a UNION, you must use an
- integer specifying the sequence number of the column in the
- select list. Refer to the section on the SELECT statement in
- the SQL Language Reference Guide for further information on the
- ORDER BY clause.
- 00974 PRS MBR Leiste fehlt
- Reason: A missing bar (|) has been determined while parsing an
- expression.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00975 PRS IPE Ungⁿltige Dezimalgenauigkeit
- Reason: The precision for the data type of DECIMAL or DEC is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. Columns declared as DECIMAL or DEC are
- always associated with a particular precision and scale.
- Precision is the total number of digits and scale is the number
- of fractional decimal digits. If precision and scale are not
- specified, SQLBase uses a default precision of 5 and a default
- scale of 0.
- 00976 PRS ISA Ungⁿltige Dezimalskala
- Reason: The scale for the data type of DECIMAL or DEC is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. Columns declared as DECIMAL or DEC are
- always associated with a particular precision and scale.
- Precision is the total number of digits and scale is the number
- of fractional decimal digits. If precision and scale are not
- specified, SQLBase uses a default precision of 5 and a default
- scale of 0.
- 00977 PRS MKK CHECK-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE VIEW viewname AS select WITH CHECK OPTION
- and the keyword CHECK immediately following the keyword WITH is
- either missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL CREATE VIEW statement.
- 00978 PRS MSK AS-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting either a CREATE VIEW or a CREATE DBAREA and the AS
- keyword is missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00979 PRS PSR Pluszeichen wird fⁿr Outer join ben÷tigt
- Reason: Attempting to use the outer join syntax in a select statement
- and a plus sign (+) should immediately follow a column name.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00980 PRS IOJ Unerlaubte Outer join-Spezifikation
- Reason: Attempting an outer join in a select statement there are not
- exactly two operands, or not both column operands, or there is
- not a relational operator causing this to be an illegal outer
- join specification.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00982 PRS CUM Benutzernamen mⁿssen fⁿr Tabelle und Ansicht ⁿbereinstimmen
- Reason: Trying to create an index and the user name qualifying the index
- name does not match the user name qualifying the table name.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. Verify that the user names qualifying
- both the index name and user name are the same and not
- misspelled. An unqualified user name defaults to the user name
- attempting to create the index.
- 00983 PRS FNA Funktion in CREATE INDEX nicht erlaubt
- Reason: Attempting to create an index and the specified function is not
- allowed.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. Not all @functions may be used to create
- an index. For the complete list of @function allowed, see
- CREATE INDEX in the SQL Language Reference Guide.
- 00984 PRS MBF Mu▀ eine Spaltenfunktion sein
- Reason: Attempting to create an index and using a function that is not
- being applied to a column.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. An index can be created for a set of
- column values resulting from applying an @function to the
- column. Functions in a create index cannot be nested. The
- @function used for the index may have only one argument that is
- a database column. Not all @functions may be used to create an
- index. For the complete list of @function allowed, see CREATE
- INDEX in the SQL Language Reference Guide.
- 00985 PRS MPK PRECISION-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting to create or modify a column with a data type of
- DOUBLE PRECISION and the keyword PRECISION is missing or
- misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00986 PRS IFN Ungⁿltige Floatzahl
- Reason: Trying to create or modify a column with a data type of FLOAT
- and the format has been specified but with an invalid number.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. The data type for float can have the
- form of FLOAT or FLOAT(integer). A FLOAT number can be an
- integer between 1 and 21 inclusive if specifying a single
- precision floating point number. A number between 22 and 53
- inclusive means that the format is of double precision floating
- point. If the integer is omitted, double precision is assumed.
- 00987 PRS IVW Ungⁿltiger Ansichtname
- Reason: Attempting to create a view and the view name is not a valid
- long identifier.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. A qualified or unqualified name that
- can designate a view. The unqualified form of a view name is a
- long identifier. The qualified form is an authorization-id
- followed by a period and a long identifier. An unqualified
- view name in a SQL statement is implicitly qualified by the
- authorization-id of the user who issues the statement.
- 00988 PRS PMB PCTFREE mu▀ eine Integer zwischen 0 und 99 sein
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE INDEX or CREATE TABLE and the specified
- PCTFREE parameter is either not a valid integer or specifies an
- integer less than zero or greater than 99 percent.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00990 PRS ILC Ungⁿltige LABEL ON-Anweisung
- Reason: Attempting a SQL LABEL ON statement has incorrect syntax.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. Check the SQL Language Reference Manual
- for information on the LABEL ON statement. Possible problems
- include an invalid keyword or identifier after the LABEL ON
- keywords, or specifying conflicting usernames, conflicting
- tablenames, or an asterisk instead of fully specifying the
- column names, or the string-constant specified after the IS
- keyword is invalid.
- 00991 PRS ILP Ungⁿltiges LIKE-PrΣdikat
- Reason: Odd number of backslash (\) escape characters at the end of the
- LIKE predicate.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 00992 PRS IRE NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Ungⁿltiger Reparaturtyp
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 00993 PRS SIM Speicherpunkt-Bezeichner fehlt
- Reason: A long identifier is required immediately after a SAVEPOINT
- statement.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 00994 PRS ICQ Ungⁿltige(r) Bezeichner fⁿr dieses Objekt
- Reason: UNIQUE, CLUSTERED, and/or HASHED have been specified on a CREATE
- statement that is NOT a CREATE INDEX statement.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement. UNIQUE, CLUSTERED, and/or HASHED can
- only be specified on a CREATE INDEX statement.
- 00995 PRS BSZ ungeeignete SIZE-Bestimmung
- the SIZE specification is either not a valid numeric integer or
- less than zero.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 00996 PRS SZD GR╓SSE ist nur fⁿr CLUSTERED-HASHED-Indizes erlaubt
- Reason: The SIZE clause is only relevant for clustered hashed indexes in
- the CREATE INDEX statement.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 00997 PRS SZN SIZE-Klausel wird fⁿr CLUISTERED-HASHED-Indizes ben÷tigt
- Reason: The SIZE clause is required for CLUSTERED HASHED indexes.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement. The SIZE clause controls the
- anticipated size of the index and is specified as a number of
- rows. If the size is too small, overflow pages are used and
- performance degrades. If the size is too large, but disk space
- is wasted. This clause is only relevant and required when the
- CLUSTERED HASHED clause is specified.
- 00998 PRS ONA ASC/DESC ist bei der Anlage von CLUSTERES-HASHED-Indizes nicht erlaubt
- Reason: The ASCending or DESCending options are not allowed when
- creating a HASHED CLUSTERED index. The ASC/DESC option is only
- relevant for B-tree type indexes and not hashed indexes.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL CREATE INDEX statement.
- 00999 PRS NCH HASHED-Indizes mⁿssen CLUSTERED-Indizes sein
- Reason: A HASHED index must also be defined as CLUSTERED.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL CREATE INDEX statement.
- 01000 PRS MOP OPTION-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE VIEW viewname AS select WITH CHECK OPTION
- and the keyword OPTION immediately following the keyword CHECK
- is either missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL CREATE VIEW statement.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors
- relating to the edit of nested SQL functions.
- 01001 EDT NSG Verschachtelte Set-Funktion ohne GROUP BY
- Reason: The SQL statement contains a nested set function in the SELECT
- clause, but no GROUP BY clause.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement. Refer to the SQL Language Reference
- Manual for information about the use of GROUP BY clauses in SQL
- statements.
- 01002 EDT NGC Keine GROUP BY-Spalte
- Reason: A column in the SELECT column list that is not an aggregate set
- function is not in the GROUP BY list. Or, a column in the
- SELECT column list that is an aggregate set function that yields
- a single value is in the GROUP BY list and cannot be grouped.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement. If the column by which a grouping
- occurs is an expression (but not an aggregate function), you
- must specify a number that indicates its relative position in
- the SELECT column list. Aggregate functions, since they yield
- one value, cannot be GROUP BY columns. If using a GROUP BY
- clause, each column in the SELECT list must be listed in the
- GROUP BY clause or each column in the SELECT list must be used
- in an aggregate set function that yields a single value.
- 01003 EDT NSS Keine Einzelwert-Set-Funktion
- Reason: A SELECT statement with no GROUP BY clause contains a column
- name and a function in the select list clause or a column name
- is contained in the select list clause but not in the GROUP BY
- clause.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL SELECT statement.
- 01004 EDT ICN Integer in ORDER BY/GROUP BY identifiziert keine gⁿltige Spalte
- Reason: A GROUP BY or ORDER BY clause specifies the columns to GROUP BY
- or ORDER BY by number. The number specified does not correspond
- to a column in the select list. The ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause
- in the SQL statement contains a column number that is either
- less than one, or greater than the number of columns of the
- result table (the number of items in the SELECT clause).
- Remedy: Correct the syntax of the ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause such that
- each column identifier properly denotes a column of the result
- table.
- 01005 EDT VCU Ansichtspalte nicht aktualisierbar
- Reason: Attempting to INSERT or UPDATE via a view and a column has been
- determined to be non-updatable.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL INSERT or UPDATE statement. See CREATE VIEW in
- the SQL Language Reference Manual for a complete explanation of
- what can make a column non-updatable.
- 01006 EDT MNE Operanden der UNION-Anweisung haben nicht die gleiche Spaltenanzahl
- Reason: The operands of a UNION or UNION ALL must have the same number
- of columns.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement so that there are exactly the same
- number of columns in each operand.
- 01007 EDT MTE Nichtⁿbereinstimmung in Typen der SELECT-Ausdrⁿcke
- Reason: Attempting a SQL SELECT statement with a UNION and corresponding
- columns of the two SELECTs have different data types, different
- lengths (if not numeric), or the NOT NULL attributes of two
- fields are not consistent.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL SELECT statement so that each column of the
- SELECT statements have the same data type with the same lengths
- and so that each column defined as NOT NULL in one SELECT
- statement corresponds to another NOT NULL column in the other
- SELECT statement.
- 01008 EDT LNA Memo ist hier nicht erlaubt
- Reason: Attempting to order or sort a LONG VARCHAR column.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement. LONG VARCHAR columns cannot be
- ordered or sorted.
- 01009 EDT DKL DISTINCT-Schlⁿssel zu lang
- Reason: The resulting DISTINCT key is too long. The DISTINCT key length
- is computed by summing the maximum length plus one of each
- column forming the key.
- Remedy: Modify the SQL statement so that the DISTINCT does not exceed
- the maximum length of 255 characters. Columns used in the
- DISTINCT key length computation include not only columns in the
- SELECT list but also columns mentioned in the ORDER BY clause
- that are not present in the SELECT list.
- 01010 EDT MTF Objekt (Tabelle/Ansicht) von INSERT oder UPDATE auch in FROM-Klausel
- Reason: A SQL INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement is illegally
- self-referencing. The object table being modified is also the
- source table in the FROM clause.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 01011 EDT TMS Zuviele Felder werden selektiert
- Reason: A SELECT statement is attempting to select too many items.
- There is an upper limit of 255 on the number of items that
- can be selected in a SELECT statement.
- Remedy: Reduce the number of items being selected in the SELECT
- statement.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for general SQL
- security type errors.
- 01101 SEC UAE Benutzer existiert bereits
- Reason: Attempting to grant connect authority to a new user and the
- user name already exists.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement. Verify the existence of established
- users by looking at the SYSUSERAUTH table.
- 01102 SEC SVI Sicherheitsversto▀
- Reason: Attempting to access a table when authority has not been
- granted to use the specified table.
- Remedy: Obtain proper authority before attempting to access the
- specified table.
- 01103 SEC NGA Kein Vergaberecht
- Reason: Attempting to grant DBA or resource authority when the user
- does not have these authority to perform this grants.
- Remedy: The only SYSADM cannot perform the granting of DBA or resource
- authority.
- 01104 SEC UNE Benutzer existiert nicht
- Reason: Attempting to alter a user's password or grant DBA or resource
- authority to a user that does not exist.
- Remedy: Verify that the user exists and that the user name is not
- misspelled. Verify that the user exists by looking at the
- 01105 SEC UAD Benutzer hat bereits DBA-Rechte
- Reason: Attempting to grant DBA authority to a user and the user
- already has DBA authority.
- Remedy: None. No need to grant DBA authority to a user that already
- has DBA authority.
- 01106 SEC UAR Benutzer hat bereits RESOURCE-Rechte
- Reason: Attempting to grant resource authority to a user and the user
- already has resource authority.
- Remedy: None. No need to grant resource authority to a user that
- already has resource authority.
- 01107 SEC DCU DBA-Rechte werden ben÷tigt, um eine Tabelle/Ansicht fⁿr einen anderen Benutzer anzulegen
- Reason: Attempting to create a table or view for another user and the
- user attempting this operation does not have DBA authority.
- Remedy: None. A user cannot create a table or view for another user
- unless they have DBA authority to do so.
- 01108 SEC IOP Ungⁿltiges oder altes Pa▀wort
- Reason: Attempting an ALTER PASSWORD and the old password specified is
- not the current old password.
- Remedy: Correct old password. You must know the correct old password in
- order to modify the password.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for general
- Application Interface Programming errors.
- 01201 API ICS Ungⁿltige Spalte wurde bestimmt
- Reason: An invalid column number has specified in an sqlssb, sqldes,
- sqlfqn, sqlgfi, sqllab, or sqlgls function call. Compare the
- column number specified with the SELECT statement. Note that
- column numbers are relative to the position of the columns in
- the select list clause and are not in anyway related to the
- position in the CREATE TABLE statement. For example, if a table
- is created with the following statement:
- and a select is compiled like:
- then one set select buffer call would be needed to set up a
- buffer using a column number of 1 for the column named C.
- Remedy: Modify function call.
- 01202 API MOO Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (API MOO)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error. But, it may have been caused because
- the client workstation application is running under an
- environment like OS/2 and it used multiple threads that
- submitted multiple API requests when the API is a single
- threaded operation. That is, the API expects that a message is
- sent and an answer received before another message is sent.
- This error may have occured because the application sent a
- second message to the database computer without receiving an
- answer from the first message.
- Remedy: Stop all database activity and run a CHECK DATABASE. If a
- FAIL.SQL file is found, save it. If your application is
- submitted multiple requests to the application without waiting
- for replies from the database computer, correct this problem.
- Otherwise, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 01203 API CSM Kein Speicherplatz mehr beim Client vorhanden (API CSM)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 01205 API ITL Bindevariable ist zu lang
- Reason: One of the bind variable names is greater than 18 characters.
- Remedy: Correct the bind variable name.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 01207 API IID Ungⁿltiger oder fehlender Bezeichner
- Reason: Attempting an INSERT with an ADJUSTING CURSOR cursor name
- clause and the cursor name is too big or invalid.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 01209 API BDR Sicherungsverzeichnis mu▀ ein vollstΣndiger Pfadname sein
- Reason: The specified backup directory has been found not to be a
- non-null rooted pathname.
- Remedy: Correct backup directory so that it is a non-null rooted
- pathname.
- 01210 API DBN Datenbankname mu▀ spezifiziert werden
- Reason: The database name has not been specified attempting to perform
- Remedy: Specify a valid database name when doing a INSTALL DATABASE.
- 01211 API BIF NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Masseneingabepuffer ist voll
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 01212 API IDV Ungⁿltige Datenbankversion
- Reason: The application is using mismatching versions of software or the
- database version does not correspond to the software.
- Remedy: Verify that the software and database are from the same release
- of SQLBase.
- 01213 API BAC Pufferausfⁿhrungs-und Autoⁿbertragen-Modus k÷nnen nicht gleichzeitig eingeschaltet sein
- Reason: Cannot enable Bulk execute mode and autocommit mode
- simultaneously.
- Remedy: Disable autocommit mode before trying to enable bulk execute
- mode OR disable bulk execute mode before trying to enable
- autocommit mode.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for general
- Message Front End error messages.
- 01301 MFE IMO Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (MFE IMO)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 01302 MFE IVC Ungⁿltige Cursorzahl
- Reason: An invalid cursor number has been used in the current API
- function call.
- Remedy: Verify that the cursor being used has already been connected to
- successfully. A frequent mistake is to call a common error
- routine in the application program when a failure occurs on the
- connect operation. The common error routine then performs a
- error lookup using the get return code (sqlrcd) function call
- which uses a cursor number that has not yet been connected to.
- 01303 MFE NCO nicht verbunden
- Reason: Attempting to use a cursor that has not been succesfully
- connected to the database.
- Remedy: Use a cursor only after it has been successfully connected to
- the database.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 01306 MFE CAM Kein Speicherplatz mehr beim Client vorhanden (MFE CAM)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- 01307 MFE IFC Ungⁿltiger Funktionscode
- Reason: The function code received by the database system is not valid.
- Remedy: Verify that the software from Gupta Technologies does not
- consist of mismatching version numbers. Check that your
- application is not clobbering the memory destroying the message
- sent to the database system.
- 01308 MFE OLS Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (MFE OLS)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 01309 MFE CAO Kein Speicherplatz mehr beim Client vorhanden (MFE CAO)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- 01310 MFE RWF NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Zeile pa▀t nicht in Meldungspuffer
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 01311 MFE CAN Transaktion abgebrochen
- Reason: The transaction was cancelled asynchronously from a different
- thread which performed a cancel operation.
- Remedy: Determine why the cancel operation was performed by the other
- transaction.
- 01312 MFE TRM Transaktion beendet
- Reason: The transaction was terminated because the database server
- program was instructed to terminate.
- Remedy: Determine why the database server has been brought down.
- 01313 MFE OOM Kein weiterer Speicherplatz mehr beim Client vorhanden (MFE OOM)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- 01314 MFE BLK Fehler beim Einfⁿgen
- Reason: An insert error has occurred operating in Bulk Execute Mode.
- One or more rows have not been inserted because of an error
- attempting to insert the rows.
- Remedy: In bulk execute mode, inserts are done repeated until filling
- the bulk execute buffer and then all of the inserts are sent to
- the database simulatenously. If this error occurs, the
- application needs to check each bulk execute return code with
- the API function call sqlber to determine which rows were not
- inserted.
- 01315 MFE DBD Datenbank wurde heruntergefahren. Bitte trennen Sie die Verbindung
- Reason: Attempting to connect to the database but the database server is
- being or has been shutdown.
- Remedy: None. Try connecting later when the database server is back up.
- 01316 MFE NET Fehler beim ▄berprⁿfen des Netzwerks (back end)
- Reason: A network transmission problem has occurred while operating with
- NETCHECK=1. A network transmission error was detected at the
- database server. When the database server detects the network
- transmission problem it will try to recover from the error. An
- informational message, "Back end sends NAK" is displayed. For
- an unrecoverable message, an error message "Back end detects
- mismatched checksum" is displayed on the F2 screen and this
- error is return to the client workstation if the message can be
- sent to the client.
- Remedy: Try again to see if the error is reproducible. If reproducible,
- try the same scenario on another client workstation computer to
- double check if the problem is reproducible regardless of client
- workstations. If the problem is reproducible on any client
- workstation, then the network hardware problem may be at the
- database server computer. Switching database server machines
- may also help to diagnose the problem. Check for loose cabling.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for general SQL
- dictionary look up errors.
- 01401 DLU ICN Ungⁿltiger Spaltenname
- Reason: An invalid column has been used in the select list.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 01402 DLU ACR Doppeldeutiger Spaltenverweis
- Reason: Column is already defined.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 01403 DLU ITN Ungⁿltiger Tabellenname
- Reason: An invalid table name has been determined while attempting to
- lookup the columns for the specified table.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 01404 DLU MNV Nichtⁿbereinstimmung in Werteanzahl
- Reason: Attempting an INSERT with a nested subselect and the number of
- columns in the select statement does not correspond to the
- number of columns in the insert statement.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 01406 DLU VNA Ansicht ist hier nicht erlaubt
- Reason: A view is not allowed here.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 01407 DLU CUV Ansicht kann nicht aktualisiert werden
- Reason: Attempting to update through a view that is a read only view.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 01409 DLU ARV Doppeldeutige Verwendung von ROWID mit einer Spalte
- Reason: Attempting to use a ROWID with a view and a table.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 01410 DLU OOJ Nur eine Outer-join-Tabelle ist erlaubt
- Reason: Only one outer join is allowed per SELECT.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 01411 DLU ICF Einfⁿgespalten mⁿssen alle Fremdschlⁿsselspalten enthalten
- Reason: Attempting an INSERT a row and columns participating in the
- foreign key are not among the columns being inserted.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement. All foreign key columns must be
- inserted.
- 01412 DLU ICP Einfⁿgespalten mⁿssen alle PrimΣrschlⁿsselspalten enthalten
- Reason: Attempting to INSERT a row and columns participating in the
- primary key are not among the columns being inserted.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement. All primary key columns must be
- inserted.
- 01413 DLU PTI ▄bergeordnete Tabelle ist nicht komplett
- Reason: Attempting to create a foreign key on an incomplete table.
- Remedy: Create the unique index on the primary key so that the table is
- considered complete before trying to create any foreign keys.
- 01414 DLU DCS Ungⁿltige DELETE-Anweisung mit WHERE CURRENT OF
- Reason: A DELETE operation with a WHERE CURRENT OF cursorname attempted
- to delete from a self-referencing table.
- Remedy: Do not attempt to delete from a self-referencing table with
- WHERE CURRENT OF cursorname in the DELETE statement.
- 01415 DLU DMR AbhΣngige Tabelle in Untetabfrage mu▀ eine RESTRICT-Regel zum L÷schen haben
- Reason: A dependent table is in a subquery where the relationship
- between parent table and the dependent table does not have the
- RESTRICT delete rule.
- Remedy: None. A dependent table in a subquery must have the RESTRICT
- delete rule.
- 01416 DLU UCP Ungⁿltige UPDATE-Anweisung mit WHERE CURRENT OF
- Reason: An UPDATE operation with WHERE CURRENT OF attempted to update a
- primary key of the object table.
- Remedy: Do not attempt to update a primary key with WHERE CURRENT OF in
- the UPDATE statement.
- 01417 DLU TIC Tabelle ist nicht komplett
- Reason: Attempting to INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE on an incomplete table.
- Remedy: Create the unique index on the primary key so that the table is
- considered complete before attempting to INSERT, UPDATE, or
- DELETE any data in the incomplete table.
- 01418 DLU TAP Tabelle besitzt bereits einen PrimΣrschlⁿssel
- Reason: A primary key cannot be defined because the target table already
- has a primary key.
- Remedy: None. A table cannot have more than one primary key.
- 01419 DLU PCN PrimΣrschlⁿsselspalte mu▀ NOT NULL oder NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT sein
- Reason: The primary key cannot be defined because one or more of the
- columns forming this primary key are defined not as a NOT NULL
- Remedy: Correct definition of primary key or modify the columns forming
- the primary key so each column is defined as either NOT NULL or
- 01420 DLU TCK NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Die Tabelle wird gerade ⁿberprⁿft
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 01421 DLU FND Fremdschlⁿssel wurde im W÷rterbuch nicht gefunden
- Reason: Attempting to drop a foreign key or attempting to add, drop, or
- modify a referential integrity user error and the specified
- foreign key does not exist.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement. Verify that the foreign key exists
- and check the spelling of the foreign key name.
- 01422 DLU PND PrimΣrschlⁿssel wurde noch nicht definiert
- Reason: Attempting to drop a primary key and the specified primary key
- does not exist.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement. Verify that the primary key exists
- and check the spelling of the primary key name.
- 01423 DLU CPS PrimΣschlⁿssel kann der Systemtabelle nicht hinzugefⁿgt werden
- Reason: Cannot add a primary key to a system catalog table.
- Remedy: None. A primary key cannot be added to a system catalog table.
- 01424 DLU CFS Fremdschlⁿssel k÷nnen der Systemtabelle nicht hinzugefⁿgt werden
- Reason: Cannot add a foreign key to a system catalog table.
- Remedy: None. A foreign key cannot be added to a system catalog table.
- 01425 DLU MSC Mu▀ eine Einzelspalten-Unterabfrage sein
- Reason: Query not allowed because the results could be ambiguous, that
- is, the subselect which is the target of the WHERE clause can
- produce multiple values.
- Remedy: None. A subselect cannot produce multiple values. The
- subselect must produce a single column.
- 01426 DLU NUS Keine Benutzerfehlermeldung fⁿr die Systemtabelle
- Reason: Cannot add referential integrity user errors for system tables.
- Remedy: None. Referential integrity user errors cannot be added to a
- system catalog table.
- 01427 DLU RIV ROWID ist in dieser Ansicht nicht erlaubt
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for general SQL
- sort type errors that may occur when performing database operations that
- require a sort like using the ORDER BY or GROUP BY clauses.
- 01501 SRT CCR Sortierdatei kann nicht angelegt werden
- Reason: Attempting to create a file and a failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the create failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of disk. Verify that sufficient disk space is
- available and verify that the number of files allowed open for
- the operating system permits the additional file, that is, check
- the FILES= configuration parameter setting.
- 01502 SRT QST Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (SRT QST)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 01503 SRT WTS Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (SRT WTS)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 01504 SRT EOF Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (SRT EOF)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 01505 SRT RWF Fehler beim Schreiben auf Diskette oder Festplatte (SRT RWF)
- Reason: Attempting to write to a file and a disk write failure has
- occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the disk write failure. Most
- commonly, it may be because you have run out of available disk
- space. If sufficient disk space is available, then run a check
- disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to verify
- the status of the disk.
- 01506 SRT CSS Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (SRT CSS)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for general SQL
- data type checking errors.
- 01601 TYP IDT Ungⁿltiger Datentyp
- Reason: An operand cannot be coerced into a valid data type. Or, a LONG
- VARCHAR data type was expected and was not provided, or a LONG
- VARCHAR data type was specified when it is not expected.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement by providing valid data types.
- 01602 TYP MBB Memo mu▀ mit einer Bindevariablen gesetzt werden
- Reason: LONG VARCHAR data must be bound to a set variable.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 01603 TYP OLO Memodaten k÷nnen nicht geordnet werden
- Reason: Attempting a GROUP BY or ORDER BY on a LONG VARCHAR column.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement. SQL cannot GROUP BY or ORDER BY a
- LONG VARCHAR column.
- 01604 TYP CUR Eine ROWID-Spalte kann nicht aktualisiert oder eingefⁿgt werden
- Reason: Attempting to update or insert a ROWID column.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement. ROWIDs are unique and assigned by
- the SQLBase system.
- 01605 TYP CMS Systemdaten k÷nnen nicht verΣndert werden
- Reason: Attempting to insert or delete rows of data from a system table.
- Or, attempting to insert or update data in a system table.
- Remedy: None. Systems tables are maintained by the database system.
- 01606 TYP IDA Ungⁿltige Datenarithmetik
- Reason: Attempting to perform an arithmetic operation on a date and
- the operation is considered invalid.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 01607 TYP IET Ungⁿltiger externer Datentyp
- Reason: An invalid external data type has been specified.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 01608 TYP IIS Datum/Zeit-Intervallausdrⁿcke sind in Auswahlliste nicht erlaubt
- Reason: A date/time interval with only a year, a month, a day, or a time
- interval is not allowed in the select list.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 01609 TYP INC Datum/Zeit-Intervallvergleiche sind nicht erlaubt
- Reason: A date/time interval with only a year, a month, a day, or a time
- interval is not allowed in the comparison.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 01610 TYP CCL Memodaten (VARCHAR) k÷nnen nicht verglichen werden
- Reason: LONG VARCHAR data cannot be specified in a comparison.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 01611 TYP MBC Mu▀ fⁿr diese Funktion eine Spalte sein
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 01612 TYP DNC Mu▀ fⁿr diese Funktion ein Zeichen-Datentyp sein
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for general
- application programming interface type errors.
- 01701 GPI INF Ungⁿltiger Funktionsaufruf
- Reason: The genernal programming interface has dispatched an invalid
- function call.
- Remedy: If using the standard Microsoft C 5.1 compiler, the Micro Focus
- COBOL interface, or the Realia COBOL interface then contact your
- local Gupta Technologies certified technical support center for
- assistance. If using the general programming interface with
- another programming language or compiler, then check to be sure
- that the general programming interface program is passing a
- valid function call number.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 01703 GPI IPL Falsche ParameterlΣnge
- Reason: The general programming interface has dispatched a message and
- the parameter length is incorrect.
- Remedy: If using the standard MicroSoft C 5.1 compiler, the Micro Focus
- COBOL interface, or the Realia COBOL interface then contact your
- local Gupta Technologies certified technical support center for
- assistance. If using the general programming interface with
- another programming language or compiler, then check to be sure
- that the general programming interface program is passing a
- valid message.
- 01704 GPI IDT Ungⁿltige Absendertabelle
- Reason: The dispatch table in the general programming interface has
- been determined to be invalid.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 01705 GPI IPM Ungⁿltige Parameter
- Reason: A windows applications has called SQLDON accidentally.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 01706 GPI OUD Kein weiterer Speicherplatz mehr beim Client vorhanden (GPI OUD)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- 01707 GPI RMD Real-mode-Datenbank
- Reason: The database code is running in real mode and the application
- program is running in protected mode, the database code cannot
- access the application's data. The database code cannot
- convert a protected mode descriptor into a real mode address.
- Remedy: Run database and application program in same mode.
- 01708 GPI OOM Kein weiterer Speicherplatz mehr beim Client vorhanden (GPI OOM)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are general
- database lock manager errors.
- 10/30/91 DBS OPTIMIZERLEVEL parameter
- 01801 LKM DLK System ist deadlocked (verriegelt)
- Reason: The database system has determined a system deadlock situation.
- A deadlock situation is an occurence such that two or more
- transactions are in a simultenous wait state, each one waiting
- for one of the other to release a lock before it can proceed.
- SQLBase detects deadlocks immediately, that is, without waiting
- the duration of the timeout period. If SQLBase detects a
- deadlock it will break the deadlock by rolling back the
- transaction that detected the deadlock and return this error
- message to the detector. The other transaction will continue
- not even knowing a deadlock situation was determined.
- Remedy: Determine what transactions are becoming deadlocked and attempt
- to make changes so that the deadlock situation does not occur
- frequently. A COMMIT as often as possible often helps to avoid
- deadlocks.
- 01802 LKM ILE Sperreneingaben sind ungenⁿgend
- Reason: The database server has exceeded the number of possible locks.
- Remedy: Increase the number of database server locks by changing the
- configuration parameter in the SQL.INI file associated with the
- database server. The parameter is LOCKS=nnn. This parameter
- sets the maximum number of lock entries that will be allocated.
- Locks entries are dynamically allocated as they are needed in
- groups of 100. If the LOCKS= parameter is not used, locks will
- be allocated as needed until there is not enough memory left.
- The only time you need to specify this keyword is when you are
- trying to protect against a run-away application that is
- accessing too much data in one transaction. If you are getting
- this error, then chances are good that you have a run-away
- application on your hands.
- 01803 LKM ITC Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (LKM ITC)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 01804 LKM ILC Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (LKM ILC)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 01805 LKM TMO Zeitsperre
- Reason: The transaction is waiting for a resource currently locked by
- another transaction. The transaction will wait by default 275
- seconds unless specified otherwise.
- Remedy: Determine what transaction is locking the resouces and attempt
- to make changes so that the wait situation does not occur
- frequently. A COMMIT as often as possible often helps to avoid
- these time out condition. To reduce the time wait period you
- can use the set timeout function call (sqltio) or in SQLTalk you
- can SET TIMEOUT n where n is the number of seconds. The number
- of seconds can range from 1 to 1800 seconds (30 minutes).
- 01806 LKM OLE Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (LKM OLE)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 01807 LKM TMP Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (LKM TMP)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 01808 LKM CAL Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (LKM CAL)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 01809 LKM LPB Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (LKM LPB)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 01811 LKM FDU Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (LKM FDU)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 01812 LKM IWS Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (LKM IWS)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for general
- SQLBase system type errors.
- 01901 SYS ICV Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (SYS ICV)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 01902 SYS SNA Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (SYS SNA)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 01903 SYS EXC Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (SYS EXC)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 01904 SYS CGD Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (SYS CGD)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 01905 SYS CSD Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (SYS CSD)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 01906 SYS MBP Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (SYS MBP)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 01907 SYS MLM Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (SYS MLM)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 01908 SYS NMF Keine weiteren Dateien
- Reason: This error code indicates that the last file name has been read
- indicating an end of the directory has been reached.
- Remedy: None. Informational only.
- 01909 SYS PNF Pfad wurde nicht gefunden, oder Pfadname ⁿberschreitet maximale LΣnge
- Reason: Attempting to open a directory or read files from a directory
- and the directory path has not been found or the directory name
- exceeds the maximum range.
- Remedy: If the directory is not open, then open it. If the directory
- cannot be opened, verify that the specified directory exists.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 01912 SYS ACC Zugriffsversto▀ beim Datei ÷ffnen
- Reason: UNIX file access violation attempting to open a file.
- Remedy: Verify that the file name was correctly specified and that you
- have access to the specified file.
- 01913 SYS BOM NUR INTERN VERWENDET: System vernichtet!
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 01914 SYS URF INTERNAL USE ONLY - Referenz-Check nicht ben÷tigter Symbole
- Reason: This error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 01915 SYS OOM Kein Speicherplatz fⁿr die Daten-Ver-/Entschlⁿsselung
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- might occur during the loading of the database program.
- 02001 LOD IWS Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (LOD IWS)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 02002 LOD NAI Asynchrone E/A isT nicht verfⁿgbar
- Reason: Attempting to enable ASYNCIO configuration parameter and the
- asynchronous I/O feature is not available with under this
- operating system.
- Remedy: Asynchronous I/O is only available under OS/2 and UNIX.
- 02003 LOD ATL In diesem Bereich sind nur einzelne Zeichen erlaubt
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02004 LOD CFC Datei COUNTRY.SQL wurde nicht gefunden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02005 LOD IVC Das gewΣhlte Land wurde in der Datei COUNTRY.SQL nicht gefunden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02006 LOD ICD Ungⁿltige Anweisung wurde in der Datei COUNTRY.SQL gefunden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02007 LOD IHX Ungⁿltige hexadezimale Zahl wurde in der Datei COUNTRY.SQL gefunden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02008 LOD CTB Zeichenkette in der Datei COUNTRY.SQL ist zu lang
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02009 LOD NTT Fehlende zweite ▄bersetzungszeichenkette im TRANSLATE-Bereich der Datei COUNTRY.SQL
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02010 LOD SMM So viele ▄bersetzungen sind in der Datei COUNTRY.SQL nicht erlaubt
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02011 LOD UL1 Zeichenketten im UPPER zu LOWER-Bereich der Datei COUNTRY.SQL mⁿssen das selbe Zeichen enthalten
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02012 LOD UL2 Zeichenketten mⁿssen im UPPER zu LOWER-Bereich der Datei COUNTRY.SQL paarweise auftreten
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- can occur when the database is performing file operations.
- 02101 FIL CLO Datei kann nicht geschlossen werden
- Reason: The database system is attempting to close a file and is
- gettting an operating system error. This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Try to determine why the operating system cannot close the
- file. Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center.
- 02102 FIL DEL Datei kann nicht gel÷scht werden
- Reason: The database system is attempting to delete a file and is
- gettting an operating system error. This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Try to determine why the operating system cannot delete the
- file. Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center.
- 02103 FIL LSK lseek kann nicht ausgefⁿhrt werden
- Reason: The database system is attempting to seek into a file and is
- gettting an operating system error. This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Try to determine why the operating system cannot seek into the
- file. Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center.
- 02104 FIL RWF Lese- oder Schreibfehler
- Reason: The database system is attempting to read or write to a file
- and is gettting an operating system error. This is a Fatal
- Error.
- Remedy: Try to determine why the operating system cannot read or write
- to a file. Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 02105 FIL CWT Durchschreiben kann nicht eingestellt werden
- Reason: Attempting to make sure that a file is set for write-through
- mode. This means that when data is written, it is actually
- written to disk and not simply buffered.
- Remedy: Determine why the operating system will not allow the setting
- for write-through mode.
- 02106 FIL OOM Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (FIL OOM)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 02107 FIL AID Asynchrone E/A nicht gestartet
- Reason: Attempting to initiate an asynchronous read or write from a
- file and asynchronus I/O did not start. This is a
- Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Determine why asynchronous I/O did not start.
- 02108 FIL AIF Fehler bei der asynchronen E/A
- Reason: An asynchronous read/write failure has occurred. This is a
- Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Determine why the operating system could not perform the
- asynchronous I/O operation.
- 02109 FIL APF Fehler bei der asynchronen E/A-Position
- Reason: An asynchronous positioning within a file failed. This is
- a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Determine why the operating system could not perform the
- asynchronous I/O operation.
- 02110 FIL CSF Dateibeschreiberstatus kann nicht eingelesen werden
- Reason: Attempting to get a file descriptor status and a failure has
- occurred.
- Remedy: Determine why the operating system could not get the file
- descriptor status.
- 02111 FIL PSE Partitionsgr÷▀enfehler
- Reason: Attempting to get the partition size and a failure has occurred.
- This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Determine why the operating system could not get the partition
- file size.
- 02112 FIL OOS Kein Speicherplatz auf Diskette oder Festplatte mehr vorhanden
- Reason: There is not enough disk space to perform this operation.
- Remedy: Terminate program and remove files to free up disk space.
- 02113 FIL SAR Fehler beim asynchronen Kurz-lesen
- Reason: The database system is attempting to read from a file. The
- operating system asynchronous disk read request read fewer
- bytes than requested. This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Determine why the operating system did not return either an
- error condition or exactly the number of bytes requested.
- 02114 FIL SAW Fehler beim asynchronen Kurz-schreiben
- Reason: The database system is attempting to write to a file. The
- operating system asynchronous disk write request wrote
- fewer bytes than requested. This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Determine why the operating system did not return either an
- error condition or write exactly the number of bytes requested.
- 02115 FIL ARE Asynchroner Lesefehler
- Reason: The database system is attempting to read from a file. The
- operating system asynchronous disk read request returned an
- error. This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Determine why the operating system returned an error.
- 02116 FIL AWE Asynchroner Schreibfehler
- Reason: The database system is attempting to write to a file. The
- operating system asynchronous disk write request returned an
- error. This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Determine why the operating system returned an error.
- 02117 FIL IFO FIFO Filetyp nicht erlaubt in diesem Zusammenhang
- Reason: A file was specified that has been found to be a FIFO. These
- are not allowed in this conext.
- Remedy: re-specify a suitable file type.
- 02118 FIL BLK Block spezial Files sind nicht erlaubt in diesem Zusammenhang
- Reason: A file was specified that has been found to be a block special
- file. These are not allowed in this conext.
- Remedy: re-specify a suitable file type.
- 02119 FIL DIR Verzeichnisse sind nicht erlaubt in diesem Zusammenhang
- Reason: A file was specified that has been found to be a directory.
- these are not allowed in this conext.
- Remedy: re-specify a suitable file type.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- can occur when the database is evaluating incoming values.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 02202 EVA SRM Unterauswahl ergab mehrere Zeilen
- Reason: Attempting a subselect that should identify only one row but
- the subselect result set consists of more than one row.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 02203 EVA DAO Datenarithmetik: ▄ber/Unterlauf
- Reason: Date arithmetic has caused either an overflow or underflow
- condition.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement. A date cannot have a numeric value
- for the year that is less than zero or greater than 9999.
- 02204 EVA IVH Ungⁿltiger Stundenwert
- Reason: Specified hour is less than zero or greater than 23.
- Remedy: Correct the specified hour.
- 02205 EVA IVM Ungⁿltiger Minutenwert
- Reason: Specified minutes are less than zero or greater than 59.
- Remedy: Correct the specified minutes.
- 02206 EVA IVS Ungⁿltiger Sekundenwert
- Reason: Specified seconds are less than zero or greater than 59.
- Remedy: Correct the specified seconds.
- 02207 EVA IVD Ungⁿltiger Tageswert
- Reason: Specified day is not valid.
- Remedy: Correct the specified day.
- 02208 EVA IVY Ungⁿltiger Jahreswert
- Reason: Specified year is not valid.
- Remedy: Correct the specified year.
- 02209 EVA IVO Ungⁿltiger Monatswert
- Reason: Specified month is not valid.
- Remedy: Correct the specified month.
- 02210 EVA COR @CHAR-Wert liegt au▀erhalb des Bereichs
- Reason: Specified character is outside the range of valid characters.
- Remedy: Correct the specified character value.
- 02211 EVA IVL Ungⁿltige LΣnge
- Reason: Specified length exceeds allowable limit.
- Remedy: Correct the length of the specified value.
- 02212 EVA NOF Numerischer ▄berlauf
- Reason: Attempting a mathematical related function and a numeric
- overflow has occurred.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement. This problem may often be caused by
- inadvertently dividing by zero in your SQL statement.
- 02213 EVA ISN Ungⁿltige @CHOOSE-Markiererzahl
- Reason: The specified @CHOOSE select number is invalid. A negative
- selector-number maps to the first value in the list (value 0).
- If the selector number exceeds the number of values in the list,
- the result is the last value in the list.
- Remedy: Correct the @CHOOSE selector number.
- 02214 EVA STL Zeichenkette ist zu lang
- Reason: Attempting to concatenate two strings and the resulting string
- is greater than 254 characters.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement concatenation.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 02216 EVA VNI Der Wert ist kein Integer
- Reason: Specified value is not an integer.
- Remedy: Correct the invalid integer value.
- 02217 EVA NUF Numerischer Unterlauf
- Reason: Attempting a mathematical related function and a numeric
- underflow has occurred.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 02218 EVA SNG Versuch, die Quadratwurzel einer negativen Zahl zu ziehen
- Reason: Attempting to find the square root of a negative number.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 02219 EVA VIN Der Wert darf nicht negativ sein
- Reason: Attempting a @HEX or @FACTORIAL and the specified argument
- equates to a negative value.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement.
- 02220 EVA NZO Wert ist weder null noch eins
- Reason: Attempting a @FIND, @LEFT, @LENGTH, @RIGHT, @REPLACE,
- @SUBSTRING, or @SCAN in double-byte character set mode and the
- extra, last parameter must be one or zero. One meaning you want
- this function to operate in single-byte mode. Zero meaning you
- want to operate in the default, double-byte mode.
- Remedy: Correct last parameter in @function. Can only be one or zero.
- 02221 EVA ENR Es wurde versucht, den Wert einer Spalte zu bestimmen, auf die nicht verwiesen wurde
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- relate to result set mode operations.
- 02401 RST COR Ergebnismenge kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: Cannot open the stored result set by the specified name.
- Remedy: Verify that the stored result set name is correct and try again.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 02404 RST FNX Filterdatei existiert nicht
- Reason: Cannot delete the stored result set by the specified name or
- attempting to do an undo result set operation and there is no
- existing result set to undo.
- Remedy: Verify that the store result set name is correct and try again
- or if attempting to undo a result there is no remedy, you cannot
- undo a result set if no result set exists.
- 02405 RST RSA Ergebnismenge ist bereits aktiv
- Reason: Attempting to start restriction mode processing or restart a
- stored result set in restriction mode and the restriction mode
- (or result set mode) is already active.
- Remedy: Stop the current restriction mode process before beginnning a
- new restriction mode or restarting a stored result set.
- 02406 RST RSN Ergebnismenge ist nicht aktiv
- Reason: Attempting to stop restriction mode processing and restriction
- (or result set) mode is not currently active OR attempting to
- position within a result set and the result is empty.
- Remedy: None. You cannot stop restriction mode if it is not active and
- you cannot position within an empty result set.
- 02407 RST RSI Ergebnismengenbezeichner zu lang
- Reason: Attempting to store, delete, or restart a result set and the
- result set name identifier is too large.
- Remedy: Correct the result set name. Result set names are restricted
- to being short identifiers (8 characters).
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 02410 RST PNA Vorheriger Filter ist nicht verfⁿgbar
- Reason: Cannot perform the undo (sqlurs) operation because the previous
- result set is not available.
- Remedy: None. The previous result may not be available because this was
- the first result set (no previous select in this restriction
- mode session) or because the user is attempting to undo more
- than one time without a subsequent select operation. Undo
- operations are not nestable, that is, you can go back to a
- previous result set but not back before the previous. The
- system only maintains the most previously used result set.
- 02411 RST CRS Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (RST CRS)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 02412 RST TMT Zuviele Tabellen in Ergebnismenge
- Reason: Too many table form the result set.
- Remedy: Modify the SQL statement to use fewer tables.
- 02413 RST QNS Ergebnismengen-Restriktionsmodus wird in dieser Abfrage nicht unterstⁿtzt
- Reason: Virtual tables are not allowed in restriction mode.
- Remedy: None. The query is not supported in restriction mode.
- 02414 RST OBY ORDER BY-Befehl kann nicht verwendet werden, wenn die Ergebnismenge der vorigen Abfrage verwendet wird
- Reason: ORDER BY cannot be used when using the result set of a previous
- query in restriction mode.
- Remedy: None. ORDER BY cannot be used when using the result set of a
- previous query in restriction mode. Under restriction mode, the
- rows come from the previous result set in the order of the
- previous result set.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- relate to database server operation.
- 02501 SRV NPA Kein Proze▀ verfⁿgbar
- Reason: The USER configuration parameter specifies how many processses
- are allocated by the database server when starting up and the
- database server has run out of available processes.
- Remedy: Bring the database server down and restart it after increasing
- the USER configuration parameter. The USER keyword specifies
- the maximum number of clients that can connect to the database
- server simultaneously. The default setting is 128 users. The
- maximum setting is 255 users. This keyword is not relevant
- under OS/2.
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 02503 SRV OOS Server kann fⁿr weitere Sitzungen nicht verwendet werden
- Reason: The database server or gateway has run short of network
- sessions.
- Remedy: Bring down the database server or gateway and verify that the
- network has been configured with enough sessions and commands to
- support the desired number of users.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 02505 SRV NAN Installation eines doppelten DBNAME
- Reason: The database server is attempting to install a new database
- name in the database name table and the name already exists.
- Remedy: None. Database names cannot be duplicated on the same network.
- The same database name is allowed locally on a workstation and
- again on the network using DBXCOMBO.
- 02506 SRV INN Ungⁿltiger DBNAME zum installieren
- Reason: The database server is attempting to install a new database name
- in the database name table and it has been determined that the
- specified database name is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct database name. Database names can only be eight
- characters in length.
- 02507 SRV CIS Servername kann nicht installiert werden
- Reason: The system cannot install the specified server name.
- Remedy: Verify that the server being installed does not already exist
- on the network.
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 02509 SRV OOM Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (SRV OOM)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 02513 SRV IDP Ungⁿltige Datenbankproze▀nummer
- Reason: Attempting to cancel a database process and the specified
- database process number is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct the database process number.
- 02514 SRV PDE Dieser Proze▀ existiert nicht
- Reason: Attempting to cancel a database process and the specified
- database process does not exist.
- Remedy: Correct the database process number.
- 02515 SRV CCL Protokolldatei kann nicht angelegt werden
- Reason: Attempting to open an existing file and a failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the open file failure.
- Verify that the specified file exists. Verify the number of
- files allowed open for the operating system permits the
- additional file, that is, check the FILES= configuration
- parameter setting.
- 02516 SRV UCA Server wurde vom Operator trotz aktiver Verbindungen deaktiviert
- Reason: The database server is being cancelled by an operator and active
- connections exist.
- Remedy: None. All active transactions will be rolled back and all
- connected users will be disconnected.
- 02517 SRV DNB Datenbankname ist zu lang
- Reason: A specified database name exceeds 8 characters.
- Remedy: Correct the specified database name.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 02519 SRV IDN Ungⁿltiger Datenbankname
- Reason: A specified database name is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct the invalid database name.
- 02520 SRV MXU Maximale Benutzeranzahl wurde ⁿberschritten
- Reason: The USER configuration parameter specifies how many users are
- allowed by the database server when starting up and the database
- server has run out of available users.
- Remedy: Bring the database server down and restart it after increasing
- the USER configuration parameter. The USER keyword specifies
- the maximum number of clients that can connect to the database
- server simultaneously. The default setting is 128 users. The
- maximum setting is 255 users. This keyword is not relevant
- under OS/2.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 02522 SRV MXC Maximale Anzahl an Clients wurde ⁿberschritten
- Reason: The maximum number of clients allowed for this database server
- or gateway have been exceeded.
- Remedy: None. This version of the database server or gateway is
- restricted in the number of clients allowed.
- 02523 SRV PLV AktivitΣtsprotokoll-Druckebene mu▀ zwischen 0 und 4 liegen
- Reason: Attempting to set the activity log print level and an invalid
- print level has been specified.
- Remedy: Correct the activity log print level. Valid print levels are 0,
- 1, 2, 3, or 4.
- 02524 SRV DBA Fⁿr diese Operation werden DBA-Rechte ben÷tigt
- Reason: The setting of this server parameter requires DBA authority.
- Remedy: None. DBA authority is required to perform this operation.
- 02525 SRV ALG Name der AktivitΣtsprotokolldatei ist zu lang
- Reason: Attempting to set an activity log file name and the specified
- file name is too long.
- Remedy: Correct the activity log file name. A fully-qualified activity
- log file name cannot exceed 128 characters.
- 02526 SRV CID Die Datenbank darf nicht den selben Namen wie der Server haben
- Reason: The server name as a database name is reserved for connecting
- to the MAIN database.
- Remedy: Use a server name different from the database name of use a
- database name different from the database name.
- 02527 SRV MDN Datenbankname MAIN wurde im Netz gefunden
- Reason: When attempting to install the server name as a database name
- on the network it was found that the database name already
- existing on another server on the network.
- Remedy: Use an alternate server name or deinstall the conflicting
- database.
- 02550 SRV XER Back-end lieferte eine Fehlermeldung. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02551 SRV X51 SQLBase lieferte eine Fehlermeldung. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02552 SRV X52 DB2 lieferte eine Fehlermeldung. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02553 SRV X53 IBM OS/2 Extended Edition lieferte eine Fehlermeldung. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02554 SRV X54 Oracle lieferte eine Fehlermeldung. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02555 SRV X55 Informix lieferte eine Fehlermeldung. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02556 SRV X56 Netware SQL lieferte eine Fehlermeldung. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02557 SRV X57 IBM AS/400 SQL/400 lieferte eine Fehlermeldung. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02558 SRV X58 Sybase SQL Server lieferte eine Fehlermeldung. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02559 SRV X59 HP Allbase Server lieferte eine Fehlermeldung. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02560 SRV X60 Teradata lieferte eine Fehlermeldung. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02561 SRV X61 Rdb lieferte eine Fehlermeldung. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02562 SRV X62 Tandem lieferte eine Fehlermeldung. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02563 SRV X63 IBM SQL/DS Fehler aufgetaucht. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: Backend specific error. A SQLBase equivalent error code
- could not be mapped.
- Remedy: Call extended error processing to retrieve more details.
- 02564 SRV X64 SNI SESAM Fehler aufgetaucht. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: Backend specific error. A SQLBase equivalent error code
- could not be mapped.
- Remedy: Call extended error processing to retrieve more details.
- 02565 SRV X65 Ingres Fehler aufgetaucht. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: Backend specific error. A SQLBase equivalent error code
- could not be mapped.
- Remedy: Call extended error processing to retrieve more details.
- 02566 SRV X66 ODBC Fehler aufgetaucht. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: Backend specific error. A SQLBase equivalent error code
- could not be mapped.
- Remedy: Call extended error processing to retrieve more details.
- 02567 SRV X67 Dbase Fehler aufgetaucht. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: Backend specific error. A SQLBase equivalent error code
- could not be mapped.
- Remedy: Call extended error processing to retrieve more details.
- 02568 SRV X68 SNI DDB4 Fehler aufgetaucht. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: Backend specific error. A SQLBase equivalent error code
- could not be mapped.
- Remedy: Call extended error processing to retrieve more details.
- 02569 SRV X69 Fujitsu Fehler aufgetaucht. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: Backend specific error. A SQLBase equivalent error code
- could not be mapped.
- Remedy: Call extended error processing to retrieve more details.
- 02570 SRV X70 Cincom SUPRA Fehler aufgetaucht. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: Backend specific error. A SQLBase equivalent error code
- could not be mapped.
- Remedy: Call extended error processing to retrieve more details.
- 02571 SRV X71 CCA Model 204 Fehler aufgetaucht. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: Backend specific error. A SQLBase equivalent error code
- could not be mapped.
- Remedy: Call extended error processing to retrieve more details.
- 02572 SRV X72 Apple DAL Fehler aufgetaucht. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: Backend specific error. A SQLBase equivalent error code
- could not be mapped.
- Remedy: Call extended error processing to retrieve more details.
- 02573 SRV X73 Teradata ShareBase Fehler aufgetaucht. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: Backend specific error. A SQLBase equivalent error code
- could not be mapped.
- Remedy: Call extended error processing to retrieve more details.
- 02574 SRV X74 Informix On-Line Ver4.1 Fehler aufgetaucht. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: Backend specific error. A SQLBase equivalent error code
- could not be mapped.
- Remedy: Call extended error processing to retrieve more details.
- 02599 SRV X99 SQLHost App Services Fehler aufgetaucht. Weitere Informationen sind verfⁿgbar
- Reason: Backend specific error. A SQLBase equivalent error code
- could not be mapped.
- Remedy: Call extended error processing to retrieve more details.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- relate to remote database server interface.
- 02601 RSI NAS Keine Sitzungen verfⁿgbar
- Reason: The database server has run short of network sessions.
- Remedy: Bring down the database server and verify that the network has
- been configured with enough sessions and commands to support the
- desired number of users.
- 02602 RSI CAM Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (RSI CAM)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- relate to database server scheduler.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 02703 SCD NES Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (SCD NES)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 02705 SCD NSD Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (SCD NSD)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Resaon#3
- 02706 SCD SNI NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Scheduler wurde nicht gestartet
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- A scheduler function (other than scdInit) was made before the
- scheduler was initialized via scdInit.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur in an application
- program. scdInit must be the first scheduler function called.
- Call scdInit before making any other scheduler calls. If you
- get this error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 02707 SCD AIN NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Scheduler wurde bereits gestartet
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- scdInit was called more than once
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur in an application
- program. scdInit must be the first scheduler function call and
- it must never be called more than once. If you get this error,
- contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center.
- 02708 SCD OOM Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (SCD OOM)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 02709 SCD CFP NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Proze▀ wurde nicht gefunden
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- scdPost was called with an invalid process number.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur in an application
- program. scdPost may only be called with a process number of a
- currently valid process. If you get this error, contact your
- local Gupta Technologies certified technical support center.
- 02710 SCD PIU NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Proze▀nummer wird bereits verwendet
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- scdCreate was called with a process number that is already in
- use.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur in an application
- program. When specifying a process number to scdCreate, the
- process number given must specify a process that is not
- currently valid. If you get this error, contact your local
- Gupta Technologies certified technical support center.
- 02711 SCD PIB NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Proze▀ ist blockiert
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- scdPost was called with the number of a process that is not
- waiting on a scdSleep (such as a wait on a semaphore).
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur in an application
- program. scdPost can only be called on a process that is asleep
- via a call to scdSleep. If you get this error, contact your
- local Gupta Technologies certified technical support center.
- 02712 SCD NCP NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Kein aktueller Proze▀
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 02716 SCD CCT Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (SCD CCT)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 02722 SCD STC NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Semaphortyp (Signaltyp)-Konflikt
- Reason: This inappropriate use of semaphore scheduler call is an
- internal error of the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur in an application
- program. There are two type of semaphores and two sets of
- functions that deal with them, they cannot be mixed. If you
- get this error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 02723 SCD TMO NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Zeit wurde ⁿberschritten
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- A scdSemRequest with a timeout exceeded the timeout value
- without the requested semaphore being cleared.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 02726 SCD CCP Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (SCD CCP)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 02727 SCD CST Kann Operating System Thread nicht kreieren
- Reason: This error code is when running out of operating system
- resources.
- Remedy: Shut down the database server whenever possible. Consult
- System Administrator to increase the system resources and
- re-start database server. If you get this error again,
- contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center.
- 02728 SCD TMD Kann keinen Thread kreieren, da Thread Manager inaktiv
- Reason: This error is caused by pressing ESC from server while there
- are still other users connected to the server. The server
- is going to be brought done abnormally. This error is returned
- as a result of thread manager being disabled to prepare the
- abnormal shutdown.
- Remedy: Do not bring server down while other users still connected.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- relate to the remote database server interface for Microsoft Windows.
- 02801 RSW SAC Sitzung wurde bereits angelegt
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02802 RSW NEM Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (RSW NEM)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 02803 RSW IEN Ungⁿltige Eingabe
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02804 RSW TNI Aufgabe wurde nicht gestartet
- Reason: This problem may have occurred because the sqlini() function
- call is not being called before a connect function call like
- sqlcnc or sqlcnc may be called after calling sqldon without
- another subsequent sqlini function call.
- Remedy: Correct the application program. The sequence of events should
- be calling sqlini() first followed by any and all other sql
- functions and finally terminating with a sqldon function call.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 02806 RSW TAI Aufgabe wurde bereits gestartet
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02807 RSW NAS Es sind keine Slots verfⁿgbar
- Reason: Whenever a Windows program calls the SQLBase API for the first
- time, it gets allocated a slot where a pointer to its data it
- kept. Before the Microsoft Windows application terminates, its
- suppose to call sqldon() to free the slot. The current
- Microsoft Windows program is probably failing to call sqldon().
- Remedy: Call sqldon() before exiting the Microsoft Windows application
- program.
- 02808 RSW SNE Diese Sitzung existiert nicht
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02809 RSW ICB Ungⁿltiger Cursor-Pufferzeiger
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02810 RSW SCT Sitzung wurde geschlossen/beendet
- Reason: This error is returned to the client computer when the cursor is
- tied to a network session that no longer exists. Once you get
- this error on a cursor, subsequent tries will also yield the
- same error. Other cursors sharing the same network session will
- get this error also. If applications are exiting without
- disconnecting all their cursors, the database server can confuse
- a new instance of an application with an old one. If the new
- and old instance have the same MS Windows task id, the database
- server might tell the new instance to use a network session
- created by the old instance.
- Remedy: Check if some other error occurred before receiving this error.
- Other errors that may have gone undetected may have caused this
- error. Also check that all cursors are disconnected before
- terminating each run of an application. This can be checked by
- seeing if there are any session left on the database server
- screen after running and exiting each application. Check
- whether the applications ever terminate in ways where sessions
- are not disconnected.
- 02811 RSW CFS Sitzung wurde nicht gefunden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02812 RSW INE Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (RSW INE)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Reason#3
- 02813 RSW OOS Keine weiteren Sitzungen vorhanden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02814 RSW CAN Auf Netzwerk kann nicht zugegriffen werden
- Reason: A network adapter is not present in the computer.
- Remedy: Verify that this computer is connected to a network and that
- a network adapter card is properly installed.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- relate to the database server playback utility.
- 02901 PYB CNI Programm kann nicht gestartet werden
- Reason: Cannot initialize playback program server screen.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02902 PYB NEM Speicherplatz reicht nicht aus
- Reason: The playback program is attempting to allocate memory but it
- cannot find enough available memory.
- Remedy: Determine why the playback program is short of memory. Try to
- make more memory available.
- 02903 PYB COF Netzwerkmeldungsdatei kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: Cannot open the playback file to replay the messages.
- Remedy: Correctly identify the playback filename.
- 02904 PYB IVF Ungⁿltige Netzwerkmeldungsdatei
- Reason: The playback file that was opened is invalid and not a netlog
- message file.
- Remedy: Correctly identify the playback filename.
- 02905 PYB MFC Netzwerkmeldungsdatei ist fehlerhaft
- Reason: The playback program has read message from the netlog file and
- determined that the message is corrupted.
- Remedy: None. The playback netlog file is not usable.
- 02906 PYB EOF Ende der Datei
- Reason: The playback program has determined that the netlog message
- file has been exhausted and no message remain to be read.
- Remedy: None. Informational only.
- 02907 PYB PEF Vorzeitiges Ende der Datei
- Reason: The playback program has determined that the netlog message
- file has prematurely ended.
- Remedy: Determine why the netlog message file was incomplete.
- 02908 PYB NNN Es ist keine Netzwerkmeldungsdatei in Gebrauch
- Reason: Attempting a playback program operation and no network message
- file has been opened.
- Remedy: Open a playback network message file before attempting a
- playback operation.
- 02909 PYB CIS BefehlsoberflΣche kann nicht aufgerufen werden
- Reason: Attempting to escape from the playback program to a DOS command
- shell but the DOS command shell cannot be invoked.
- Remedy: Determine why the DOS command shell cannot be invoked. Try
- again.
- 02910 PYB INE Interner Fehler
- Reason: An unexpected internal error has been determined in the
- playback program.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 02911 PYB NES Schaltung in eine nicht existierende Sitzung
- Reason: The playback program is attempting to switch to another session
- but the target session does not exist.
- Remedy: None. The netlog message file is not usable.
- 02912 PYB COL Protokolldatei kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: The playback program is failing in its attempt to open the
- specified netlog message file.
- Remedy: Verify that the netlog file name is correctly specified.
- 02913 PYB LNO Protokolldatei ist nicht ge÷ffnet
- Reason: Attempting to close a netlog message file and the netlog
- message file is not open.
- Remedy: None. You cannot close a netlog message file that is not open.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- relate to management of configuration parameters.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03004 CFM OOM Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (CFM OOM)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03006 CFM IDN Inkonsistenter Datenbankname
- Reason: The database system has determined that the database name being
- installed was prefixed with a "L:" to install a local database
- and the server number utilized by the system was not zero OR the
- database name being installed was prefixed with a "R:" to
- install a remote database and the server number utilized by the
- system was zero.
- Remedy: Correct installation of database name. The "R:" prefix should
- be used to install on a remove database server with server
- number greater than zero. To install a local database use a
- prefix of "L:" and use a server number of zero.
- 03007 CFM COS Datenbankaufruf kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: Attempting to install a new database and the database system
- cannot locate the START.DBS file.
- Remedy: Verify that the START.DBS file is available.
- 03008 CFM CCD Datenbank kann nicht angelegt werden
- Reason: Attempting to install a new database and the database system
- could not create the specified database name.
- Remedy: Determine why the system could not create the named database
- file.
- 03009 CFM IRF Fehler beim Starten von Lesen
- Reason: Attempting to install a new database and the database system
- could not read from the START.DBS file.
- Remedy: Determine why the system could not read the START.DBS file.
- 03010 CFM IWF Fehler beim Starten von Schreiben
- Reason: Attempting to install a new database and the database system
- could not write to the newly created database file.
- Remedy: Determine why the system could not write to the newly created
- database file.
- 03011 CFM DBE Datenbank besteht bereits
- Reason: Attempting to install a new database and the name database
- already exists.
- Remedy: None. You cannot install a database that already exists.
- 03012 CFM DBN Diese Datenbank existiert nicht
- Reason: Attempting to install an existing database and the named
- database does not exist.
- Remedy: None. You cannot install an existing database if the existing
- database does not exist.
- 03013 CFM CRD Verzeichnisliste kann nicht angelegt werden
- Reason: Attempting to create a directory of listing of all existing and
- installed databases and the database system could not create
- the directory listing.
- Remedy: Contact Gupta Technologies Technical Support.
- 03014 CFM OOH Keine weiteren Handles
- Reason: Attempting to open more than four remote files at the same time.
- Remedy: None. Only four remote files can be opened simultaneously.
- 03015 CFM IVH Ungⁿltiger Handle
- Reason: The specified file handle is not valid.
- Remedy: Use a valid file handle returned by opening the file with the
- sqlmop API function call.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for virtual
- screen processing errors.
- 03101 VTS INV NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Ungⁿltige Maskenkennung
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03102 VTS OOR NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Bereich wurde ⁿberschritten
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03103 VTS ICT NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Ungⁿltiger Cursortyp
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03104 VTS CIN NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Starten nicht m÷glich
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03105 VTS CSR NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Maske kann nicht gespeichert oder wiederhergestellt werden
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- relate to the Online Backup Facilities of the SQLBase database.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03202 BKP BFE Sicherungsdatei besteht bereits
- Reason: Attempting to perform an online backup without the overwrite
- option and the backup file already exists.
- Remedy: Modify the backup filename or invoke the overwrite option.
- 03203 BKP CRB Fehler beim Anlegen der Datei: Sicherungsdatei kann nicht angelegt werden
- Reason: Attempting to create a file and a failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the create failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of disk. Verify that sufficient disk space is
- available and verify that the number of files allowed open for
- the operating system permits the additional file, that is, check
- the FILES= configuration parameter setting.
- 03204 BKP BIP Sicherung lΣuft bereits
- Reason: Attempting an online backup procedure and another backup is
- already in progress.
- Remedy: Wait until the current online backup procedure has completed.
- 03205 BKP UAB Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (BKP UAB)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 03206 BKP SFA Fehler beim Suchen der Datei
- Reason: The database server is attempting to seek to the beginning of
- the backup file during a backup procedure are is encountering
- a file seek error.
- Remedy: Determine why the operating system is generating a file seek
- error. Verify that the storage media is working correctly.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03211 BKP USG Unbekanntes Sicherungsdatei-Segment
- Reason: The database system has read a chunk of backup data and the
- system could not identify the backup file segment.
- Remedy: None. The backup file is probably unusable. Contact your local
- Gupta Technologies certified technical support center.
- 03212 BKP CAC Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (BKP CAC)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- relate to the Restore Facility of the SQLBase database.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03302 RES COB Sicherungsdatei kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: Attempting to open an existing file and a failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the open file failure.
- Verify that the specified file exists. Verify the number of
- files allowed open for the operating system permits the
- additional file, that is, check the FILES= configuration
- parameter setting.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03305 RES UAB Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (RES UAB)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 03306 RES SFA Fehler beim Suchen der Sicherungsdatei
- Reason: The SQLBase system is attempting to re-find the beginning of the
- backup file and the seek for the beginning of the file has
- failed.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of file seek failure.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03309 RES HWF NICHT VERWENDET - Fehler beim Schreiben der ▄berschriftseite der Sicherungsdatei
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03315 RES CAC Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (RES CAC)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03317 RES CCN Neue partitionierte Datenbankdatei kann nicht angelegt werden
- Reason: Attempting to create a file and a failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the create failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of disk. Verify that sufficient disk space is
- available and verify that the number of files allowed open for
- the operating system permits the additional file, that is, check
- the FILES= configuration parameter setting.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- relate to the System Free List Manager of the SQLBase database.
- 03401 SFL BFE CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (SFL BFE)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 03402 SFL OVL CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (SFL OVL)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 03403 SFL ENM CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (SFL ENM)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 03404 SFL FPC CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (SFL FPC)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 03405 SFL BSI CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (SFL BSI)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- relate to the Extent Map Manager of the SQLBase database.
- 03501 EMP ULP Datenbank oder Objekt in der Datenbank ist fehlerhaft (EMP ULP)
- Reason: The database or an object in the database has been discovered
- to be inconsistent or lacking integrity.
- Remedy: Run a CHECK DATABASE command.
- 03502 EMP BSI CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (EMP BSI)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 03503 EMP BME CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (EMP BME)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 03504 EMP BES CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (EMP BES)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 03505 EMP ENM CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (EMP ENM)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 03506 EMP PIM CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (EMP PIM)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03508 EMP IEM CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (EMP IEM)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 03509 EMP PNA CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (EMP PNA)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 03510 EMP RNA CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (EMP RNA)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- relate to the DBWindows version of the SQLBase database.
- 03601 DBW NIN DBWINDOWS ist nicht installiert
- Reason: Attempting to access the DBWindows and it is not installed.
- Remedy: Install DBWindows and then proceed.
- 03602 DBW CAM Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (DBW CAM)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- relate to the Configuration File Manager of the SQLBase database.
- 03701 CFF NCF Keine Konfigurationsdatei
- Reason: The SQL.INI configuration file could not be found after
- searching the current directory, the \SQLBASE directory, the
- root directory, or the specified operating system search PATH.
- Remedy: Check for the existence of the SQL.INI file in the appropriate
- directory.
- 03702 CFF COC Konfigurationsdatei kann nicht ge÷ffent werden
- Reason: Attempting to open an existing file and a failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the open file failure.
- Verify that the specified file exists. Verify the number of
- files allowed open for the operating system permits the
- additional file, that is, check the FILES= configuration
- parameter setting.
- 03703 CFF MCE Konfigurationsdateieintrag fehlt
- Reason: Cannot find the configuration file entry [category] in the
- SQL.INI configuratin file.
- Remedy: Verify that he configuration file entry exists and that the
- proper SQL.INI configuration file is being used.
- 03704 CFF FCL Die Datei ist geschlossen
- Reason: The SQLBase system is attempting to read, write, or delete a
- line from the SQL.INI configuration file and the SQL.INI
- configuration file is not open.
- Remedy: This error should never occur unless there is a problem with the
- SQL.INI configuration processing software in SQLBase. Contact
- your local Gupta Technologies certified technical support
- center.
- 03705 CFF LSK Dateisuchfehler der Konfigurationsdatei SQL.INI
- Reason: The SQLBase system is attempting to seek to a point within the
- SQL.INI configuration file and the seek operation has failed.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the disk seek failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of the disk.
- 03706 CFF CRD Fehler beim Lesen aus der Konfigurationsdatei SQL.INI
- Reason: Attempting to read a file and a disk read failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the disk read failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of the disk.
- 03707 CFF CWT Fehler beim Schreiben in die Konfigurationsdatei SQL.INI
- Reason: Attempting to write to a file and a disk write failure has
- occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the disk write failure. Most
- commonly, it may be because you have run out of available disk
- space. If sufficient disk space is available, then run a check
- disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to verify
- the status of the disk.
- 03708 CFF EOF NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Ende der Datei
- Reason: This is not considered an error. This is only an indication
- that an end of file has been discovered in the SQL.INI file.
- Remedy: None. Informational only.
- 03709 CFF NDL Keine L÷schzeile in der Konfigurationsdatei SQL.INI verfⁿgbar
- Reason: The SQLBase system is attempting to delete a line within the
- SQL.INI configuration file and there is not line to delete.
- Remedy: This error should never occur unless there is a problem with the
- SQL.INI configuration processing software in SQLBase. Contact
- your local Gupta Technologies certified technical support
- center.
- 03710 CFF OOM Kein weiterer Speicherplatz vorhanden
- Reason: Either the database computer or the client workstation
- computer is running short of available memory.
- Remedy: Check available memory and attempt to make more memory
- available. To make more memory available at the database
- computer, you can reduce the size of the CACHE.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03712 CFF ICK Ungⁿltige SQL.INI-Konfigurationsparameter
- Reason: An invalid SQL.INI configuration parameter has been read from
- the SQL.INI configuration file.
- Remedy: Verify that the SQL.INI configuration parameters are correctly
- specified. Check that the system is reading the SQL.INI file
- that you think it is reading. See what other SQL.INI files
- exist in the current directory, the \SQLBase directory, the root
- directory, or on the operating system search PATH.
- 03713 CFF MPV Fehlender Konfigurationsparameterwert
- Reason: A SQL.INI configuration parameter has been specified and
- the expected form of the SQL.INI configuration parameter
- is KEYWORD=VALUE and the value portion of the SQL.INI
- configuration parameter is missing.
- Remedy: Verify that the SQL.INI configuration parameter values are
- correctly specified. Check that the system is reading the
- SQL.INI file that you think it is reading. See what other
- SQL.INI files exist in the current directory, the \SQLBase
- directory, the root directory, or on the OS search PATH.
- 03714 CFF CFE INTERNAL USE ONLY - Fehler in Konfigurationsdatei
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03716 CFF INI Ungⁿltiger Integerparameter
- Reason: A SQL.INI configuration parameter has been specified and the
- expected form of the SQL.INI configuration parameter is
- KEYWORD=integer-value and the integer-value portion of the
- SQL.INI configuration parameter is not a valid integer.
- Remedy: Verify that the SQL.INI configuration parameter integer-values
- are correctly specified. Check that the system is reading the
- SQL.INI file that you think it is reading. See what other
- SQL.INI files exist in the current directory, the \SQLBase
- directory, the root directory, or on the OS search PATH.
- 03717 CFF INB Ungⁿltiger Boolean-Parameter
- Reason: A SQL.INI configuration parameter has been specified and the
- expected form of the SQL.INI configuration parameter is
- KEYWORD=boolean-value and the boolean-value portion of the
- SQL.INI configuration parameter is not a valid integer.
- Remedy: Verify that the SQL.INI configuration parameter boolean-values
- are correctly specified. Check that the system is reading the
- SQL.INI file that you think it is reading. See what other
- SQL.INI files exist in the current directory, the \SQLBase
- directory, the root directory, or on the OS search PATH.
- 03718 CFF INK Ungⁿltiges Parameterschlⁿsselwort
- Reason: A SQL.INI configuration parameter has been specified and the
- expected form of the SQL.INI configuration parameter is
- PARAMETER=KEYWORD and the keyword portion of the SQL.INI
- configuration parameter is not a valid keyword.
- Remedy: Verify that the SQL.INI configuration parameter keywords are
- correctly specified. Check that the system is reading the
- SQL.INI file that you think it is reading. See what other
- SQL.INI files exist in the current directory, \SQLBase
- directory, root directory, or on the OS search PATH.
- 03719 CFF MES Gleichheitszeichen auf Parameter fehlt
- Reason: A SQL.INI configuration parameter has been specified and the
- expected form of the SQL.INI configuration parameter is
- KEYWORD=value and the equal sign (=) is missing.
- Remedy: Verify that the SQL.INI configuration parameter has a equal sign
- correctly specified. Check that the system is reading the
- SQL.INI file that you think it is reading. See what other
- SQL.INI files exist in the current directory, \SQLBase
- directory, root directory, or on the OS search PATH.
- 03720 CFF NOP Datenbank MAIN ist nicht allgemein zugΣnglich
- Reason: A DBNAME= SQL.INI configuration parameter specifies the main
- database and the main database is not available to the public.
- Remedy: Remove or change the name of the database that you are
- attempting to install that has the name of "MAIN".
- 03721 CFF IPL Unkorrekte Server-PrΣfixlΣnge
- Reason: A SERVERPREFIX= SQL.INI configuration parameter specified a
- serverprefix that is something other than one character.
- Remedy: Correct the SERVERPREFIX parameter. A server prefix can only be
- one character.
- 03722 CFF ICN Ungⁿltiger CLIENTNAME-Parameter
- Reason: A CLIENTNAME= SQL.INI configuration parameter specified a
- client name which is either too small or too large. Maximum
- size is twelve characters
- Remedy: Correct the CLIENTNAME parameter to be from one to twelve
- characters.
- 03723 CFF EPD Ungⁿltiger EPDATECHK-Parameter
- Reason: The only allowed values fo EPDATECHK are parameters are 'ON'
- or 'OFF'. The default is OFF.
- Remedy: Correct the parameter to use 'ON' or 'OFF'.
- 03724 CFF IMA Ungⁿltiger MACHINE-Parameter
- Reason: This parameter is used to cause SQLBase to adapt to special
- non-standard hardware. This is primarily for Japanese NEC
- machine and other AX standard machines. There are few
- hardware difference between NEC machine and IBM compatible
- machine. Currently, the allowed parameters are 'NEC' or 'AX'.
- Remedy: Correct the parameter to 'NEC' or 'AX'.
- Reason: The DEFAULTDATABASE name should be a short identifier. The
- length should not be more than 8 characters long and all the
- characters should be valid identifier characters.
- Remedy: Correct the parameter value to a valid short identifier.
- 03726 CFF ITF Fehlerⁿbersetzungstabelle kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: The error translation file specified could not be found.
- Remedy: Check the error translation file name spelling. Make sure the
- file is there.
- 03727 CFF OME Kein Speicherplatz mehr fⁿr Fehlerⁿbersetzungstabelle vorhanden
- Reason: Can not dynamic allocate memory space for error translation
- table.
- Remedy: Find a way to decrease other memory usage (e.g. Memory
- resident programs) or add more memory to your machine.
- 03728 CFF APC Ungⁿltiger APPCDLC-Parameter
- Reason: The value should be 'SDLC' or 'ITRN'. The length should be
- exactly 4.
- Remedy: Check your spelling. Correct the parameter.
- 03729 CFF PEX Datei kann zum Lesen nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: The specified file could not be opened for read. Either the
- file doesn't exist or it is lock by another program which may
- be writing to the file.
- Remedy: Check the file name and make sure you do have that file.
- Check your spelling.
- Reason: The password is too long.
- Remedy: Correct the password so that it is one to eight characters.
- 03731 CFF PWD Ungⁿltiges PASSWORD
- Reason: The password is too long.
- Remedy: Correct the password so that it is one to eight characters.
- 03732 CFF TMZ Ungⁿltige TIMEZONE
- Reason: A floating point number between -12 and +12 is expected. The
- unit is hour.
- Remedy: Make sure the specified number is between -12 and +12.
- 03733 CFF USR Ungⁿltiger DEFAULTUSER
- Reason: The length of the user is too long.
- Remedy: Make sure the user is from one to eight characters.
- 03734 CFF OOF Only accept 0 or 1 as parameter
- Reason: Only 0 for OFF and 1 for ON is accepted for this parameter.
- Remedy: Make sure the parameter value is either a 1 or a 0.
- 03735 CFF OCS Datei kann fⁿr ZeichensΣtze nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: The CHARACTERSET file could not be opened.
- This means either the file does not exist or the file
- is in use by another user.
- Remedy: Check the file name and make sure you do have that file.
- Check your spelling. If the specified file name does not have
- a file extension, .CHR is the default file extention.
- 03736 CFF CST Kein Speicherplatz mehr fⁿr Zeichensatztabellen vorhanden
- Reason: Not enough free memory was found for the character set table.
- Remedy: Find a way to decrease other memory usage (e.g. emory resident
- programs) or add more memory to your machine.
- 03737 CFF IVC Ungⁿltiges Zeichen in Zeichensatz
- Reason: The value is out out range 0x00 and 0xFF.
- Remedy: Check the values in the CHARACTERSET f file and make sure they
- are within range.
- 03738 CFF IRO Ungⁿltige Rekorderoption
- Reason: It is a invalid file name or can not allocate recorder
- definition structure. (out of memory)
- Remedy: Use a valid file name.
- 03739 CFF ROS Das System enthΣlt keine Rekorderoption
- Reason: This section does not have recorder option.
- Remedy: This line has to be deleted in this section.
- 03740 CFF LTL Line zu lang in SQL.INI
- Reason: A configuration entry in SQL.INI was too long.
- Remedy: Shorten the offending line in SQL.INI. In many cases
- it is possible to split up 1 configuration entry into
- several entries using the same keyword.
- 03741 CFF INP Ungⁿltiger NETPREFIX oder NETPREFIX zu lang
- Reason: The value of the NETPREFIX is invalid. The size of NETPREFIX
- is limited to 3 alphanumeric characters.
- Remedy: Alter the value of NETPREFIX to be less than or equal to ten
- characters and contain only alphanumeric characters.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- relate to the Remote SQLBase database server interface to the OS/2 operating
- system.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03802 RSO NEM Kein Speicherplatz mehr beim Client vorhanden
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03808 RSO SNE Sitzung existiert nicht
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03810 RSO SCT Sitzung wurde geschlossen/beendet
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 03811 RSO CFS Sitzung wurde nicht gefunden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 03812 RSO INE Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (RSE INE)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 03813 RSO OOS Keine Sitzungen mehr vorhanden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- relate to the Transaction Log Manager of the SQLBase database.
- 03901 LOG CCL Protokolldatei kann nicht angelegt werden
- Reason: Attempting to create a file and a failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the create failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of disk. Verify that sufficient disk space is
- available and verify that the number of files allowed open for
- the operating system permits the additional file, that is, check
- the FILES= configuration parameter setting.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03903 LOG CAL Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (LOG CAL)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 03904 LOG CAB Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (LOG CAB)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03907 LOG LNE Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (LOG LNE)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 03908 LOG LRO Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (LOG LRO)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 03909 LOG BMP Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (LOG BMP)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 03910 LOG MIP Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (LOG MIP)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 03911 LOG PNP Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (LOG PNP)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 03912 LOG ETS Transaktionsspannenlimit wurde ⁿberschritten
- Reason: The transaction has exceeded the transaction span limit and
- therefore has been rolled back by the system.
- Remedy: Long running transactions can pin down disk log files that could
- otherwise be deleted. The transaction span limit prevents logs
- from being pinned down by long running active transactions. To
- fix this problem, either modify the transactions so that they
- are not long running, that is, COMMIT more frequently, or
- increase or eliminate the transaction span limit.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03914 LOG BOX NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Boxcar-Ereignis
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 03915 LOG CLF Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (LOG CLF)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 03916 LOG BLF Fehlerhafte Protokolldatei
- Reason: The database system has determined during recovery that the
- specified log file serial number does not match the database
- serial number.
- Remedy: Verify that the correct log files are being used.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- relate to the database Recovery Manager of the SQLBase database.
- 04001 REC CAR Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (REC CAR)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 04002 REC BLC Fehlerhafte Protokollaufzeichnungskette
- Reason: The transaction log file is corrupted.
- Remedy: Recovery is only available up to this corrupted log file.
- 04003 REC LRF Lesen der Protokolldatei fehlgeschlagen
- Reason: Attempting to read a file and a disk read failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the disk read failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of the disk.
- 04004 REC MBT Protokollaufzeichnung des Transaktionsbeginns fehlt
- Reason: The transaction log file is corrupted.
- Remedy: Recovery is only available up to this corrupted log file.
- 04005 REC COL Protokolldatei kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: Attempting to open an existing file and a failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the open file failure.
- Verify that the specified file exists. Verify the number of
- files allowed open for the operating system permits the
- additional file, that is, check the FILES= configuration
- parameter setting.
- 04006 REC BLR Fehlerhafte Protokollaufzeichnung
- Reason: The transaction log file is corrupted.
- Remedy: Recovery is only available up to this corrupted log file.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 04008 REC SNF Speicherpunkt nicht gefunden
- Reason: Attempting a ROLLBACK to a savepoint identifier and a savepoint
- with this identifier has not been set.
- Remedy: Verify the savepoint identifier is correct and verify that the
- savepoint with the correctly specified identifier has been set.
- 04009 REC CRL Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (REC CRL)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 04010 REC FNB Erste Protokollaufzeichnung: Transaktion nicht beginnen
- Reason: The transaction log file is corrupted.
- Remedy: Recovery is only available up to this corrupted log file.
- 04011 REC CP1 Erster Protokollaufzeichnungs-Prⁿfpunkt fehlt
- Reason: The transaction log file is corrupted.
- Remedy: Recovery is only available up to this corrupted log file.
- 04012 REC CP2 Zweiter Protokollaufzeichnungs-Prⁿfpunkt fehlt
- Reason: The transaction log file is corrupted.
- Remedy: Recovery is only available up to this corrupted log file.
- 04013 REC TLO Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (REC TLO)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 04014 REC CRC Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (REC CRC)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 04015 REC DBT Beginn doppelter Transaktionsaufzeichnung
- Reason: The transaction log file is corrupted.
- Remedy: Recovery is only available up to this corrupted log file.
- 04016 REC TMB Zeit fⁿr Rollforward kann erst nach Beendigung der On-line-Sicherung beginnen
- Reason: Attempting ROLLFORWARD database-name TO TIME and the specified
- time is after the time when the backup was taken.
- Remedy: Correct the specified time.
- 04017 REC MOB Protokollaufzeichnung: On-line-Sicherung-beginnen fehlt
- Reason: The transaction log file is corrupted.
- Remedy: Recovery is only available up to this corrupted log file.
- 04018 REC MOE Protokollaufzeichnung: On-line-Sicherung-beenden fehlt
- Reason: The transaction log file is corrupted.
- Remedy: Recovery is only available up to this corrupted log file.
- 04019 REC BTV Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (REC BTV)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 04020 REC RFN Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (REC RFN)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 04021 REC RFA Rollforward wurde bereits gestartet
- Reason: User error, rollforward has already been started.
- Remedy: Finish the current rollforward process or reload from a backup.
- 04022 REC RFI Rollforward wurde unterbrochen; Datenbanksicherung mu▀ wiederhergestellt werden
- Reason: The rollforward operation has been interrupted.
- Remedy: Restore the database from a backup again.
- 04023 REC CRF Datenbank mu▀ vor der Operation Rollforward wiederhergestellt werden
- Reason: Database is in a crash state.
- Remedy: Restore database to previous backup before beginning rollforward
- procedure.
- 04024 REC RCO Rollforward ist in Bereichen, in denen Wiederherstellung ausgeschaltet wurde, nicht m÷glich
- Reason: User error, you cannot rollforward thru a region where recovery
- is off.
- Remedy: None. You cannot rollforward thru RECOVERY OFF region.
- 04025 REC ITI Schwerer SQLBase-Systemfehler (REC ITI)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- relate to the SQLTalk for DOS program.
- 05001 TLK INR Ungⁿltige Zeilenanzahl
- Reason: Attempting a FETCH command and the number of rows specified is
- less than one or invalid.
- Remedy: Correct the SQLTalk command. The FETCH command requires the
- number of rows to fetch. The syntax is FETCH n where n is the
- number of rows to fetch.
- 05002 TLK QNS Ergebnismengen-Restriktionsmodus wird in dieser Abfrage nicht untertstⁿtzt
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 05003 TLK COL Memodatei kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden -- ⁿbergangen
- Reason: Attempting to bind long data to a long data file and the file
- name specified cannot be opened.
- Remedy: Verify that the specified filename is correct.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05005 TLK CNA Cursor ist nicht aktiv
- Reason: Attempting to DISCONNECT or USE a cursor by number that is not
- active.
- Remedy: Correct DISCONNECT or USE command to only use a cursor number
- that has previously been successfully connected to.
- 05006 TLK DNA Daten sind in diesem Befehl nicht erlaubt
- Reason: Attempting some SQL statement other than INSERT, DELETE,
- UPDATE, or SELECT and data follows the command indicated by a
- backslash (\) starting the next line.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement. Data can only follow a SQL statement
- 05007 TLK CTB Befehl zu gro▀ - ⁿbergangen
- Reason: SQLTalk has found the input line to big to handle so it is
- skipping the input line.
- Remedy: Modify the input line.
- 05008 TLK ICN Ungⁿltige Cursorzahl
- Reason: Attempting to CONNECT or USE a cursor by number that is not
- valid.
- Remedy: Correct CONNECT or USE command to only use a cursor number that
- has previously been successfully connected to.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05010 TLK TMC Zuviele Spalten
- Reason: Attempting a BREAK or COMPUTE command and the number of columns
- operating on exceed the limit of 20 columns.
- Remedy: Correct BREAK or COMPUTE command. The number of columns is
- limited to 20.
- 05011 TLK CUL Memodaten k÷nnen nicht ausgeladen werden
- Reason: Attempting to unload data in DIF or ASCII format and the data
- contains LONG VARCHAR data.
- Remedy: Unload data in SQL format. LONG VARCHAR data cannot be unloaded
- in DIF or ASCII format.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05013 TLK OPE Fehler beim ╓ffnen der Datei
- Reason: Attempting to load or unload the database from a file but the
- named file cannot be opened, or attempting a REORGANIZE command
- but the temporary file used by the reorganize routine cannot be
- opened for output on the unload step or opened for input on the
- reload step, or attempting to SAVE a report or SQL statement in
- a file for later use and the named file cannot be opened.
- Remedy: If the file name was specified, check that the file name is
- correct. If the file name is correct or if its not necessary to
- specify a file name, determine why the file could not be opened.
- 05014 TLK CFE Fehler beim Schlie▀en der Datei
- Reason: SQLTalk has failed in its attempt to close a file after the RUN
- of a script file or, after the EDIT of the previous SQL
- statement or, during the REORGANIZE of a database or, at the end
- of an UNLOAD operation.
- Remedy: Determine why the operating system would not allow the closing
- of the file.
- 05015 TLK ITL Bezeichner ist zu lang
- Reason: Attempting to define an ALIAS for a column number and the ALIAS
- name is exceeds 18 characters or more generally, SQLTalk is
- attempting to parse an indentifier and the has found the
- identifier to exceed 18 characters.
- Remedy: Correct identifier.
- 05016 TLK IVA Ungⁿltiges Argument
- Reason: Attempting to set the isolation mode and the mode setting is not
- RR (read repeatibility), CS (cursor stability), RL (release
- lock), or RO (read only) or an argument specified on the SQLTalk
- DOS command line is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct the isolation mode setting or the argument specified on
- the DOS command line when invoking SQLTalk.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05018 TLK MSL Slash (SchrΣgstrich) fehlt (z.B.Benutzer/Pa▀wort)
- Reason: Attempting a connect command and the forward slash is missing or
- incorrect. A forward slash (/) is expected between the user
- name and password.
- Remedy: Correct connect statement. The syntax for the connect command
- is: "CONNECT databasename N username/password" where N is the
- number assigned to this connection for later reference and
- username/password is optional. If username/password is not
- specified then SYSADM/SYSADM is assumed. If username/password
- is specified then both are required with a forward slash
- separating the two identifiers.
- 05019 TLK ISC Ungⁿltiger SET-Befehl
- Reason: Attempting a SET command and the keyword immediately following
- the SET keyword is not recognized as a valid SET option.
- Remedy: Verify that the keyword following SET is a valid SET option.
- 05020 TLK CNE Befehl endet nicht korrekt
- Reason: SQLTalk has determined that the command being attempted is not
- properly ended.
- Remedy: Verify that the command is properly ended.
- 05021 TLK ICS Ungⁿltige Cursorgr÷▀e
- Reason: An invalid cursor size has been specified on a connect.
- Remedy: Correct cursor size on connect command.
- 05022 TLK IVP Ungⁿltiges Pa▀wort
- Reason: An invalid password has been specified signing on to SQLTalk or
- attempting a connect command within SQLTalk.
- Remedy: Correct password.
- 05023 TLK MRP Rechte Klammer fehlt
- Reason: Attempting connect command and a right parentheses is missing.
- Remedy: Correct connect command.
- 05024 TLK MIC Fehlende oder ungⁿltige Cursornummer
- Reason: Attempting a DISCONNECT a cursor by number that is not valid.
- Remedy: Correct DISCONNECT command to only use a cursor number that
- has previously been successfully connected to.
- 05025 TLK CPS Ungⁿltige Cachespeicherseitengr÷▀e
- Reason: An invalid number has been specified for the number of cache
- pages.
- Remedy: Correct the specified cache page size number.
- 05026 TLK RFN Ungⁿltiger Laufdateiname
- Reason: Attempting to SAVE a report or SQL statement or attempting to
- run a script file and the file name is not valid.
- Remedy: Correct file name.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05028 TLK COR Laufdatei kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: Attempting to PRINT or RUN a script file and the specified file
- name cannot be opened.
- Remedy: Correct file name.
- 05029 TLK OOO ON oder OFF-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting to set a SQLTalk option ON or OFF and the keyword is
- either missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct command to specify ON or OFF correctly.
- 05030 TLK QNE Angegebene Zeichenkette endet nicht korrekt
- Reason: A quoted string has not been properly ended.
- Remedy: Correct quoted string.
- 05031 TLK QTL Angegebene Zeichenkette ist zu lang
- Reason: A quoted string is larger than 254 characters.
- Remedy: Correct quoted string.
- 05032 TLK MQS Angegebene Zeichenkette fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a COLUMN command and a quoted string is expected
- after the keyword HEADING, PICTURE, or NULLS or attempting to
- execute a DOS command using the syntax "$ 'dos command'" and the
- quoted string following the dollar sign ($) is missing or
- attempting to SET NULLS globally and the quoted string following
- the NULLS keyword is missing.
- Remedy: Supply appropriate quoted string.
- 05033 TLK NTL Null-Zeichenkette ist zu gro▀
- Reason: Attempting substitute a string for NULLS either for a particular
- column via the COLUMN command or globally via a SET NULLS
- command and the substitute string is larger than ten characters.
- Remedy: Reduce the size of the NULLS substitute string.
- 05034 TLK ISH Ungⁿltiger Anzeigebefehl
- Reason: Attempting a SHOW command and the type of SHOW indicated by the
- keyword immediately following the SHOW is invalid or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the SHOW command.
- 05035 TLK NSF Keine aktive Spooldatei zum Schlie▀en
- Reason: Attempting to SET SPOOL OFF and there is no active spool file to
- turn off.
- Remedy: None. You cannot turn of a spool file if one does not exist.
- 05036 TLK SFE Spooldatei ist bereits aktiv
- Reason: Attempting to set a spool file on and a spool file is already
- active.
- Remedy: You must turn off the active spool file before starting a new
- spool file.
- 05037 TLK COS Spooldatei kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: Attempting to open a spool file and the open is failing.
- Remedy: If the spool file name was specified, check that the file name
- is correct. If the spool file name is correct or if the spool
- file name was not specified then determine why the file could
- not be opened.
- 05038 TLK IFN Ungⁿltiger Dateiname
- SET SPOOL, or UNLOAD and the specified file name is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct the file name.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05040 TLK TMA Zuviele Argumente
- Reason: Too many arguments have been specified on the command line.
- Remedy: Correct specified arguments.
- 05041 TLK NCF Es wurde kein Proze▀befehl gefunden
- Reason: SQLTalk is attempting to locate a command to process and it is
- not successfully finding a command to process.
- Remedy: Check source of commands and determine why no commands are found
- to process.
- 05042 TLK MBS Vorheriger Befehl mu▀ ein Auswahlbefehl sein
- Reason: Attempting a BACKWARDS command and the previous command was not
- a SELECT statement. A BACKWARDS must be preceded by the
- execution of a successful SELECT statement.
- Remedy: Always fetch forward via a SELECT prior to attempting a
- BACKWARDS command.
- 05043 TLK MQN Abfragename fehlt
- Reason: Attempting to ERASE, EXECUTE, RETRIEVE, or STORE a stored SQL
- statement and the statement name has not been specified.
- Remedy: Correct command syntax so that the stored statement name is
- specified.
- 05044 TLK CNS Befehl wurde nicht gestapelt
- Reason: Attempting to STORE a SQL statement and the store name already
- exists in the database. The user is prompted with:
- Command already exists. Overwrite it (Y/N)?
- The user gets a "Command NOT stored" message when responsing "N"
- to the above question.
- Remedy: Use another store command name.
- 05045 TLK IFT Ungⁿltiger Formattyp
- Reason: Attempting to LOAD in other than ASCII, DIF, SQL, or WKS format
- or attempting to UNLOAD other than ALL or DATABASE or in a
- format other than ASCII, DIF, or SQL.
- Remedy: Correct LOAD or UNLOAD command to load only in ASCII, DIF, or
- SQL format and UNLOAD ALL or DATABASE or in formats of ASCII,
- DIF, or SQL.
- 05046 TLK OSF Nur SQL-Formate gestatten Multitabellen
- Reason: Attempting to UNLOAD other than ALL, DATABASE, or in SQL format
- and mulit-table unloads are only allowed in an UNLOAD ALL,
- Remedy: Correct UNLOAD to specify a particular table or use UNLOAD ALL
- or DATABASE or UNLOAD in SQL format.
- 05047 TLK ULA Ausladen abgebrochen
- Reason: Attempting to UNLOAD or REORGANIZE and the unload file cannot
- be opened.
- Remedy: Determine why the unload file could not be opened.
- 05048 TLK CUS Das Ausladen einer Systemtabelle ist nicht erlaubt
- Reason: Attempting to UNLOAD a system table.
- Remedy: Correct UNLOAD command. System tables cannot be unloaded.
- 05049 TLK TNE Diese Tabelle existiert nicht
- Reason: Attempting to load a specific table in ASCII format or unload a
- specific table in SQL format and the named table does not exist.
- Remedy: Modify command to correctly specify an existing table.
- 05050 TLK UEF Unerwartetes Ende der Datei
- Reason: SQLTalk is reading input data or input from an input file and
- SQLTalk has unexpectedly reached the end of the file being
- processed.
- Remedy: Determine why the input data or input file has unexpectedly
- reached an end of file condition.
- 05051 TLK TNM Tabellenname fehlt auf der Ladedatei
- Reason: Attempting to load in DIF format and the load table name is
- missing from the DIF file.
- Remedy: Correct LOAD file to correctly specify the load table name when
- loading in DIF format.
- 05052 TLK VCM VekorzΣhler fehlt auf der Ladedatei
- Reason: Attempting to load in DIF format and the vector count is
- missing from the load file.
- Remedy: Correct LOAD file to correctly specify the vector count when
- loading in DIF format.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05055 TLK IDI Ungⁿltiges Ladedatenelement wurde gefunden
- Reason: Attempting to load in DIF format and the load data type found
- in the load file is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct LOAD file to correctly specify the load data type when
- loading in DIF format.
- 05056 TLK SDI Spezialdatenelement wurde beim Laden erwartet
- Reason: Attempting to load in DIF format and a special data item is
- expected in the load file but is not found.
- Remedy: Correct LOAD file to correctly specify special data items when
- loading in DIF format.
- 05057 TLK ISN Ungⁿltiger Quelldateiname
- Reason: Attempting to load from a file but the specified file name is
- not valid.
- Remedy: Correct LOAD file name.
- 05058 TLK ITP Ungⁿltige Titelparameter
- Reason: Setting a TTITLE (top title) or BTITLE (bottom title) on a
- SQLTalk report and the keyword immediately following the SET
- TTITLE or BTITLE keyword is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct TTITLE or BTITLE set command. Immediately following
- TTITLE or BTITLE should be a title string, or the keyword ON,
- 05059 TLK NTS Es wurden keine Tabellen spezifiziert
- Reason: Attempting an unload and no table names have been specified.
- Remedy: Identifiy some table names or specify ALL in the UNLOAD command.
- 05060 TLK TEM Titel ⁿberschreitet die maximale Zeilenanzahl
- Reason: Attempting a TTITLE or BTITLE command and the command has
- specified more than three lines to the title.
- Remedy: Modify title so that the title is not more than three lines.
- 05061 TLK DTN Zieltabelle wird nicht mit SQL-Format verwendet
- Reason: Attempting a LOAD SQL and specifying a source file name and
- a destination table name.
- Remedy: Modify the LOAD SQL command. Destination table names are not
- allowed in SQL format. The SQL statements in the LOAD file
- identify the table names to be loaded.
- 05062 TLK MDT Name der Zieltabelle fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a LOAD ASCII and specifying a source file name but
- the destination table name is not specified.
- Remedy: Modify the LOAD ASCII command. Destination table names are
- required when loading in ASCII format.
- 05063 TLK ICI Ungⁿltiger Spaltenbezeichner
- Reason: Attempting a BREAK, COMPUTE, COLUMN, or ALIAS name command and
- the column identifier is invalid or exceeds a count of 20.
- Remedy: Modify command to correctly identify the column identifiers.
- 05064 TLK HTL ▄berschrift ist zu lang
- Reason: Attempting to define a column heading within a COLUMN command
- and the column heading exceeds 132 characters.
- Remedy: Correct COLUMN command. Column headings must be 132 characters
- or less.
- 05065 TLK HEM ▄berschrift ⁿberschreitet die maximal erlaubte Zeilenanzahl
- Reason: Attempting to define a column heading within a COLUMN command
- and the number of lines defined in the column heading exceeds
- three.
- Remedy: Correct COLUMN command. Column headings are restricted to a
- maximum of three lines.
- 05066 TLK ICW Ungⁿltige Spaltenbreite
- Reason: Attempting to define a column WIDTH within a COLUMN command and
- the specified width is invalid, is less than one character, or
- greate than the current output line size.
- Remedy: Correct COLUMN command. The WIDTH parameter must be defined
- from 1 to maximum output line size.
- 05067 TLK ICP Ungⁿltige Spaltenparameter
- Reason: Attempting a COLUMN command and a specified parameter is
- invalid or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct COLUMN command. Identify and modify the invalid or
- misspelled COLUMN command parameter.
- 05068 TLK TIL Titel zu lang
- Reason: Setting a TTITLE (top title) or BTITLE (bottom title) on a
- SQLTalk report and the title specified exceeds 132 characters.
- Remedy: Correct TTITLE or BTITLE set command.
- Reason: Attempting to set a cache size or set recovery on or off and
- SQLTalk performs a disconnect and a reconnect to accomplish
- these operations. Unfortunately, the reconnect operation has
- unexpectedly failed leaving SQLTalk in an unpredictable state.
- Remedy: Exit SQLTalk immediately. Try again.
- 05070 TLK CPT Cachespeicherseitengr÷▀e zu gro▀
- Reason: Attempting to set a cache size too large.
- Remedy: Modify SET CACHE to less cache pages than the previous attempt.
- 05071 TLK UEV Ungⁿltiger Wert
- Reason: Attempting SET command and an invalid value has been specified.
- Remedy: Correct SET command.
- 05072 TLK CRU Ausladedatei kann nicht entfernt werden
- Reason: Attempting an unload operation and the unload has failed and
- the system cannot remove the partially completed unload file.
- Remedy: Erase unload and determine why unload failed.
- 05073 TLK DNE Diese Datenbank existiert nicht
- Reason: Attempting to connect to database via SQLTalk and the
- specified database name is not found.
- Remedy: Correct the database name or detemine why the database name
- has not been found.
- 05074 TLK MEK ERRORS-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a RUN command with DETECT ERRORS option and the
- ERRORS keyword is missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct SQLTalk command. The basic syntax when using the
- DETECT ERRORS syntax option is:
- RUN procedure-filename DETECT ERRORS
- 05075 TLK IWS Kein Speicherplatz mehr beim Client vorhanden (TLK IWS)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- 05075 TLK IWS Grafik ist zu gro▀
- Reason: A picture string has exceeded 40 characters.
- Remedy: Correct picture string. Picture strings are limited to a
- maximum of 40 characters.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05078 TLK IAP Ungⁿltiger Justierungsparameter
- Reason: An ADJUST parameter has been specified in a COLUMN command
- and the ADJUST type is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct ADJUST parameter type. Valid keywords allowed after
- the ADJUST keyword are LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, or OFF.
- 05079 TLK SAV Ungⁿltiger SAVE-Befehlsparameter
- Reason: A SAVE command has been specified with an invalid SAVE type.
- Remedy: Correct the SAVE command. Valid keywords allowed immediately
- after the SAVE keyword are SQL, REPORT, or FILTER.
- 05080 TLK IBP Ungⁿltiger BREAK-Befehlsparameter
- Reason: Invalid keyword immediately after BREAK command keyword.
- Remedy: Correct the BREAK command. Valid BREAKs are either BREAK OFF or
- BREAK ON [REPORT] column-list.
- 05081 TLK NBS Es wurden keine Breaks spezifiziert
- Reason: A BREAK command has been specified without specifying any
- columns to break on.
- Remedy: Correct the BREAK command. A list of break columns must be
- listed or the keyword REPORT must be listed.
- 05082 TLK CMP Ungⁿltiger COMPUTE-Befehlsparameter
- Reason: A COMPUTE command has been specified with an invalid aggregate
- keyword.
- Remedy: Correct the COMPUTE command. A COMPUTE command must specify an
- aggregate computation of either MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG, or COUNT.
- 05083 TLK MOF OF-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: A COMPUTE command has been specified and the keyword OF is
- missing after the aggregate computation keyword of MAX, MIN,
- Remedy: Correct the COMPUTE command. The OF keyword is immediately
- followed by a list of columns to operate on. See the SQLTalk
- Command Reference Manual for a complete explanation of the
- COMPUTE command.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05085 TLK NBC Fⁿr diese Spalten existieren keine Breaks
- Reason: A COMPUTE command has specified a break-list but the columns
- specified in the break-list have not been set as break columns.
- Remedy: Perform BREAK command on any columns to break on. The COMPUTE
- command can only specify columns in the break-list that have
- been established as a break column.
- 05086 TLK INC Ungⁿltige Spaltenanzahl
- Reason: The RIGHT or LEFT command has been specified and an invalid
- number has been specified for the number of columns to shift
- right or left.
- Remedy: Correct the RIGHT or LEFT command. A valid numeric value must
- be specified after the RIGHT or LEFT keyword to shift the
- displayed output of a SELECT command to the right or left of the
- first column.
- 05087 TLK AAE Aliasnamen besteht bereits
- Reason: The specified ALIAS name already exists.
- Remedy: Correct the COLUMN command to specify a new and unique ALIAS
- name for the column indicated.
- 05088 TLK NPF Es wurde keine frⁿhere Datei fⁿr $DATA gefunden
- Reason: A $DATA keyword has been found but no previous file exists.
- Remedy: The keyword $DATA is used to signal input from another source.
- This source is always a previous file, which can be a text file
- or the keyboard. When this keyword is encounted, SQLTalk looks
- for a backslash, followed by data lines, in the previous file.
- Correct the scenario so that a previous file exists.
- 05089 TLK NDF Es wurden keine Daten in frⁿherer Datei gefunden
- Reason: A $DATA keyword has been found but no data has been found in the
- previous file.
- Remedy: The keyword $DATA is used to signal input from another source.
- This source is always a previous file, which can be a text file
- or the keyboard. When this keyword is encounted, SQLTalk looks
- for a backslash, followed by data lines, in the previous file.
- Correct the previous file referenced back to so that a backslash
- exists followed by the data lines.
- 05090 TLK COP Drucker kann fⁿr Bericht nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: Attempting a PRINT command and the printer cannot be opened for
- the printing of the report.
- Remedy: Verify that the printer is on and enabled. Retry.
- 05091 TLK STS Gr÷▀e kleiner als Spaltenbreite
- Reason: Attempting to set the linesize smaller than a largest specified
- column WIDTH.
- Remedy: Reduce size of largest column width to accomodate new linesize.
- The column width is set with the COLUMN command.
- 05092 TLK CCD Cursornummer steht mit Datenbanknamen in Konflikt
- Reason: Attempting to disconnect a cursor from a database and the
- database name specified does not correspond to the database the
- cursor number is connected to.
- Remedy: Correct the DISCONNECT command. Verify that the database name
- is for the specified cursor number.
- 05093 TLK CIF Eingabedatei kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: Attempting to open an existing file and a failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the open file failure.
- Verify that the specified file exists. Verify the number of
- files allowed open for the operating system permits the
- additional file, that is, check the FILES= configuration
- parameter setting.
- 05094 TLK MST Quell- oder Zieltabellennamen fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a COPY command and the specified source or
- destination table does not exist.
- Remedy: Verify that the source table exists and is correctly specified.
- If the source table is correct, verify that the destination
- table exists and is correctly specified. The destination table
- must exist. The COPY command does not create the destination
- table, it must previously exist.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05096 TLK MTO TO-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: The TO keyword is missing in a COPY command.
- Remedy: Correct COPY command. The general syntax is COPY source-table
- TO destination-table. See the SQLTalk Command Reference Manual
- for more information on the COPY command.
- 05097 TLK NPC Es wurde kein vorhergehender Befehl gefunden
- Reason: The specified LIST command should display the most recently
- entered SQL statement but no previous command can be found.
- Remedy: None. No previous command exists to be listed.
- 05098 TLK LNF Zeilennummer wurde nicht gefunden
- Reason: The LIST command specified a non-existent line number.
- Remedy: Correct the LIST command. Specify a valid line number.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05100 TLK CEF Bearbeitungsdatei kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: Attempting to EDIT a file and the specified file cannot be
- opened.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the open file failure.
- Verify that the specified file exists. Verify the number of
- files allowed open for the operating system permits the
- additional file, that is, check the FILES= configuration
- parameter setting.
- 05101 TLK EDI Editor ist nicht verfⁿgbar
- Reason: Attempting to EDIT a file and an editor is not available.
- Remedy: An editor can be made available by setting the environment
- variable EDITOR. See the SQLTalk Command Reference Manual for
- more information on the EDIT command.
- 05102 TLK DEE Fehler bei DOS-Ausfⁿhrung
- Reason: Attempting to execute a DOS command from within SQLTalk and
- the operation has failed.
- Remedy: Correct the DOS operation.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05105 TLK FIL Rollmodus ist bereits aktiv
- Reason: Attempting to set SCROLL mode on and its already on.
- Remedy: None. Cannot turn on SCROLL mode if SCROLL mode is already
- active.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05107 TLK CSM Cachespeicherseiten k÷nnen in Mehrbenutzerdatenbank nicht eingestellt werden
- Reason: Attempting to set the cache size with a multi-user database.
- Remedy: None. The database cache size cannot be set from a remote
- client workstation. The database cache size can only be set at
- the database server. The database cache size can only be set on
- a single user version of the database.
- 05108 TLK SP1 Cachespeicherseiten k÷nnen nicht eingestellt werden, wenn sie mehr als einmal verbunden wurden
- Reason: Attempting to set the database cache size and you are connected
- to the database more than once.
- Remedy: Disconnect all cursors but your current cursor. You can only
- set the database cache while being connected once to a single
- user database.
- 05109 TLK DCC Aktueller Cursor kann nicht deaktiviert werden
- Reason: Cannot disconnect your currently connected cursor.
- Remedy: USE a differenct cursor before attempting to disconnect the
- specified cursor. You cannot disconnect your last remaining
- cursor. To perform database operation without a connection,
- exit SQLTalk and restart SQLTalk with the NOCONNECT option.
- 05110 TLK BND Bindevariabeln sind ohne Bindedaten
- Reason: Attempting to execute a command that has bind variables but data
- after the command has been found to be bound.
- Remedy: Verify that a backslash after the command exists. The backslash
- indicates the start of the data to be bound.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05112 TLK CTS Befehlsgr÷▀e ist zu klein
- Reason: Attempting to set the command size too small.
- Remedy: None. The command size should not be modified.
- 05113 TLK CAC Kein Speicher mehr beim Client vorhanden (TLK CAC)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- 05114 TLK ILL Eingabe ist fⁿr Ladepuffer zu lang
- Reason: Attempting a load and the input is too long for the current
- load buffer.
- Remedy: Modify load file.
- 05115 TLK CAL Kein Speicher mehr beim Client vorhanden (TLK CAL)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- 05116 TLK DTL Diff-Tabellenname ist zu lang
- Reason: Attempting a LOAD DIF command and the table name is too large.
- Remedy: Correct LOAD DIF command by specifying a valid table name.
- 05117 TLK CUB Kein Speicher mehr beim Client vorhanden(TLK CUB)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05119 TLK IDN Ungⁿltiger Datenbankname
- Reason: The specified database name is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct the command by specifying a valid database name.
- 05120 TLK ITN Ungⁿltiger Tabellenname
- Reason: The specified table name is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct the command by specifying a valid table name.
- 05121 TLK NSC Kein Speicher mehr beim Client vorhanden (TLK NSC)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- 05122 TLK CPO Drucken kann fⁿr Untertitel nicht ausgeschaltet werden
- Reason: Attempting to turn off PRINT for a column that has been
- specified with SUBTITLE on.
- Remedy: None. Columns defined with SUBTITLE on must be printed, that
- is, they must defined with PRINT on.
- 05123 TLK TND Tabelle in Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
- Reason: Attempting to unload a non-existent table.
- Remedy: Verify the correct spelling of the table and verify that the
- table exists.
- 05124 TLK MDB DATABASE-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- DATABASE and the DATABASE keyword is missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the command by properly specifying the DATABASE keyword.
- 05125 TLK SRV SERVER-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a SHOW DATABASES ON SERVER server-id command and the
- SERVER keyword is missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the command by properly specifying the SERVER keyword.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05127 TLK MDS DATABASES-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a SHOW DATABASES command and the DATABASES keyword is
- missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the command by properly specifying the DATABASES
- keyword.
- 05128 TLK NSA mu▀ SYSADM sein, um Datenbank auszuladen
- Reason: Only SYSADM can perform the UNLOAD DATABASE command.
- Remedy: None. You must have SYSADM database authority to UNLOAD an
- entire database.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05131 TLK SCN Auswahllistenelement ist kein einfacher Spaltenname
- Reason: Attempting a SHOW SELECTLISTNAME command and the select list
- elements are not simple column names, but rather an expression
- or constant, and therefore it cannot be displayed.
- Remedy: None. Expressions and constants cannot be displayed with the
- 05132 TLK MFC FROM <Verzeichnis>-Klausel fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a RESTORE command and the FROM directory-name clause
- is missing.
- Remedy: Correct RESTORE command by properly specifying the FROM
- directory-name clause.
- 05133 TLK MTC TO <Datenbank>-Klausel fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a RESTORE command and the TO dataname-name clause is
- missing.
- Remedy: Correct RESTORE command by properly specifying the TO
- database-name clause.
- 05134 TLK SSC SET SERVER-Befehl mu▀ dieser Operation vorausgehen
- Reason: Attempting to perform a database administrative function and a
- database server connection has not been established.
- Remedy: Perform a SET SERVER command to establish connection to a remote
- database server before attempting any database administrative
- function.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05137 TLK BDT Fehlerhafte Datum/Zeit-Folge; MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS wird erwartet
- Reason: Attempting a ROLLFORWARD command to a specified date and time
- that does not conform to the form of "mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss".
- Remedy: Correct the ROLLFORWARD command by specifying a date and time
- that conforms to the format of "mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss".
- 05138 TLK BTE BACKUP, TIME oder END wird erwartet
- Reason: Attempting a ROLLFORWARD command and the keyword BACKUP, TIME,
- or END is expected immediately after the TO keyword.
- Remedy: Correct the ROLLFORWARD command by specifying a valid keyword
- after the TO keyword or eithr BACKUP, TIME, or END.
- 05139 TLK IVS Ungⁿltiger Servername
- Reason: Attempting a SET SERVER command and the speciified server name
- is either invalid or larger than 8 characters.
- Remedy: Correct the SET SERVER command by specifying a valid server
- name.
- 05140 TLK RLE RELEASE LOG wird erwartet
- Reason: Attempting a RELEASE LOG command and the mandatory LOG keyword
- is either missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the RELEASE LOG command by properly specifying the
- command as RELEASE LOG.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05142 TLK OOS Nur ON SERVER oder ON CLIENT ist erlaubt
- Reason: Attempting a BACKUP or RESTORE command and the keyword after the
- ON keyword can only be SERVER or CLIENT.
- Remedy: Correct the BACKUP or RESTORE command by properly specifying the
- ON clause as either ON SERVER or ON CLIENT.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05144 TLK RSM Ergebnismengenmodus mu▀ aktiv sein, um Restriktionen zu setzen
- Reason: Attempting to SET RESTRICTION mode while not in SCOLL mode.
- Remedy: Restriction mode can only be set after turning on scroll mode,
- that is, SET SCROLL ON.
- 05145 TLK TMB Zuviele Bindedaten
- Reason: The number of data items read exceeds the number of bind
- variables specified.
- Remedy: Correct either the SQL statement or the bind data being read so
- that the number of bind variables matches the number of data
- elements.
- 05146 TLK IDT Ungⁿltiger Datentyp
- Reason: The $DATATYPES line specified an invalid data type.
- Remedy: Correct the $DATATYPES line so that a data types are valid.
- 05147 TLK IDA Ungⁿltige Daten fⁿr spezifizierten Datentyp
- Reason: Invalid data has been found for the specified data types.
- Remedy: Correct data so that it matches the specified data types.
- 05148 TLK IUN Ungⁿltiger Benutzername
- Reason: A user name has been entered that exceeds 8 characters.
- Remedy: Correct the user name.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05151 TLK IQS Angegebenes Datenfeld ist ungⁿltig
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 05152 TLK CNL Der eingestellte Cursor wird nicht mehr unterstⁿtzt
- Reason: The SET CURSOR command is no longer supported.
- Remedy: None. The SET CURSOR command is not supported.
- 05153 TLK ICO Ungⁿltige Spaltenzahl
- Reason: Attempting a LOAD DIF command and a column number in the DIF
- file format is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct the DIF file attempting to be loaded.
- 05154 TLK STL Der gestapelte Befehlsname ist zu lang
- Reason: Attempting a STORE command and the command name exceeds 18
- characters.
- Remedy: Correct the STORE command by specifying a valid command name
- that does not exceed 18 characters.
- 05155 TLK CTL Der Name des Besitzers ist zu lang
- Reason: Attempting a STORE command and the creator name exceeds 8
- characters.
- Remedy: Correct the STORE command by specifying a valid creator name
- that does not exceed 8 characters.
- 05156 TLK JOR SET/SHOW/APPLY JOURNAL-Befehle wurden deinstalliert
- Reason: Attempting a SET JOURNAL, SHOW JOURNAL, or APPLY JOURNAL command
- and these commands are no longer supported.
- Remedy: None. Journalling is no longer supported in SQLBase 4.0 or
- later.
- 05157 TLK ENM Eine Zahl wird erwartet
- Reason: Attempting a SET statement and the integer-constant that was
- expected is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct the SET statement by specifying a valid
- integer-constant.
- 05158 TLK INV Ungⁿltige Versions-Zeichenkette
- Reason: Attempting a SET LOADVERSION command and an invalid version
- string has been found.
- Remedy: Correct the SET LOADVERSION by specifying a valid version
- string.
- 05159 TLK DLS DATABASE, LOGS, oder SNAPSHOT wird erwartet
- Reason: Attempting a RESTORE command and the keyword DATABASE, LOGS, or
- SNAPSHOT was not specified after the RESTORE keyword.
- Remedy: Correct the RESTORE command by specifying either a RESTORE of
- 05160 TLK NPR Nicht druckbares Zeichen wurde gefunden
- Reason: Attempting an UNLOAD and a non-printable data has been found in
- a column that prevents it from being unloaded.
- Remedy: This column cannot be unloaded. Possibly create a view that
- excludes either this row or column and unload from that view.
- 05161 TLK OOD ON, OFF oder DEFAULT-Schlⁿsselworte fehlen
- Reason: Attempting to SET READONLY to something other than ON, OFF, or
- Remedy: Correct the SET READONLY command by properly specifying either
- 05162 TLK MSN Servername fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a SHOW DATABASES command with the ON SERVER clause
- and the server name has not been found.
- Remedy: Correct the SHOW DATABASES command by properly specifying a
- valid server name such as "SHOW DATABASE ON SERVER myserver".
- 05163 TLK NCN Keine CONNECTs wurden bisher ausgefⁿhrt. Dieser Befehl ben÷tigt eine Datenbankverbindung
- Reason: Attempting a SQLTalk command that requires a valid connection to
- a specific database.
- Remedy: Perform a connect operation or enter SQLTalk by entering the
- database name, user name, and password to establish a connection
- to a database. To get this error, you probably entered SQLTalk
- with the SQLTalk NOCONNECT option and are now attempting a
- command that requires a valid connection.
- 05164 TLK CAB Befehl wurde auf Weisung des Benutzers hin abgebrochen
- Reason: Command has been terminated via user intervention
- Remedy: None. Informational only. The command was stopped at the
- user's request.
- 05165 TLK PEP Vorbereitung wird vor der Aktion Einlesen erwartet
- Reason: Attempting to fetch data and no SQL statement has been compiled.
- Remedy: PREPARE a SQL statement before doing a PERFORM or FETCH
- operation.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 05168 TLK FWF Fehler beim Schreiben in Datei
- Reason: Attempting to write to a file and a disk write failure has
- occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the disk write failure. Most
- commonly, it may be because you have run out of available disk
- space. If sufficient disk space is available, then run a check
- disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to verify
- the status of the disk.
- 05169 TLK ICH Ungⁿltiges Zeichen
- Reason: An invalid character has been found in the input stream.
- Remedy: Correct invalid character.
- 05170 TLK NIW Dieses Leistungsmerkmal wird von Windows nicht unterstⁿtzt
- Reason: Attempting a DOS ($) command or attempting to EDIT a file from
- within SQLTalk and these features are not supported under the
- Microsoft Windows environment.
- Remedy: None. DOS commands and the EDIT command is not supported from
- SQLTalk under Microsoft Windows.
- 05171 TLK UDS UNLOAD DATABASE wird nur fⁿr SQLBase unterstⁿtzt
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 05172 TLK MEQ Anfⁿhrungszeichen am Ende fehlt
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 05173 TLK MCM Teilungskomma fehlt
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 05174 TLK IVC Codeseite stimmt nicht ⁿberein; Prⁿfen Sie Ihre Datei SQL.INI uand code.pag
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 05175 TLK MSF Diese Datenbanksitzung existiert nicht; Spooldateiname wird ben÷tigt
- Reason: Invoked SQLTalk with the NOCONNECT option (i.e., the database
- connection does not exist) and the spool file name is not
- specified.
- Remedy: Specify spool file name or make a database connection before
- issuing the command SET SPOOL ON.
- 05176 TLK RCV Datenbank ist aktiv mit RECOVERY ON
- Reason: RECOVERY can be disabled only before the database has been
- changed.
- Remedy: SET RECOVERY must be the first command in an SQLTALK session.
- These DB2 error messages and error message numbers were obtained from the
- IBM DB2 Reference Manual (Order Number: SC26-4078), Appendix B., SQL Return
- Codes. Some lengthy messages have been condensed and/or paraphrased. Some
- messages refer to the DB2 reference manual, because the text could not
- reasonably be represented in a single line message.
- A few messages, for example, numbers 6001 - 6006, are not DB2 messages, but
- are generated by the CICS transaction which communicates with DB2. These
- messages are emitted when the CICS transaction detects a user error.
- 06001 DB2 001 Ungⁿltige NetzwerkMeldung oder falsche Meldungversion
- Reason: There are two possible causes for this problem. First, SQLHost
- may not be recognizing the router and SQLGateway versions or the
- router and SQLGateway products are incompatible. Secondly, an
- invalid operation is possibly being required from SQLHost.
- Remedy: If you are attempting to connect to a database and get this
- error, then its probably because the software versions of the
- router and SQLGateway do not match. An invalid message may be
- the result of a garbled message from CICS which caused SQLHost
- to issue this error code. If this problem occurs repeatedly, an
- APPC trace may be informative.
- 06002 DB2 002 Zuviele DB2-Cursor
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06003 DB2 003 Diese Operation ist ungⁿltig nach ROLLBACK oder COMMIT
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06004 DB2 004 Cursor wurde fⁿr Trennen nicht gefunden
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06005 DB2 005 Host-Variable zum Ausfⁿhren oder Lesen von Memo wurde nicht gefunden
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06006 DB2 006 Cursor ist fⁿr Einlesen nicht ge÷ffnet
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06007 DB2 007 Aussage enthΣlt ein unerlaubtes Zeichen
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06010 DB2 010 Zeichenkettenkonstante hat kein Ende
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06084 DB2 084 Unakzeptable SQL-Aussage
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06100 DB2 100 Zeile wurde nicht gefunden oder Abfrageergebnis besteht aus einer leeren Tabelle
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06101 DB2 101 Diese Aussage ist zu lang oder zu komplex
- Reason: The SQL statement has caused an internal limitation of SQL to be
- exceeded. The amount of code required to process the SQL
- statement is greater than will fit in the allocated storage
- area. This will occur if the statement is longer than 8192
- characters. Some of the other causes are if the command:
- (1) contains a number of operations, especially operations
- involving decimal or floating point numbers.
- (2) involves a number of conversions between different data
- types.
- (3) involves inserting a number of constants.
- (4) involves a number of built-in functions, especially those
- involving arithmetic functions.
- Remedy: Either break the SQL statement into smaller statements or try to
- remove unnecessary conditions which may exist in the statement.
- 06102 DB2 102 ZeichenkettenkonstantenlΣnge > 254 Zeichen oder 124 graphischen Zeichen
- Reason: The SQL statement contains a character literal or hexadecimal
- literal that contains more than 254 characters or numbers, or it
- contains a Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) literal that
- contains more than 127 characters.
- Remedy: Decrease the length of the literal and rerun.
- 06103 DB2 103 Ungⁿltiger numerischer Ausdruck
- Reason: A floating-point number did not end with a digit (exponent).
- For example, 12E is not correct, but 12E0 is correct.
- Remedy: Correct the command.
- 06104 DB2 104 Aussage enthΣlt ein ungⁿltiges Token oder Merkmal
- Reason: The statement contains an invalid character or token. Some of
- the possible causes are:
- (1) incorrect character or character string found
- (2) extra input found following normal completion of an SQL
- statement
- (3) name starts with underscore
- (4) zero length name (inside double quotes)
- (5) nonnumeric value found in an integer field
- (6) missing keyword or value
- Remedy: Check the SQL statement for all errors. Correct the statement
- and resubmit it.
- 06105 DB2 105 Ungⁿltige Zeichenkettenkonstanten
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06107 DB2 107 Verwendeter Name ist zu lang
- Reason: The length of a name for a column, table, index, DBSPACE,
- cursor, host variable, statement, or WHENEVER GO TO label
- exceeds the maximum of 18. Only the first 18 characters are
- displayed.
- Remedy: Correct the command.
- 06109 DB2 109 Es wurde versucht, eine unerlaubte Bedingung zu verwenden
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06110 DB2 110 Ungⁿltiger hexadezimaler Ausdruck
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06111 DB2 111 Eine SQL-Funktion beinhaltet keinen Spaltennamen
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06112 DB2 112 Funktionsoperand ist eine Funktion oder ein Ausdruck nach DISTINCT
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06113 DB2 113 Ungⁿltiges Zeichen wurde in Namen gefunden
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06115 DB2 115 Siehe SQLCODE-Fehler-Nr.-115 in IBM DB2-Meldungen und Codes
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06117 DB2 117 Anzahl von Einfⁿgewerten stimmt mit der Anzahl der Objektspalten nicht ⁿberein
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06118 DB2 118 Objekttabelle/Ansicht von INSERT, DELETE oder UPDATE ist auch in FROM-Bedingung
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06119 DB2 119 Eine Spalte in der HAVING-Bedingung ist in der GROUP BY-Bedingung nicht enthalten
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06120 DB2 120 WHERE oder SET hat eine Funktion oder verweist auf eine Spalte in GROUP BY einer Ansicht
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06121 DB2 121 Spalte wurde mehr als einmal in einer INSERT- oder UPDATE-Aussage spezifiziert
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06122 DB2 122 SELECT ohne GROUP BY hat col & function oder col not in GROUP BY
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06125 DB2 125 Integer in ORDER BY identifiziert keine Spalte des Ergebnisses
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06126 DB2 126 Die Anweisung SELECT enthΣlt sowohl eine UPDATE- als auch eine ORDER BY-Bedingung
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06127 DB2 127 DISTINCT wurde mehr als einmal in einer Unterauswahl spezifiziert
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06128 DB2 128 Ungⁿltige Verwendung von NULL in PrΣdikat
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06129 DB2 129 Die Aussage enthΣlt zuviele Tabellennamen
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06131 DB2 131 Aussage mit LIKE-PrΣdikat enthΣlt inkompatible Datentypen
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06132 DB2 132 Ungeeignetes LIKE-PrΣdikat: Operand 1 ist keine Spalte oder Operand 2 ist keine Zeichenkette
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06133 DB2 133 Ungeeignete Funktion in HAVING: Arithmetische Operation wurde angewendet auf verbundene
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06134 DB2 134 Unkorrekte Verwendung einer Memo-Zeichenkettenspalte oder Hostvariable mit einer maximalen LΣnge von > 254
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06136 DB2 136 Sortierbefehl kann nicht ausgefⁿhrt werden, da die SortierschlⁿssellΣnge > 4000 Byte
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06150 DB2 150 INSERT, DELETE oder UPDATE einer Ansicht, wo die gewΣhlte Operation keine
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06151 DB2 151 Siehe SQLCODE-Fehler-Nr. -151 in IBM DB2-Meldungen und Codes
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06153 DB2 153 Die Aussage Ansicht-anlegen enthΣlt nicht die geforderte Spaltenliste
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06154 DB2 154 Ansicht anlegen fehlgeschlagen, da die Ansichtendefinition eine Ansicht enthΣlt
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06155 DB2 155 Ungeeignete FROM-Bedingung: Eine der Tabellen ist eine Ansicht mit GROUP BY
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06156 DB2 156 ALTER TABLE, DROP TABLE, LOCK TABLE oder CREATE INDEX verwenden eine Ansicht
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06158 DB2 158 Spaltenanzahl in Ansicht stimmt nicht mit Spaltenanzahl in SELECT ⁿberein
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06159 DB2 159 Der in DROP VIEW spezifizierte Name ist ein Tabellenname
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06160 DB2 160 WITH CHECK OPTION kann fⁿr die spezifizierte Ansicht nicht verwendet werden
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06161 DB2 161 INSERT/UPDATE ist nicht erlaubt, da Ergebniszeile der Ansicht nicht genⁿgt
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06164 DB2 164 Dieser Benutzer hat nicht das Recht, eine Ansicht anzulegen
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06170 DB2 170 Die Anzahl der fⁿr die Funktion spezifizierten Argumente ist ungⁿltig
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06171 DB2 171 Der (die) Datentyp/lΣnge/wert eines Arguments zu einer Funktion ist ungⁿltig
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06172 DB2 172 Ein ungⁿltiger Funktionsname wurde spezifiziert
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06180 DB2 180 Die Syntax der Zeichenketten-ReprΣsentation eines DatumZeit-Wertes ist ungⁿltig
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06181 DB2 181 Die Zeichenketten-ReprΣsentation eines DatumZeit-Wertes ist kein gⁿltiger Wert
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06182 DB2 182 Der arithmetische Ausdruck mit einem DatumZeit-Wert ist nicht gⁿltig
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06183 DB2 183 Die arithmetische Operation mit einem DatumZeit-Stempel hat ein ungⁿltiges Ergebnis
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06184 DB2 184 Der arithmetische Ausdruck mit einem DatumZeit-Wert enthΣlt eine Hostvariable
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06185 DB2 185 Siehe SQLCODE-Fehler-Nr. -185 in IBM DB2-Meldungen und Codes
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06186 DB2 186 Siehe SQLCODE-Fehler-Nr. -186 in IBM DB2-Meldungen und Codes
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06198 DB2 198 Der Operand von PREPARE oder EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ist ein Leerzeichen oder leer
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06199 DB2 199 Unerlaubte Verwendung eines Schlⁿsselworts; Token wurde erwartet
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06203 DB2 203 Der Spaltenverweis ist doppeldeutig
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06204 DB2 204 Dieser Name ist nicht definiert
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06205 DB2 205 Diese Spalte geh÷rt nicht zur verwendeten Tabelle
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06206 DB2 206 Diese Spalte geh÷rt nicht in die eingefⁿgte Tabelle, nicht in die aktualisierte Tabelle oder in eine andere Tabelle aus FROM
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06207 DB2 207 ORDER BY ungeeignet: EnthΣlt Spalten, die ein Ergebnis einer UNION-Anweisung sind
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06208 DB2 208 Ungⁿltige ORDER BY: Eine ORDER BY-Spalte ist nicht Teil der Ergebnistabelle
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06219 DB2 219 Die ben÷tigte ErklΣrungstabelle existiert nicht
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06220 DB2 220 Eine Spalte in der ErklΣrungstabelle wurde nicht richtig definiert
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06301 DB2 301 Hostvariable kann aufgrund ihres Datentyps nicht als spezifiziert verwendet werden
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06302 DB2 302 Der Wert einer Eingabevariablen ist fⁿr die Zielspalte zu gro▀
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06303 DB2 303 Wert wurde der Hostvariablen nicht zugewiesen: Datentypen sind nicht vergleichbar
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06304 DB2 304 Wert wurde der Hostvariablen nicht zugewiesen: Wert ist nicht innerhalb des Datentypbereichs
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06305 DB2 305 NULL-Wert wurde der Hostvariablen nicht zugewiesen: Keine Indikatorvariable
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06309 DB2 309 Ungⁿltiges PrΣdikat: Es wurde auf eine Hostvariable mit der LΣnge NULL verwiesen
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06311 DB2 311 Die eingegebene LΣnge einer Hostvariablen ist negativ
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06312 DB2 312 Undefinierte oder unbrauchbare Hostvariable
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06313 DB2 313 Anzahl der Hostvariabeln stimmen mit der Anzahl der Parametermarkierer nicht ⁿberein
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06401 DB2 401 Operanden einer arithmetischen oder einer Vergleichsoperation sind nicht vergleichbar
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06402 DB2 402 Eine arithmetische Funktion oder ein Operator wurden auf Daten vom Typ CHAR angewandt
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06404 DB2 404 UPDATE oder INSERT bestimmen eine zu lange Zeichenkette
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06405 DB2 405 Numerischer Ausdruck kann nicht als spezifizierter Ausdruck benutzt werden, da er au▀erhalb des Bereichs liegt
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06406 DB2 406 Ein abgeleiteter numerischer Wert ist au▀erhalb des Bereichs seiner Objektspalte
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06407 DB2 407 Der Wert ist NULL, aber die Objektspalte darf keine NULL-Werte enthalten
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06408 DB2 408 Der Wert ist mit dem Datentyp der Objektspalte nicht vergleichbar
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06409 DB2 409 Ungⁿltiger Operand einer COUNT-Funktion
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06410 DB2 410 Der Gleitkommaausdruck enthΣlt mehr als 30 Zeichen
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06411 DB2 411 Das Schlⁿssselwort USER kann nicht als spezifiziertes Wort verwendet werden
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06412 DB2 412 Die Select-Anweisung einer Unterabfrage spezifiziert mehrere Spalten
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06413 DB2 413 ▄berlauf wΣhrend einer Datentypkonversion
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06414 DB2 414 Die numerische Spalte wurde in einem LIKE-PrΣdikat spezifiziert
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06415 DB2 415 Korrespondierende Spalten in UNION haben keine identischen Beschreibungen
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06416 DB2 416 Ein UNION-Operand enthΣlt eine Memo-Zeichenkettenspalte
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06417 DB2 417 STATEMENT enthΣlt Parametermarkierer als Operanden desselben Operators
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06418 DB2 418 Die STATEMENT-Zeichenkette, die vorbereitet werden soll, hat Parametermarkierer in einer SELECT-Anweisung
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06419 DB2 419 Das Ergebnis der dezimalen Division hat eine negative Skalierung erzeugt
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06421 DB2 421 Die UNION-Operanden haben nicht die gleiche Spaltenanzahl
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06501 DB2 501 Der in einer FETCH- oder DISCONNECT-Anweisung identifizierte Cursor ist nicht ge÷ffnet
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06502 DB2 502 Der in der CONNECT-Anweisung identifizierte Cursor ist bereits ge÷ffnet
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06503 DB2 503 Spalte wurde nicht aktualisiert, da sie nicht in der UPDATE-Bedingung in der SELECT-Anweisung identifiziert wurde
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06504 DB2 504 Der spezifizierte Cusorname ist nicht definiert
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06507 DB2 507 Der in UPDATE oder DELETE identifizierte Cursor ist nicht ge÷ffnet
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06508 DB2 508 Der in UPDATE oder DELETE identifizierte Cursor ist nicht auf einer Zeile positioniert
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06509 DB2 509 Tabelle in UPDATE oder DELETE stimmt nicht mit der vom Cursor ausgewΣhlten Zieltabelle ⁿberein
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06510 DB2 510 Die vom Cursor fⁿr UPDATE oder DELETE ausgewΣhlte Zieltabelle kann nicht verΣndert werden
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06511 DB2 511 FOR UPDATE ist nicht erlaubt: Die vom Cursor ausgewΣhlte Zieltabelle darf nicht verΣndert werden
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06514 DB2 514 Der Cursor ist nicht definiert
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06516 DB2 516 The DESCRIBE-Aussage identifiziert keine vorbereitete Aussage
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06517 DB2 517 Cursor nicht verwendet; er identifiziert keine vorbereitete SELECT-Anweisung
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06518 DB2 518 EXECUTE-Aussage identifiziert keine gⁿltig vorbereitete Aussage
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06519 DB2 519 PREPARE-Aussage identifiziert die SELECT-Anweisung des ge÷ffneten Cursors
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06551 DB2 551 Der Benutzer hat nicht das Recht, die Operation an diesem Objekt durchzufⁿhren
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06552 DB2 552 Der Benutzer hat nicht das Recht, die spezifizierte Operation durchzufⁿhren
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06554 DB2 554 Eine Rechte-Kennung kann sich nicht selbst Rechte zuteilen
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06555 DB2 555 Eine Rechte-Kennung kann sich nicht selbst Rechte entziehen
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06556 DB2 556 Das Recht kann nicht widerrufen werden, da der Benutzer es nicht besitzt
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06557 DB2 557 Inkonsistentes GRANT/REVOKE-Schlⁿsselwort
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06558 DB2 558 Option WITH GRANT wird ignoriert, da GRANT auf PUBLIC gesetzt wurde
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06559 DB2 559 Alle Rechtefunktionen wurden deaktiviert
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06560 DB2 560 Option WITH GRANT wird fⁿr UPDATE ignoriert
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06601 DB2 601 Name des Objekts, das angelegt werden soll, ist identisch mit einem bestehenden Namen
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06602 DB2 602 Zu viele Spalten in einem Create-Index spezifiziert
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06603 DB2 603 Eindeutig-Index kann nicht angelegt werden, da nicht eindeutige Daten fⁿr die spezifizierte Spalte existieren
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06604 DB2 604 Spaltendefinition spezifiziert ungⁿltige LΣnge, Genauigkeit oder Bereich
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06607 DB2 607 Operation ist fⁿr Systemtabellen nicht festgelegt
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06612 DB2 612 Spaltenname ist doppelt
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06614 DB2 614 Index kann nicht angelegt werden: Die Summe der internen SchlⁿssellΣngen ⁿberschreitet das zulΣssige Maximum
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06616 DB2 616 Spezifiziertes Objekt kann nicht gel÷scht werden, da noch ein Verweis darauf existiert
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06618 DB2 618 Operation ist auf Basis der Systemdaten nicht erlaubt
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06619 DB2 619 Operation nicht mehr erlaubt, da Arbeitsdatei-Datenbasis nicht gestoppt ist
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06620 DB2 620 Schlⁿsselwort in STATEMENT ist fⁿr Tabellenbereich in Daten der Arbeitsdatei nicht erlaubt
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06623 DB2 623 Ein Clusterindex besteht bereits fⁿr die spezifizierte Tabelle
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06636 DB2 636 Die Partitionierungsschlⁿssel wurden nicht in auf- oder absteigender Folge spezifiziert
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06637 DB2 637 Schlⁿsselw÷rter sind doppelt
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06644 DB2 644 Ungⁿltiger Wert wurde fⁿr Schlⁿsselwort in spezifizierter Aussage spezifiziert
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06646 DB2 646 Tabelle wurde nicht angelegt: Der Partitions/Standard-Tabellenbereich enthΣlt bereits Tabelle
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06647 DB2 647 Pufferpool kann nicht spezifiziert werden, da er nicht aktiviert wurde
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06652 DB2 652 Versto▀ gegen eine bei der Installation vordefinierte Bearbeitungs- oder Bewertungsprozedur
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06653 DB2 653 Tabelle in partitioniertem Tabellenbereich ist nicht verfⁿgbar: Es existiert kein partitionierter Index
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06660 DB2 660 Index wurde nicht in einem partitionierten Tabellenbereich angelegt: Schlⁿsselgrenze wurde nicht spezifiziert
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06661 DB2 661 Index wurde nicht in einem partitionierten Tabellenbereich angelegt: Die Teile sind nicht gleich der Partition
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06662 DB2 662 Ein partitionierter Index kann nicht in einem nichtpartitionierten Tabellenbereich angelegt werden
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06663 DB2 663 Die Anzahl von Grenzschlⁿsselwerten ist null oder > Spalten im Indexschlⁿssel
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06664 DB2 664 Interne Grenzschlⁿsselfelder fⁿr partitionierten Index sind zu gro▀
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06665 DB2 665 Die PART-Bedingung fⁿr eine ALTER-Aussage ist aufgehoben oder ungⁿltig
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06666 DB2 666 Aussage kann nicht ausgefⁿhrt werden, da ein Werkzeug gerade verwendet wird
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06667 DB2 667 Clusterindex fⁿr den Partitionstabellenbereich kann nicht explizit gel÷scht werden
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06668 DB2 668 Spalte kann der Tabelle nicht hinzugefⁿgt werden, da die Tabelle in Bearbeitung ist
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06669 DB2 669 Eine Tabelle im partitionierten Tabellenbereich kann nicht explizit gel÷scht werden
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06670 DB2 670 Die AufzeichnungslΣnge der Tabelle ⁿberschreitet die zulΣssige Seitengr÷▀e
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06671 DB2 671 Pufferpool-Attribut kann nicht verΣndert werden: Es verΣndert die Seitengr÷▀e der Tabelle SPA
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06676 DB2 676 Ein Seiten-Pufferpool mit 32 KByte kann fⁿr einen Index nicht verwendet werden
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06677 DB2 677 Nicht genⁿgend virtueller Speicher fⁿr Pufferpool vorhanden
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06678 DB2 678 Der Ausdruck fⁿr den Indexbegrenzungsschlⁿssel mu▀ mit dem Datentyp der Spalte ⁿbereinstimmen
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06679 DB2 679 Das spezifizierte Objekt kann nicht angelegt werden, da die Operation DROP in diesem Objekt ansteht
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06680 DB2 680 ZUviele Spalten fⁿr eine Tabelle spezifiziert
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06681 DB2 681 Eine Spalte verst÷▀ gegen bei der Installation vordefinierte Feldprozeduren
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06682 DB2 682 Feldprozedur konnte nicht geladen werden
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06683 DB2 683 Spaltentyp ungⁿltig fⁿr FIELDPROC-Option
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06684 DB2 684 LΣnge der Buchstabenliste ist zu lang
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06685 DB2 685 Ungⁿltiger Feldtyp
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06686 DB2 686 Spalte mit w/fld proc kann nicht w/Spalten vergleichen w/unterschiedliche fld proc
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06687 DB2 687 Feldtypen sind nicht vergleichbar
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06688 DB2 688 Unkorrekte Daten von Feldprozedur erhalten
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06802 DB2 802 Arithmetischer ▄berlauf oder Division durch Null ist aufgetreten
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06803 DB2 803 Eindeutig Einfⁿgen/Aktualisieren wurde auf Spalten mit doppelten Daten angewandt
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06804 DB2 804 Fehler in Anwendungsprogramm-Eingabeparameter fⁿr SQL-Aussage
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06805 DB2 805 Spezifizierter Programmname wurde in spezifiziertem Plan nicht gefunden
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06811 DB2 811 Siehe SQLCODE-Fehler-Nr.-811 in IBM DB2-Meldungen und Codes
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06815 DB2 815 Siehe SQLCODE-Fehler-Nr.-815 in IBM DB2-Meldungen und Codes
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06817 DB2 817 Siehe SQLCODE-Fehler-Nr.-817 in IBM DB2-Meldungen und Codes
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06818 DB2 818 Siehe SQLCODE-Fehler-Nr.-818 in IBM DB2-Meldungen und Codes
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06819 DB2 819 Ansicht kann nicht wiederhergestellt werden, da sie auf nicht anlegbare Ansicht verweist
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06820 DB2 820 Siehe SQLCODE-Fehler-Nr.-820 in IBM DB2-Meldungen und Codes
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06822 DB2 822 SQLDA enthΣlt ungⁿltige Datenadresse oder Indikator-Variablenadresse
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06840 DB2 840 Zuviele Elemente in SELECT- oder INSERT-Liste erhalten
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06901 DB2 901 Siehe SQLCODE-Fehler-Nr.-901 in IBM DB2-Meldungen und Codes
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06902 DB2 902 Siehe: SQLCODE-Fehler-Nr.-902 in IBM DB2-Meldungen und Codes
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06904 DB2 904 Ausfⁿhrung nicht m÷glich, da Quelle nicht verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06906 DB2 906 SQL-Anweisung wurde nicht ausgefⁿhrt. Funktion wurde aufgrund eines frⁿheren Fehlers deaktiviert
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06909 DB2 909 Objekt wurde gel÷scht
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06910 DB2 910 SQL-Anweisung kann nicht auf Objekt zugreifen, bei dem ein Drop-VerΣnderungsproze▀ ansteht
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06911 DB2 911 Aktuelle Arbeitseinheit wurde wegen Zeitⁿberschreitung oder Verriegelung (deadlock) zurⁿckgerollt
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06913 DB2 913 Ausfⁿhrung wegen Verriegelung (deadlock) oder Zeitⁿberschreitung fehlgeschlagen
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06922 DB2 922 Verbindungs-Berechtigungsfehler
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06923 DB2 923 Verbindung wurde nicht eingerichtet
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06924 DB2 924 Interner Fehler bei DB2-Verbindung
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06925 DB2 925 COMMIT nicht gⁿltig in IMS/VS oder CICS/OS/VS-Umgebung
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06926 DB2 926 ROLLBACK nicht gⁿltig in IMS/VS oder CIC/OS/VS-Umgebung
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06927 DB2 927 Sprach-Schnittstelle aufgerufen: Verbindungsumgebung wurde nicht eingerichtet
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06992 DB2 992 Neuverbindung zu DB2 nicht m÷glich; Versuch bitte spΣter wiederholen
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06993 DB2 993 Autoⁿbertragen einstellen ist mit mehreren Cursor nicht gⁿltig
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06994 DB2 994 Verbinden mit mehreren Cursor ist mit Autoⁿbertragen nicht gⁿltig
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06995 DB2 995 Zeile zum Einlesen zu lang
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06996 DB2 996 Memo-Suchen hinter Ende von Memodaten
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06997 DB2 997 "WHERE CURRENT OF" Cursorname wurde nicht gefunden
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06998 DB2 998 Ungⁿltige Memofeldzahl
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- 06999 DB2 999 Current-of-Cursorprozesse k÷nnen nicht verwendet werden. Einlesen in Gang
- Reason: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for an Explanation of this error.
- Remedy: This is a DB2 database error message. Refer to the IBM DB2
- Reference Manual, Appendix B for the recommended System Action
- or Programmer Response for this error.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are the result of
- NETBios network errors or APPC/PC error message. SQLBase is NOT generating
- these errors. These errors occur on the NETBios Network and SQLBase received
- this error. After SQLBase receives the NETBIOS Network error, SQLBase passes
- this NETBios network error thru the SQLBase Application Interface back to the
- application program. When SQLBase receives a NETBios network error, SQLBase
- converts the NETBios network hexidecimal error code to a decimal number and
- adds 7000 to produce the following network errors. Because the NETBIos error
- messages vary from vendor to vendor, only the most popular or frequently
- occurring NETBios network error messages are listed here. If you receive
- SQLBase a 7000 series network error that is not listed here, subtract 7000
- from the SQLBase error number and convert the result from decimal to
- hexidecimal and lookup the resulting hexidecimal number in your vendor's
- NETBios network reference manual.
- 07001 NET Unerlaubte PufferlΣnge
- Reason: A SEND BROADCAST or SEND DATAGRAM cannot sent more than 512
- bytes. For ADAPTER and SESSION STATUS, the buffer length
- specified was less than the minimum required.
- Remedy: This buffer length is controlled by SQLBase and this problem
- should not occur. Report this problem to your local Gupta
- Technologies certified technical support center.
- 07003 NET Ungⁿltiger Befehl
- Reason: The command code used was incorrect.
- Remedy: Reissue the correct command code.
- 07005 NET TMO Zeitgrenze fⁿr Befehl wurde ⁿberschritten
- Reason: This error has the following meanings: (1) For a CALL or
- for (2) ADAPTER STATUS, the system time-out period has elapsed.
- (3) For a SEND or for (4) RECEIVE, the time-out period specified
- for the CALL or LISTEN has elapsed. (5) For a HANG UP, the
- time-out period has expired for an outstanding SEND to complete.
- Remedy: (1) For a CALL, try again later. (2) For an ADAPTER STATUS, make
- sure you are using a correct name. (3) For a SEND, the session
- has been terminated abnormally. Establish another session and
- reissue a SEND. (4) For a RECEIVE, reissue the command. (5) For
- a HANG UP the session has been terminated abnormally.
- 07006 NET Meldung ist unvollstΣndig
- Reason: You received part of a message because your specified buffer
- length is not big enough to receive the full message.
- Remedy: You must reissue another RECEIVE or RECEIVE ANY command to get
- the rest of the message before the remote computer times-out.
- RECEIVE BROADCAST DATAGRAM, the remaining data is lost.
- 07008 NET ISN Unerlaubte Anzahl lokaler Sitzungen
- Reason: The session number (normally from the workstation) specified is
- not one of the active sessions.
- Remedy: Specify an active session number when you issue a command.
- 07009 NET Keine Ressourcen mehr verfⁿgbar
- Reason: Not enough space available in the adapter for the session.
- Remedy: Reboot the computer. This error has probably occurred because
- there are not enough sessions and commands specified for
- NETBios.
- 07010 NET CLO Sitzung wurde geschlossen
- Reason: The session has been closed from either the local or remote
- computer.
- Remedy: None required. Informational only. This is notification for a
- pending SEND or RECEIVE command that the session has been
- closed. For a HANG UP, the session was closed by the remote
- computer.
- 07011 NET Befehl wurde abgebrochen
- Reason: Notification received that the command was canceled. If the
- command that was canceled was a SEND or a CHAIN SEND, the
- session is abnormally terminated.
- Remedy: No action is required.
- 07013 NET DPL Name existiert bereits in lokaler Namenstabelle
- Reason: Attempting to specify a name that is already in the local name
- table.
- Remedy: Specify another name.
- 07014 NET Namenstabelle ist voll
- Reason: Up to 16 names have already been added.
- Remedy: Wait until a delete name is issued so an entry will become
- available.
- 07015 NET Befehl wurde ausgefⁿhrt, Name verweist noch auf aktive Sitzungen, wurde aber aus dem Register entfernt
- Reason: The name to be deleted is active in a session now, but is
- de-registered. When the name is marked de-registered and has
- active sessions, it still occupies a slot in the table. Name is
- unusable.
- Remedy: Close all sessions using this name for the DELETE command to
- complete.
- 07017 NET STF Lokale Sitzungstabelle ist voll
- Reason: There are no available entries in the session table. The number
- of sessions is user-specified.
- Remedy: The number of commands must be greater than the number of
- sessions. Use NETRESET /SHOW to verify the number. SQLBase
- needs one NETBios session for each database it is listening on,
- and one for each client workstation. It also needs a free
- session available when a user switches from one cursor to
- another.
- 07018 NET SOR ╓ffnen der Sitzung verweigert
- Reason: No LISTEN command is outstanding on the remote computer. This
- problem may stem from using the Novell NETBios and Microsoft
- Windows. You may be able to connect to SQLBase from Microsoft
- Windows in standard mode but not when in enhanced mode.
- Remedy: Wait until a LISTEN is issued on the remote computer. Many
- variables may be involved including the network card (type and
- brand), IRQ, client workstation computer speed, database server
- computer speed and which verions of network drivers. If you
- slow down the database server computer, you can verify that this
- is the problem. Changing network cards and/or IRQ's might be to
- solve the problem. The best solution for Novell customers is to
- get Novell's NETBios 3.01 rev F or later and the latest versions
- of IPX and NET3 (at least rev d). Moving to MS Windows 3.0A or
- later may also help.
- 07019 NET Unerlaubte Namenzahl
- Reason: Invalid name number.
- Remedy: You must use the original name number that was assigned to the
- name.
- 07020 NET CFN Aufgerufener Name wurde nicht gefunden/Keine Antwort
- Reason: The call name specified cannot be found or did not answer. This
- problem may stem from using the Novell NETBios and Microsoft
- Windows. You may be able to connect to SQLBase from Microsoft
- Windows in standard mode but not when in enhanced mode.
- Remedy: Verify that the call name used is correct. Retry with the
- correct or a different call name or reissue if the remote
- computer is busy. Many variables may be involved including the
- network card (type and brand), IRQ, client workstation computer
- speed, database server computer speed and which verions of
- network drivers. If you slow down the database server computer,
- you can verify that this is the problem. Changing network cards
- and/or IRQ's might be to solve the problem. The best solution
- for Novell customers is to get Novell's NETBios 3.01 rev F or
- later and the latest versions of IPX and NET3 (at least rev d).
- Moving to MS Windows 3.0A or later may also help.
- 07021 NET Name wurde nicht gefunden; * kann nicht spezifiziert werden, oder 00H wurde eingegeben
- Reason: The specified name was either not in the table or an asterisk in
- column 1 of the name field or 00H.
- Remedy: An asterisk or 00H in column 1 is not allowed. Retry with
- another name and verify that it is the correct name.
- 07022 NET Name wird in Externadapter verwendet
- Reason: Unique names can only be used once on the network.
- Remedy: Specify another name.
- 07023 NET Name wurde gel÷scht
- Reason: This occurs when a name is deleted and there are no outstanding
- DATAGRAM commands for that name.
- Remedy: Not action required.
- 07024 NET SEA Sitzung wurde unnormal beendet
- Reason: Either the remote computer is powered off, the cable link is
- broken, the session SEND or CHAIN SEND has timed-out, or the
- SEND or CHAIN SEND was canceled, or a HANG UP timed-out waiting
- for a SEND to complete.
- Remedy: Check the remote end for status and check the cable. For a SEND
- or CHAIN SEND, or RECEIVE or RECEIVE ANY, reestablish the
- session.
- 07025 NET Namenskonflikt wurde entdeckt
- Reason: Network protocol has detected two or more identical names on the
- network.
- Remedy: Everyone on the network should delete that name immediately.
- 07026 NET Inkompatibles ExterngerΣt
- Reason: Unexpected protocol packet received.
- Remedy: Verify that all units on the network agree with the network
- protocols.
- 07033 NET Schnittstelle ist belegt
- Reason: Attempting to call the BIOS out of an interrupt handler routine
- in process.
- Remedy: Return from the interrupt handler and try again later.
- 07034 NET Zuviele ausstehende Befehle
- Reason: The maximum number of commands are outstanding.
- Remedy: If not at maximum number, refer to RESET. If at maximum number,
- retry at a later time.
- 07035 NET Ungⁿltige Adapterzahl
- Reason: Attempting to specify a number other than 00H or 01H.
- Remedy: Specify either 00H for the first adapter of 01H if you have and
- want to use the second adapter. Correct the number and try
- again.
- 07036 NET CDC Befehl wurde wΣhrend des Abbrechens ausgefⁿhrt
- Reason: Attempting to cancel a command that already completed, or never
- existed.
- Remedy: No action required.
- 07037 NET Reservierter Name wurde spezifiziert
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07038 NET Befehl ist zum Abbrechen nicht gⁿltig
- Reason: Attempting to cancel a command that is invalid to cancel.
- Remedy: See CANCEL command for the list of commands not valid to cancel.
- 07255 NET NPR in Arbeit
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07257 NET NNF Netzwerk ist au▀er Betrieb
- Reason: A network adapter has not been found.
- Remedy: Verify that the network adapter is available in this computer.
- Check that the network adapter is properly installed. Is this
- computer connected to a network? Try increasing the number of
- NETBios sessions and commands.
- 07258 NET INP Ungⁿltiger Netzwerkzeiger
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07500 NET 500 DBGATEWY Lokale Sitzungstabelle voll. Systemprogrammierer mu▀ benachrichtigt werden
- Reason: There are not enough NETBios sessions to keep all of the
- database name listens outstanding.
- Remedy: Verify that enough sessions and commands have configured on the
- gateway machine.
- 07501 NET 501 APPC/PC Zuordnungsfehler; Wiederholung nicht m÷glich
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07502 NET 502 APPC/PC Zuordnungsfehler; Versuch bitte spΣter wiederholen
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07503 NET 503 APPC/PC Zuordnungsfehler; fehlerhafte Benutzerkennung oder Pa▀wort
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07505 NET 505 APPC/PC Fehler bei PU-Kontaktaufnahme
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07506 NET 506 APPC/PC Fehler bei LU-Kontaktaufnahme
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07507 NET 507 APPC/PC Fehler beim Empfangen von Daten
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07508 NET 508 APPC/PC Fehler beim Senden von Daten
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07509 NET 509 APPC/PC Fehler bei DLC-Kontaktaufnahme
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07510 NET 510 APPC/PC Fehler beim Beenden des Transaktionsprogramms
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07511 NET 511 APPC/PC Fehler beim Starten des Transaktionsprogramms
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07512 NET 512 APPC/PC Fehler beim Wechsel der Sitzungsanzahl
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07513 NET 513 APPC/PC Fehler bei LU-Trennung
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07514 NET 514 APPC/PC Fehler bei PU-Trennung
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07515 NET 515 APPC/PC Fehler beim Beenden der Zuordnung
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07516 NET 516 APPC/PC Unbekannter Fehler; Schalten Sie bitte das Verbose-Protokoll ein
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07517 NET 517 APPC/PC Kein Host wurde angewΣhlt
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07518 NET 518 APPC/PC Keine weiteren Host-Sitzungen verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07519 NET 519 APPC/PC Irreparabler Fehler wurde beim Host gefunden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07600 NET CAA Adapterstatusstruktur kann nicht zugewiesen werden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07601 NET CAN Netzwerk-Kontrollblock kann nicht zugewiesen werden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07602 NET NBS Netzwerkpuffer ist zu klein
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 07603 NET CRM Real-Speicher kann nicht zugewiesen werden
- Reason: Not enough real memory to hold network adapter information.
- Remedy: Check available real memory at the failing computer. Attempt to
- make more real memory available.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for general
- SQLBase file input/output errors.
- 08001 FIO CCF Datei kann nicht ⁿbertragen werden
- Reason: The database system is attempting to flush a file and update
- its directory but a file error has been determined.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 08003 FIO FME NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Maximale Anzahl von DateimapeintrΣgen wurde ⁿberschritten
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 08004 FIO OOM Kein weiterer Speicherplatz mehr auf dem Datenbank-Computer
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 08006 FIO CFN Datei wurde nicht gefunden
- Reason: Using DIRECTIO the database server cannot find a database file.
- Remedy: Determine why the database file cannot be found.
- 08007 FIO IFN Ungⁿltiger Dateiname
- Reason: Using DIRECTIO the database server has determined that the
- database file name is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct database file.
- 08008 FIO CFD Verzeichnis wurde nicht gefunden
- Reason: Using DIRECTIO the database server cannot find the database
- subdirectory.
- Remedy: Determine why the database subdirectory cannot be found.
- 08009 FIO COF Datei kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: Using DIRECTIO the database server cannot open the database
- file.
- Remedy: Determine why the database file cannot be opened.
- 08010 FIO ICN Ungⁿltige Clusterzahl
- Reason: Using DIRECTIO the database server determined an invalid
- cluster number.
- Remedy: Determine why a bad cluster was read. For more detailed
- information, see the DOS technical reference about clusters and
- cluster numbers.
- 08011 FIO NMS nicht im Mapbereich
- Reason: Using DIRECTIO the database server is attempting to lookup the
- logical sector requested in the file map to determine the
- physical sector equivalent and run length in number of sectors
- and the logical sector requested has not been found in the map
- space. Each map entry contains the relative and physical sector
- number.
- Remedy: Determine why the logical sector is not in the map space. For
- more detailed information, see the DOS technical reference about
- logical sectors and map space.
- 08012 FIO CRD Diskpuffer kann nicht abgefragt werden
- Reason: Using DIRECTIO the database server is attempting to retrieve the
- next FAT (File Allocation Table) entry from the FAT table and it
- cannot find the disk buffer. DIRECTIO works with 12-bit and
- 16-big FATs. Depending on whether a 12-bit or 16-bit FAT is in
- the sector, it extracts the FAT entry.
- Remedy: Determine why the disk buffer cannot be retrieved. For more
- detailed information on FAT tables, see the DOS technical
- reference on how to access the FAT. Also, if you are
- redirecting your files to a network drive, don't load the
- redirectors and try again without using the network drive.
- 08013 FIO CGI Informationen k÷nnen nicht eingelesen werden
- Reason: Using DIRECTIO the database server is trying to get directory
- information on an open file and the system cannot obtain the
- necessary information. The database is attempting to determine
- the file size, attributes, and starting cluster number.
- Remedy: Determine why the required information could not be obtained.
- For more detailed information, see the DOS technical reference
- on how to obtain this information. This error has frequently
- occurred when upgrading from one operating system to another.
- If you have upgraded your operating system lately, DIRECTIO may
- not be compatible with this version of your new operating
- system.
- 08014 FIO ITG IntegritΣtsfehler
- Reason: Using DIRECTIO the database server is attempting to read or
- write and has determined an unexpected error.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center.
- 08015 FIO DME Fehler beim Diskmapping
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 08017 FIO DIW Verwenden von DIRECTIO nicht m÷glich
- Reason: The database system has determined DIRECTIO cannot be used on
- the database server computer. More generally, this means that
- SQLBase has examined the specified disk drive, and SQLBase
- cannot determine what the file structure looks like. This could
- potentially happen by having a non-standard disk extender
- installed such as SPEEDSTORE. Also, sometimes the file
- structure may be corrupted and can be fixed by running CHKDSK.
- Remedy: Determine why the database server computer cannot use DIRECTIO.
- Set the configuration DIRECTIO off, that is, DIRECTIO=0.
- 08018 FIO CTF Anlegen der DIRECTIO-Testdatei nicht m÷glich
- Reason: The database system is testing DIRECTIO can be used on the
- database server computer and a test file cannot be created.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the create failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of disk. Verify that sufficient disk space is
- available and verify that the number of files allowed open for
- the operating system permits the additional file, that is, check
- the FILES= configuration parameter setting.
- 08019 FIO WTF Schreiben der DIRECTIO-Testdatei nicht m÷glich
- Reason: The database system is testing DIRECTIO can be used on the
- database server computer and a test file cannot be written.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the disk write failure. Most
- commonly, it may be because you have run out of available disk
- space. If sufficient disk space is available, then run a check
- disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to verify
- the status of the disk.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 08021 FIO LTF Schlie▀en der DIRECTIO-Testdatei nicht m÷glich
- Reason: The database system is testing DIRECTIO can be used on the
- database server computer and a test file cannot be closed.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the CLOSE file error. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the database server computer
- operating system to verify the status of the disk.
- 08022 FIO STF Suchen in DIRECTIO-Testdatei nicht m÷glich
- Reason: The database system is testing DIRECTIO can be used on the
- database server computer and a seek within a test file has
- failed.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the seek file error. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the database server computer
- operating system to verify the status of the disk.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are the result of
- General Communication Interface errors. SQLBase is NOT generating all these
- errors. These errors occur on the NETBios Network and SQLBase received this
- error. After SQLBase receives the NETBIOS Network error, SQLBase passes this
- NETBios network error thru the SQLBase Application Interface back to the
- application program. When SQLBase receives a NETBios network error, SQLBase
- converts the NETBios network hexidecimal error code to a decimal number and
- adds 9000 to produce the following network errors. Because the NETBIos error
- messages vary from vendor to vendor, only the most popular or frequently
- occurring NETBios network error messages are listed here. If you receive
- SQLBase a 9000 series network error that is not listed here, subtract 9000
- from the SQLBase error number and convert the result from decimal to
- hexidecimal and lookup the resulting hexidecimal number in your vendor's
- NETBios network reference manual.
- 09001 GCI IBL Unerlaubte PufferlΣnge
- Reason: A SEND BROADCAST or SEND DATAGRAM cannot send more than 512
- bytes. For ADAPTER and SESSION STATUS, the buffer length
- specified was less than the minimum required.
- Remedy: Specify the correct size for the buffer and try again.
- 09003 GCI IVC Ungⁿltiger Befehl
- Reason: The command code used was incorrect.
- Remedy: Reissue the correct command code.
- 09005 GCI TMO Zeitgrenze wurde durch Befehl ⁿberschritten
- Reason: This error has the following meanings: (1) For a CALL or
- for (2) ADAPTER STATUS, the system time-out period has elapsed.
- (3) For a SEND or for (4) RECEIVE, the time-out period specified
- for the CALL or LISTEN has elapsed. (5) For a HANG UP, the
- time-out period has expired for an outstanding SEND to complete.
- Remedy: (1) For a CALL, try again later. (2) For an ADAPTER STATUS, make
- sure you are using a correct name. (3) For a SEND, the session
- has been terminated abnormally. Establish another session and
- reissue a SEND. (4) For a RECEIVE, reissue the command. (5) For
- a HANG UP the session has been terminated abnormally.
- 09006 GCI MIN Meldung ist unvollstΣndig
- Reason: You received part of a message because your specified buffer
- length is not big enough to receive the full message.
- Remedy: You must reissue another RECEIVE or RECEIVE ANY command to get
- the rest of the message before the remote computer times-out.
- RECEIVE BROADCAST DATAGRAM, the remaining data is lost.
- 09008 GCI ISN Unerlaubte Zahl lokaler Sitzungen
- Reason: The session number (normally from the workstation) specified is
- not one of the active sessions.
- Remedy: Specify an active session number when you issue a command.
- 09009 GCI NRA Es sind keine Ressourcen verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: If you are using a 3Com LAN Manager, there is a file called
- \3OPEN\OS2WRKSTA\LANMAN\LANMAN.INI (fully qualified) that has a
- section in it like: [workstation]
- maxcmds=nn
- maxthreads=nn
- Make maxcmds=64 and maxthreads=32 and it may solve your problem.
- Another file that possibly is important is the file:
- qualified) that has a line like: "program=
- c:\3open\os2wrksta\lanman\drivers\adapter\nba.exe /s32 /n32"
- where the /s is important because it tells the adapter card the
- number of session and the /n tells the adapter card the number
- of commands.
- 09010 GCI CLO Die Sitzung wurde geschlossen
- Reason: The session has been closed from either the local or remote
- computer.
- Remedy: None required. Informational only. This is notification for a
- pending SEND or RECEIVE command that the session has been
- closed. For a HANG UP, the session was closed by the remote
- computer.
- 09011 GCI CMC Der Befehl wurde abgebrochen
- Reason: Notification received that the command was canceled. If the
- command that was canceled was a SEND or a CHAIN SEND, the
- session is abnormally terminated.
- Remedy: No action is required.
- 09013 GCI DPL Der Name ist bereits in der lokalen Namentabelle
- Reason: Attempting to specify a name that is already in the local name
- table.
- Remedy: Specify another name.
- 09014 GCI NTF Die Namentabelle ist voll
- Reason: Up to 16 names have already been added.
- Remedy: Wait until a delete name is issued so an entry will become
- available.
- 09015 GCI NDR Befehl wurde ausgefⁿhrt, Name verweist noch auf aktive Sitzungen, wurde aber aus dem Register entfernt
- Reason: The name to be deleted is active in a session now, but is
- de-registered. When the name is marked de-registered and has
- active sessions, it still occupies a slot in the table. Name is
- unusable.
- Remedy: Close all sessions using this name for the DELETE command to
- complete.
- 09017 GCI STF Die lokale Sitzungstabelle ist voll
- Reason: There are no available entries in the session table. The number
- of sessions is user-specified.
- Remedy: The number of commands must be greater than the number of
- sessions. Use NETRESET /SHOW to verify the number. SQLBase
- needs one NETBios session for each database it is listening on,
- and one for each client workstation. It also needs a free
- session available when a user switches from one cursor to
- another.
- 09018 GCI SOR Sitzung ÷ffnen wurde verweigert
- Reason: No LISTEN command is outstanding on the remote computer. This
- problem may stem from using the Novell NETBios and Microsoft
- Windows. You may be able to connect to SQLBase from Microsoft
- Windows in standard mode but not when in enhanced mode.
- Remedy: Wait until a LISTEN is issued on the remote computer. Many
- variables may be involved including the network card (type and
- brand), IRQ, client workstation computer speed, database server
- computer speed and which verions of network drivers. If you
- slow down the database server computer, you can verify that this
- is the problem. Changing network cards and/or IRQ's might be to
- solve the problem. The best solution for Novell customers is to
- get Novell's NETBios 3.01 rev F or later and the latest versions
- of IPX and NET3 (at least rev d). Moving to MS Windows 3.0A or
- later may also help.
- 09019 GCI INN Unerlaubte Namenzahl
- Reason: Invalid name number.
- Remedy: You must use the original name number that was assigned to the
- name.
- 09020 GCI CFN Aufgerufener Name wurde nicht gefunden/Keine Antwort
- Reason: The call name specified cannot be found or did not answer. This
- problem may stem from using the Novell NETBios and Microsoft
- Windows. You may be able to connect to SQLBase from Microsoft
- Windows in standard mode but not when in enhanced mode.
- Remedy: Verify that the call name used is correct. Retry with the
- correct or a different call name or reissue if the remote
- computer is busy. Many variables may be involved including the
- network card (type and brand), IRQ, client workstation computer
- speed, database server computer speed and which verions of
- network drivers. If you slow down the database server computer,
- you can verify that this is the problem. Changing network cards
- and/or IRQ's might be to solve the problem. The best solution
- for Novell customers is to get Novell's NETBios 3.01 rev F or
- later and the latest versions of IPX and NET3 (at least rev d).
- Moving to MS Windows 3.0A or later may also help.
- 09021 GCI NMF Name wurde nicht gefunden/* kann nicht spezifiziert werden oder Eingabe von 00H
- Reason: The specified name was either not in the table or an asterisk in
- column 1 of the name field or 00H.
- Remedy: An asterisk or 00H in column 1 is not allowed. Retry with
- another name and verify that it is the correct name.
- 09022 GCI NUR Name wird auf externem Adapter verwendet
- Reason: Unique names can only be used once on the network.
- Remedy: Specify another name.
- 09023 GCI NWD Name wurde gel÷scht
- Reason: This occurs when a name is deleted and there are no outstanding
- DATAGRAM commands for that name.
- Remedy: Not action required.
- 09024 GCI SEA Sitzung wurde unnormal beendet
- Reason: Either the remote computer is powered off, the cable link is
- broken, the session SEND or CHAIN SEND has timed-out, or the
- SEND or CHAIN SEND was canceled, or a HANG UP timed-out waiting
- for a SEND to complete.
- Remedy: Check the remote end for status and check the cable. For a SEND
- or CHAIN SEND, or RECEIVE or RECEIVE ANY, reestablish the
- session.
- 09025 GCI NMC Namenskonflikt wurde entdeckt
- Reason: Network protocol has detected two or more identical names on the
- network.
- Remedy: Everyone on the network should delete that name immediately.
- 09026 GCI IRD Inkompatibles ExterngerΣt
- Reason: Unexpected protocol packet received.
- Remedy: Verify that all units on the network agree with the network
- protocols.
- 09028 GCI SEN Sitzung wurde unnormal beendet
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09033 GCI IFB Schnittstelle ist belegt
- Reason: Attempting to call the BIOS out of an interrupt handler routine
- in process.
- Remedy: Return from the interrupt handler and try again later.
- 09034 GCI TMC Zuviele ausstehende Befehle
- Reason: The maximum number of commands are outstanding.
- Remedy: If not at maximum number, refer to RESET. If at maximum number,
- retry at a later time.
- 09035 GCI IAN Ungⁿltige Adapterzahl
- Reason: Attempting to specify a number other than 00H or 01H.
- Remedy: Specify either 00H for the first adapter of 01H if you have and
- want to use the second adapter. Correct the number and try
- again.
- 09036 GCI CDC Befehl wurde wΣhrend des Abbrechens ausgefⁿhrt
- Reason: Attempting to cancel a command that already completed, or never
- existed.
- Remedy: No action required.
- 09037 GCI RNS Es wurde ein reservierter Name spezifiziert
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09038 GCI NVC Befehl ist zum Abbrechen nicht gⁿltig
- Reason: Attempting to cancel a command that is invalid to cancel.
- Remedy: See CANCEL command for the list of commands not valid to cancel.
- 09255 GCI PND Komplettierung am Laufen
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09257 GCI NNF Netzwerk ist au▀er Betrieb
- Reason: A network adapter has not been found.
- Remedy: Verify that the network adapter is available in this computer.
- Check that the network adapter is properly installed. Is this
- computer connected to a network? Try increasing the number of
- NETBios sessions and commands.
- 09258 GCI INP Ungⁿltiger Netzwerkzeiger
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09271 GCI CGA Adresse kann nicht eingelesen werden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09259 GCI CRH Hostname kann nicht verΣndert werden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09260 GCI DNC Datenbankname wurde nicht konfiguriert
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09261 GCI INI Ungⁿltige Netzschnittstelle
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09262 GCI INR Netzschnittstelle ist nicht aktiv
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09263 GCI OOM Kein weiterer Speicherplatz vorhanden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09264 GCI INH Ungⁿltiger Handle
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09265 GCI SSE Sitzungsfehler
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09266 GCI NCF Keine Konfigurationsdatei
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09267 GCI IDL COM DLL ist nicht gⁿltig
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09268 GCI CCN Verbindung nicht m÷glich
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09269 GCI TMA Zu viele Argumente
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09270 GCI IAL Ungⁿltige Argumentenliste
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09271 GCI AIN Wurde bereits initialisiert
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09272 GCI NTI Wurde nicht initialisiert
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09273 GCI TIP Beendung wurde eingeleitet
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09274 GCI MCE Eintrag in die Konfigurationsdatei fehlt
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09275 GCI NCD Es wurden keine KonfigurationseintrΣge festgelegt
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09276 GCI STO Zeitsperre fⁿr Semaphor
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09277 GCI CNL Fehler beim Abbruchbefehl
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09278 GCI OOS Keine Sitzungen mehr vorhanden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09279 GCI EOR Bestimmter Protokolleintrag wurde nicht gefunden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09281 GCI COC Konfigurationsdatei kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09282 GCI GEN Allgemeiner Fehler
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09283 GCI IVL Bibliotheksversion ist nicht korrekt
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09284 GCI ICK Ungⁿltiges GCI-Konfigurationschlⁿsselwort oder -parameter
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09285 GCI CGF Flags k÷nnen nicht eingelesen werden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09286 GCI INU Netzschnittstelle ist nicht aktiv
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09287 GCI NAC Adressenkonflikt im Netzwerk
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09288 GCI CFP Protokoll wurde nicht gefunden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09289 GCI CCS Anschlu▀ kann nicht angelegt werden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09290 GCI CBS Anschlu▀ kann nicht zugeordnet werden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09291 GCI CLS H÷ren auf Anschlu▀ nicht m÷glich
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09292 GCI CAC Verbindung kann nicht genutzt werden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09293 GCI NDL Kommunikations-DLL-Dateien k÷nnen nicht geladen werden. Netzwerk ist m÷glicherweise nicht installiert
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09294 GCI CAS Semaphor kann nicht zugewiesen werden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 09296 GCI CIN Abbruch ist fⁿr diese COM DLL nicht gⁿltig
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09297 GCI DAE DEALLOCATE-Wortfehler
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09298 GCI TEE TPENDED-Wortfehler
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09299 GCI RWE RECEIVE_AND_WAIT-Wortfehler
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09300 GCI SDA SEND_DATA-Wortfehler
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09301 GCI DNF Name der Eingabedatenbank wurde in Hostname-Tabelle nicht gefunden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09302 GCI NLA Es stehen keine LUs zur Verfⁿgung, um eine Sitzung zu starten
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09303 GCI AEE Fehler beim Konvertieren von ASCII-zu-EBCDIC
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09304 GCI TSE TPSTARTED-Wortfehler
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09305 GCI ALE ALLOCATE-Wortfehler
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09306 GCI UAB Eingabe/Ausgabepuffer k÷nnen nicht zugewiesen werden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09307 GCI CMN Kommunikationsmanager lΣuft nicht
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09308 GCI FLE FLUSH-Wortfehler
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09309 GCI SNV Benutzerkennungs/Pa▀wort-Sicherheit ungⁿltig
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09310 GCI LNN H÷renname wurde vorher nicht registriert
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09311 GCI LNR H÷renname ist nicht zum H÷ren bereit
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09313 GCI RAC H÷ren wurde abgebrochen
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09314 GCI TLM Tranid, lokale LU oder Modusname fehlt
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09315 GCI HNM Serverpfad, aber kein Hostname wurde spezifiziert
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09316 GCI SNF Servername wurde in Servertabelle nicht gefunden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09317 GCI NSP Diese Funktion wird nicht voll unterstⁿtzt
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09318 GCI TNA Host-Transaktionsprogramm ist nicht verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09319 GCI TNR Host-Transaktionsname wurde nicht erkannt
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09320 GCI DAP Host-Transaktion wurde beendet
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09321 GCI CSA Kommunikationsmanager wurde beendet
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09322 GCI SUS Fⁿr DBWINDOW ist nur eine Aufgabenverbindung erlaubt
- Reason: DBWINDOW is a single user database engine and more than one task
- is attempting to connect the database.
- Remedy: None. Multple tasks are not allowed to be connected to the
- DBWINDOW database simultaneously.
- 09323 GCI TPU Transportgeber ist nicht verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09324 GCI TAU Transportadresse ist nicht verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09325 GCI TLF Transport-H÷ren ist fehlgeschlagen
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09326 GCI TAF Transport-Annahme ist fehlgeschlagen
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09327 GCI OSE Systemfehler
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09328 GCI ALU ATTACH_LU verb Fehler
- Reason: The APPC protocol received an error while issuing the
- ATTACH_LU verb. An error code identifying the specific
- reason for the failure was displayed in an accompanying
- message. Please refer to the NOVELL NetWare LU6.2 Technical
- Reference, Appendix C, for a description of the error code
- received.
- Remedy: This error should not occur. Call Gupta Technologies
- Technical support for assistance.
- 09329 GCI ADC ACTIVATE_DLC verb Fehler
- Reason: The APPC protocol received an error while issuing the
- ACTIVATE_DLC verb. An error code identifying the specific
- reason for the failure was displayed in an accompanying
- message. Please refer to the NOVELL NetWare LU6.2 Technical
- Reference, Appendix C, for a description of the error code
- received.
- Remedy: This error should not occur. Call Gupta Technologies
- Technical support for assistance.
- 09330 GCI CNS CNOS verb Fehler
- Reason: The APPC protocol received an error while issuing the
- CNOS verb. An error code identifying the specific
- reason for the failure was displayed in an accompanying
- message. Please refer to the NOVELL NetWare LU6.2 Technical
- Reference, Appendix B and Appendix C, for a description of
- the error code received.
- Remedy: This error should not occur. Call Gupta Technologies
- Technical support for assistance.
- 09331 GCI SNI SPX nicht installiert
- Reason: The SPX Interface has not been installed correctly.
- The call to SPXInitialize (NWIPXSPX) has failed.
- Remedy: Contact Novell Technical Support.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- are generated by the SQLBase Group Page Manager.
- 09401 SFS BSI Gruppenseite hat eine ungeeignete Signatur
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09402 GRP BFL Gruppenseite hat unbrauchbare Flags
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09403 GRP BAP Unbrauchbare Seitenzuweisungsnummer
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09404 GRP BGP Unbrauchbare Gruppenseitennummer
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09405 GRP BPP Unbrauchbare physikalische Seitennummer
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09406 GRP PNA Zuweisungsseite wurde nicht zugewiesen
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09407 GRP BPT Unbrauchbarer Seitentyp in Zuweisungsseite
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- are generated by the SQLBase System Free Space Manager.
- 09501 SFS BSI CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (SFS BSI)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 09502 SFS BNP CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (SFS BNP)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 09503 SFS BPT CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (SFS BPT)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- SQLBase index related errors.
- 09601 IDX BPT CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (IDX BPT)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 09602 IDX BFV CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (IDX BFV)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 09603 IDX BLV CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (IDX BLV)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 09604 IDX BMK CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (IDX BMK)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 09605 IDX BKL CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (IDX BKL)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 09606 IDX BEO CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (IDX BEO)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 09607 IDX DKU CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (IDX DKU)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 09608 IDX SDT CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (IDX SDT)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 09609 IDX KIF CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (IDX KIF)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 09610 IDX WNE CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (IDX WNE)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 09611 IDX LNS CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (IDX LNS)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 09612 IDX BOA CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (IDX BOA)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 09613 IDX NLC CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (IDX NLC)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 09614 IDX IRF Datenbank oder Datenbankobjekt ist fehlerhaft (IDX IRF)
- Reason: The database or an object in the database has been discovered
- to be inconsistent or lacking integrity.
- Remedy: Run a CHECK DATABASE command.
- 09615 IDX IDF Datenbank oder Datenbankobjekt ist fehlerhaft (IDX IDF)
- Reason: The database or an object in the database has been discovered
- to be inconsistent or lacking integrity.
- Remedy: Run a CHECK DATABASE command.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- are generated by the SQLBase CHECK DATABASE facility.
- 09701 CHK BAS CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (CHK BAS)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- 09702 CHK LOP CHECK DATABASE ist fehlgeschlagen (CHK LOP)
- Reason: CHECK DATABASE has discovered a problem in the database.
- Remedy: If the CHECK DATABASE displays a message saying that a database
- object is damaged, drop that object. Otherwise, try unloading
- and reloading the database or restore from a backup copy of the
- database. You might also try unloading table by table to save
- as much of the database as possible.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for general SQL
- parsing errors. These errors generally occur during the compile of a SQL
- statement and the statement violates the syntax for that SQL command.
- 09801 PRS TMT Zu viele Tabellen zum Verknⁿpfen
- Reason: The number of tables attempting to be joined exceeds the SQLBase
- limit of 20 tables
- Remedy: Modify SQL statement.
- 09802 PRS IST Ungⁿltiger Statistiktyp
- Reason: Attempting to UPDATE STATISTICS and a keyword of INDEX, TABLE,
- or DATABASE is expecting immediately after UPDATE STATISTICS and
- it is missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the UPDATE STATISTICS command by properly specifying the
- keyword of INDEX, TABLE, or DATABASE immediately after UPDATE
- 09803 PRS ICO Objekt fⁿr CHECK nicht gⁿltig
- Reason: Attempting a CHECK DATABASE command and the keyword DATABASE is
- either missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the CHECK DATABASE command by properly specifying the
- keyword DATABASE immediately after the keyword CHECK.
- 09804 PRS MEK EXISTS-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a SQL UPDATE statement and the CHECK EXISTS clause is
- being used but the kewyord EXISTS is either missing or
- misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the UPDATE statement by properly specifying the keyword
- EXISTS immediately after the keyword CHECK.
- 09805 PRS CNH Nur CLUSTERED HASHED-Indizes werden unterstⁿtzt
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE INDEX statement and the keyword CLUSTERED
- has been found but the keyword HASHED is either missing or
- misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the CREATE INDEX statement by properly specifying the
- keyword HASHED immediately after the keyword CLUSTERED. SQLBase
- currently only supports CLUSTERED HASHED indexes and does not
- support CLUSTERED indexes or HASHED indexes.
- 09806 PRS MUK DEFAULT-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Trying a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement and a column is
- attempting to be defined with possibly the NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT
- clause but the keyword DEFAULT is either missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement by properly
- specifying the keyword DEFAULT immediately after the keywords
- 09807 PRS MDB Datenbankname fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE TABLE statement and the IN DATABASE clause
- is being used but the database name is missing.
- Remedy: Correct the CREATE TABLE statement by properly specifying a
- valid database name immediately after the IN DATABASE keywords.
- 09808 PRS MTS Tabellenbereichsname fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE TABLE statement and the IN clause is being
- used but the tablespace name is missing.
- Remedy: Correct the CREATE TABLE statement by properly specifying a
- valid tablespace name immediately after the keyword IN.
- 09809 PRS FUU FOR UPDATE OF ist mit UNION nicht erlaubt
- Reason: The SELECT statement contains a FOR UPDATE OF clause within a
- UNION. A UNION cannot be specified for a SELECT statement that
- is to be used for update.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement. A SELECT statement that is to be
- used for update cannot be defined with a UNION.
- 09810 PRS FUO FOR UPDATE OF ist mir ORDER BY nicht erlaubt
- Reason: The SELECT statement contains both a FOR UPDATE OF clause and an
- ORDER BY clause. An ORDER BY clause cannot be specified for a
- SELECT statement that is to be used for update.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL SELECT statement. The implied function is not
- supported by DB2 or SQLBase. A SELECT statement that is to be
- used for update cannot be defined to fetch the rows of the
- object table in a specific order.
- 09811 PRS FUP Ungⁿltige FOR UPDATE OF-Klausel
- Reason: Attempting a SELECT statement with possibly the FOR UPDATE OF
- clause but the keywords UPDATE or OF are either missing or
- misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the SELECT statement by properly specifying the FOR
- UPDATE OF clause.
- 09812 PRS SFU SELECT FOR UPDATE mu▀ auf eine einzelne Tabelle verweisen
- Reason: The SELECT statement contains a FOR UPDATE OF clause and
- references more than one table. Multiple tables cannot be
- specified for a SELECT statement that is to be used for update.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL SELECT statement. A SELECT statement that is to
- be used for update cannot be defined to fetch rows from multiple
- tables.
- 09813 PRS UNA UNION ALL wird fⁿr alle SELECT-Anweisungen ben÷tigt
- Reason: UNION ALL indicates that all duplicate rows will not be
- eliminated. If UNION ALL is used on one SELECT statement it
- must be repeated for every SELECT statement in the entire
- statement.
- Remedy: Correct the SELECT statement by properly specifying UNION ALL
- for all select statements.
- 09814 PRS RCT Der Name der Ergebnisspalte kann nur mit der obersten Select-Anweisung bestimmt werden
- Reason: The result column name can only be specified with the top SELECT
- statment.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL SELECT statement.
- 09815 PRS RCI Name der Ergebnisspalte mu▀ ein Bezeichner sein
- Reason: The result column name must be an identifier.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL SELECT statement.
- 09816 PRS ETC Ausdruck ist zu gro▀
- Reason: A specified expression is too large.
- Remedy: Modify the SQL statement.
- 09817 PRS MKY KEY-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting to use either the PRIMARY KEY or FOREIGN KEY clauses
- and the keyword KEY is either missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the PRIMARY KEY or FOREIGN KEY clauses by properly
- specifying the keyword KEY.
- 09818 PRS IPC Ungⁿltiger PrimΣrschlⁿssel-Spaltenname
- Reason: The primary key column name is an invalid identifier.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement by properly specifying a valid primary
- key column name identifier.
- 09819 PRS CPK Spalte wurde bereits fⁿr PrimΣrschlⁿsse÷ bestimmt
- Reason: The specified column is already defined for a primary key.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement by properly specifying each column
- of a primary key only once.
- 09820 PRS CNN PrimΣrschlⁿsselspalte mu▀ NOT NULL oder NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT sein
- Reason: A primary key column has not been defined as NOT NULL or NOT
- NULL WITH DEFAULT. Each column in the primary key must be
- defined as either NOT NULL or NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT.
- Remedy: Define all columns of the primary as either NOT NULL or NOT NULL
- 09821 PRS PCN Die PrimΣrschlⁿsselspalte wurde nicht festgelegt
- Reason: A primary key column is not defined or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the primary key column specification my properly stating
- valid columns.
- 09822 PRS IFK Ungⁿltiger Fremdschlⁿsselname
- Reason: An invalid foreign key name has been specified.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement by properly specifying a valid foreign
- key.
- 09823 PRS IFC Ungⁿltiger Fremdschlⁿssel-Spaltenname
- Reason: An invalid foreign key column name has been specified.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement by properly specifying a valid foreign
- key column name.
- 09824 PRS FKA Fremdschlⁿssel wurde bereits definiert
- Reason: The specified foreign key name is already defined.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement by properly specifying a unique
- foreign key name.
- 09825 PRS CFK Es wurde bereits eine Spalte fⁿr den Fremdschlⁿssel festgelegt
- Reason: The specified column is already defined for a foreign key.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement by properly specifying each column
- of a foreign key only once.
- 09826 PRS FCN Fremdschlⁿsselspalte wurde nicht festgelegt
- Reason: A foreign key column is not defined or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the foreign key column by properly stating valid
- columns.
- 09827 PRS MRK REFERENCE-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: A foreign key clause has a missing or misspelled REFERENCE
- keyword.
- Remedy: Correct the foreign key clause by properly specifying the
- REFERENCE keyword.
- 09828 PRS IRN Ungⁿltiger Verweistabellenname
- Reason: A foreign key clause has referenced an invalid table name.
- Remedy: Correct the foreign key clause by properly specifying a
- reference to a valid table name.
- 09829 PRS MFR FOREIGN-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting to ALTER a table and add a foreign key but the
- keyword FOREIGN is missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the ALTER TABLE statement by properly specifying
- the FOREIGN keyword.
- 09830 PRS ACN Wenigstens eine Spalte des Fremdschlⁿssel mu▀ NULL-Werte zulassen
- Reason: A FOREIGN KEY definition with the SET NULL option has not
- specified at least one column in the foreign key where NULL
- values are allowed.
- Remedy: The ON DELETE SET NULL foreign key delete rule states that when
- a parent row is deleted, the foreign key values in all of its
- dependent rows should automatically be set to NULL. Specify at
- least one column in the foreign key that allows NULL values for
- the ON DELETE SET NULL foreign key delete rule to be specified.
- Or, change the foreign key delete rule.
- 09831 PRS SRC Auf sich selbst verweisende Fremdschlⁿssel ben÷tigen eine CASCADE-L÷schregel
- Reason: A self-referencing foreign key must be specified with the
- CASCADE delete rule.
- Remedy: Change the foreign key delete rule in the FOREIGN KEY clause.
- 09832 PRS FDN Der Datentyp der Fremschlⁿsselspalte stimmt mit der PrimΣrschlⁿsselspalte nicht ⁿberein
- Reason: Each column definition of a foreign key does not match each
- column definition of the corresponding column in the primary key
- of the parent table.
- Remedy: Correct the definition of the foreign key or primary so that the
- each colum definition of the foreign key matches each column
- definition of the corresponding column in the primary key of the
- parent table.
- 09833 PRS FNC Die Anzahl der Fremschlⁿsselspalten stimmt mit dem PrimΣrschlⁿssel nicht ⁿberein
- Reason: The number of columns of a foreign key does not match the number
- of columns in the primary key of the parent table.
- Remedy: Correct the definition of the foreign key or primary so that the
- number of columns in the foriegn key is equal to the number
- columns in the primary key of the parent table and the data
- types of each corresponding column match.
- 09834 PRS SDN Bestimmungspfade mⁿssen die selben L÷schregeln haben und dⁿrfen nicht SET NULL sein
- Reason: The delete rules cannot be different or cannot be SET NULL.
- This error is used to report that the delete rules specified in
- two FOREIGN KEY clauses of the CREATE TABLE statement are
- invalid because the table would be delete-connected to the same
- table through multiple paths involving relationships with
- different delete rules or with delete rules of SET NULL.
- Remedy: Change the delete rule.
- 09835 PRS IDR Ungⁿltige L÷schregel
- Reason: An invalid, missing, or misspelled delete rule has been
- specified in a foreign key clause.
- Remedy: Correct the foreign key clause by properly specifying a valid
- delete rule of RESTRICT, CASCADE, or SET NULL.
- 09836 PRS TKF Zuviele verkettete Schlⁿsselfelder
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE INDEX, or definition of a PRIMARY or FOREIGN
- key and the number of key fields exceeds or matches the maximum
- allowed of 16 columns.
- Remedy: Modify key so that the number of columns to be less than 16.
- 09837 PRS MDL DELETE-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting to define a foreign key with the ON DELETE clause but
- the keyword DELETE is either missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the foreign key definition ON DELETE clause by properly
- specifying the DELETE keyword.
- 09838 PRS PND ▄bergeordnete Tabelle wurde noch nicht definiert
- Reason: Defining a foreign key and the specified parent table does not
- exist.
- Remedy: Create the parent table before defining the foreign key.
- 09839 PRS PTI ▄bergeordnete Tabelle ist noch nicht fertig
- Reason: Defining a foreign key and specified parent table is still in an
- incomplete state. A parent table is considered incomplete until
- you generate its unique index.
- Remedy: Create the parent table's unique index and before attempting to
- create any foreign keys.
- 09840 PRS PKA PrimΣrschlⁿssel wurden bereits bestimmt
- Reason: Attempting to define a second primary key for a table.
- Remedy: None. A table can only have one primary key.
- 09841 PRS PKN PrimΣrschlⁿssel wurden in ⁿbergeordneter Tabelle nicht definiert
- Reason: Attempting to define a foreign key and the primary key of the
- parent table is not defined.
- Remedy: Define the primary key for the parent table before attempting to
- create a foreign key.
- 09842 PRS EMP Maximale LΣnge fⁿr PrimΣrschlⁿssel wurde ⁿberschritten
- Reason: The specified primary key exceed the maximum length (254)
- allowed for a primary key.
- Remedy: Modify the primary key so that it does not exceed the maximum
- allowable length of 254.
- 09843 PRS ATS Verwenden Sie ALTER TABLE, um einen auf sich selbst verweisenden Fremdschlⁿssel zu erzeugen
- Reason: A self-referencing foreign key can only be created with the
- ALTER TABLE statement.
- Remedy: Use the ALTER TABLE statement to create a self-referencing
- foreign key.
- 09844 PRS TDS Das Hinzufⁿgen eines Fremdschlⁿssels hat das L÷schen der mit sich selbst verbundenen Tabelle zur Folge
- Reason: Any table that is involved in a delete operation is
- delete-connected. If a referential cycle involves more than one
- table, any table in the cycle must not be delete-connected to
- itself. This restriction guarantees that the CASCADE rule will
- not cause widespread deletion of data.
- Remedy: None. A foreign key cannot be specified that causes a table to
- delete-connected to itself.
- 09845 PRS SFD Dieselbe Spaltenliste mit verschiedenen Fremdschlⁿsseln kann nicht zur gleichen ⁿbergeordneten Tabelle geh÷ren
- Reason: The foreign key is not a unique foreign key reference. The
- specified foreign key has the same columns as an existing
- foreign key for the same table.
- Remedy: Modify the foreign key table. If two foreign keys have the same
- columns, they must reference different tables.
- 09846 PRS FRS Foreign key cannot reference system table
- Reason: Attempting to define a foreign key that references a system
- catalog table.
- Remedy: None. Foreign keys cannot reference a system catalog table.
- 09847 PRS ICR Ungⁿltiger Cursorname
- Reason: Attempting a SQL INSERT statement with the ADJUSTING clause
- and the specified cursor name is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL INSERT statement by providing a valid cursor
- name in the ADJUSTING clause of a cursor that has been properly
- named or opened.
- 09848 PRS OOL Anzahl der Operanden ⁿberschreitet Systemgrenzen
- Reason: Maximum number of operands in a function exceeds the SQLBase
- system limit of 256.
- Remedy: Modify the SQL statement so that the SQLBase system limit of 256
- operands is not exceeded.
- 09849 PRS ISV Ungⁿltiger Serverbefehl
- Reason: Most likely attempting an INSTALL DATABASE or DEINSTALL DATABASE
- command and the keyword DATABASE is either missing or
- misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the INSTALL or DEINSTALL command by properly specifying
- a valid DATABASE keyword immediately after the INSTALL or
- DEINSTALL keyword.
- 09850 PRS IDN Ungⁿltiger Datenbankname
- or DEINSTALL DATABASE and the specified database name is
- invalid.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement by specifying a valid database name.
- 09851 PRS IAR Ungⁿltiger dbarea-Name
- CREATE STOGROUP, or DELETE DBAREA and the specified dbarea name
- is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement by specifying a valid dbarea name.
- 09852 PRS IAF Ungⁿltiger dbarea-Dateiname
- and the specified dbarea file name is not valid.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement by specifying a valid file name.
- 09853 PRS MZK SIZE-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting an ALTER DBAREA or CREATE DBAREA and the expected
- SIZE keyword is either missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement by properly specifying the SIZE
- keyword.
- 09854 PRS ISG Ungⁿltiger stogroup-Name
- the storage group name is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement by properly specifying a valid storage
- group name.
- 09855 PRS USK USING-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE STOGROUP statement and the mandatory USING
- keyword is either missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the CREATE STOGROUP statement by properly specifying the
- USING keyword. The correct syntax
- is: CREATE STOGROUP stogroup-name USING dbarea1, dbarea2, ...
- 09856 PRS DFK DEFAULT-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a SET DEFAULT STOGROUP statement and the mandatory
- keyword DEFAULT is either missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the SET DEFAULT STOGROUP statement by properly
- specifying the mandatory keyword DEFAULT. The correct syntax
- is: SET DEFAULT STOGROUP [stogroup-name]
- where the stogroup-name is optional.
- 09857 PRS SGK STOGROUP-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting a SET DEFAULT STOGROUP statement and the mandatory
- keyword STOGROUP is either missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the SET DEFAULT STOGROUP statement by properly
- specifying the mandatory keyword STOGROUP. The correct syntax
- is: SET DEFAULT STOGROUP [stogroup-name]
- where the stogroup-name is optional.
- 09858 PRS ASO Ungⁿltige ALTER STOGROUP-Option
- Reason: Attempting a ALTER STOGROUP statement and the keyword ADD
- or DROP has not been found.
- Remedy: Correct the ALTER STOGROUP statement by properly specifying
- either ADD dbarea or DROP dbarea. The correct syntax
- is: ALTER STOGROUP stogroup-name ADD dbarea
- or: ALTER STOGROUP stogroup-name DROP dbarea
- 09859 PRS ADO Ungⁿltige ALTER DATABASE-Option
- Reason: Attempting a ALTER DATABASE statement and the keyword STOGROUP
- or LOG has not been found.
- Remedy: Correct the ALTER DATABASE statement by properly specifying
- either STOGROUP stogroup-name or LOG stogroup-name. The correct
- syntax is: ALTER DATABASE database-name STOGROUP stogroup-name
- or: ALTER DATABASE database-name LOG stogroup-name
- 09860 PRS IDE Ungⁿltiger DELETE-Befehl
- Reason: Attempting a DELETE and the delete object keyword is invalid.
- Remedy: Correct the DELETE statement by properly specifying a valid
- delete object keyword to be deleted.
- 09861 PRS ABO System beenden von Verlassen-Befehl
- Reason: An ABORT command has forced a system exit.
- Remedy: None. Informational only.
- 09862 PRS NDQ DBAREA Dateiname darf nicht mit doppelten Anfⁿhrungszeichen bestimmt werden
- Reason: The DBAREA file name must be specified in double quotes.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement by properly specifying the DBAREA
- file name in double quotes.
- 09863 PRS ASL DBAREA-Gr÷▀e zu gro▀
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE DBAREA or ALTER DBAREA and the specified
- size in megabytes that exceeds the maximum allowable size of
- 4096 megabytes.
- Remedy: Correct the CREATE DBAREA or ALTER DBAREA statement to properly
- specify a valid size in megabytes not greater than 4096.
- 09864 PRS UMI Benutzerfehlermeldungsnummer mu▀ gr÷▀er als 0 und kleiner als 32 767 sein
- Reason: Attempting an ALTER TABLE statement to add or modify a user
- defined error and the specified user error number is not a valid
- positive integer value greater than 0 and less than 32,767.
- Remedy: Correct the ALTER TABLE statement by properly specifying a valid
- positive integer value when adding or modifying a user defined
- error greater than 0 and less than 32,767.
- 09865 PRS IUC Ungⁿltige Benutzerfehlermeldungsklasse
- Reason: Attempting an ALTER TABLE statement to add, drop, or modify a
- user defined error and the specified user error class is not a
- valid quoted string indicating that the error class is either
- Remedy: Correct the ALTER TABLE statement by properly specifying a valid
- quoted string indicating a user define error class of either
- 09866 PRS MFN Fremdschlⁿsselname fehlt
- Reason: Attempting an ALTER TABLE statement to add, drop, or modify a
- user defined error and the foreign key name in the FOREIGN KEY
- clause is missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the ALTER TABLE statement by properly specifying a valid
- foreign key name in the FOREIGN KEY clause.
- 09867 PRS MPF FOREIGN oder PRIMARY-Schlⁿsselwort fehlt
- Reason: Attempting an ALTER TABLE statement to add, drop, or modify a
- user defined error and the keyword PRIMARY or FOREIGN is missing
- or misspelled in the PRIMARY KEY or FOREIGN KEY clause.
- Remedy: Correct the ALTER TABLE statement by properly specifying the
- keyword PRIMARY or FOREIGN in either the PRIMARY KEY or FOREIGN
- key clauses.
- 09868 PRS EFN Der Fremdschlⁿsselname darf nicht lΣnger als 8 Zeichen sein
- Reason: Attempting to use a foreign key with a name greater than 8
- characters.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement by properly specifying a valid foreign
- key name that does not exceed 8 characters.
- 09869 PRS COU Die Prⁿfoption ist mit UNION nicht erlaubt
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09870 PRS VCR Es werden Ansichtspaltennamen mit UNION ben÷tigt
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 09871 PRS CNS Befehl wird nicht mehr unterstⁿtzt
- Reason: The specified command is no longer supported.
- Remedy: Use other command.
- 09872 PRS TMB Zu viele Booleans in der Abfrage (Query)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- query parsing.
- Remedy: Reduce the number of boolean expressions in the query,
- especially the size of any IN list.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for general MATH
- library errors while attempting a financial @function like @acos, @asin,
- @atan, @atan2, @cos, @exp, @ln, @log, @mod, @pi, @sin, @sqrt, or @tan
- OR attempting a mathematical @function like @cterm, @fv, @pmt, @pv, @rate,
- @sln, @syd, or @term.
- 10001 MTH MATH LIB: Arguments-DomΣnenfehler (DOMAIN)
- Reason: Attempting a financial @function like @acos, @asin, @atan,
- @atan2, @cos, @exp, @ln, @log, @mod, @pi, @sin, @sqrt, or @tan
- OR attempting a mathematical @function like @cterm, @fv, @pmt,
- @pv, @rate, @sln, @syd, or @term and the specified math error
- has occurred.
- Remedy: Correct the value or values used with this @function.
- 10002 MTH MATH LIB: Arguments-SingularitΣtsfehler (SING)
- Reason: Attempting a financial @function like @acos, @asin, @atan,
- @atan2, @cos, @exp, @ln, @log, @mod, @pi, @sin, @sqrt, or @tan
- OR attempting a mathematical @function like @cterm, @fv, @pmt,
- @pv, @rate, @sln, @syd, or @term and the specified math error
- has occurred.
- Remedy: Correct the value or values used with this @function.
- 10003 MTH MATH LIB: ▄berlauf-Bereichsfehler (OVERFLOW)
- Reason: Attempting a financial @function like @acos, @asin, @atan,
- @atan2, @cos, @exp, @ln, @log, @mod, @pi, @sin, @sqrt, or @tan
- OR attempting a mathematical @function like @cterm, @fv, @pmt,
- @pv, @rate, @sln, @syd, or @term and the specified math error
- has occurred.
- Remedy: Correct the value or values used with this @function.
- 10004 MTH MATH LIB: Unterlauf-Bereichsfehler (UNDERFLOW)
- Reason: Attempting a financial @function like @acos, @asin, @atan,
- @atan2, @cos, @exp, @ln, @log, @mod, @pi, @sin, @sqrt, or @tan
- OR attempting a mathematical @function like @cterm, @fv, @pmt,
- @pv, @rate, @sln, @syd, or @term and the specified math error
- has occurred.
- Remedy: Correct the value or values used with this @function.
- 10005 MTH MATH LIB: Totaler Genauigkeitsverlust (TLOSS)
- Reason: Attempting a financial @function like @acos, @asin, @atan,
- @atan2, @cos, @exp, @ln, @log, @mod, @pi, @sin, @sqrt, or @tan
- OR attempting a mathematical @function like @cterm, @fv, @pmt,
- @pv, @rate, @sln, @syd, or @term and the specified math error
- has occurred.
- Remedy: Correct the value or values used with this @function.
- 10006 MTH 006 MATH LIB: Teilweiser Genauigkeitsverlust (PLOSS)
- Reason: Attempting a financial @function like @acos, @asin, @atan,
- @atan2, @cos, @exp, @ln, @log, @mod, @pi, @sin, @sqrt, or @tan
- OR attempting a mathematical @function like @cterm, @fv, @pmt,
- @pv, @rate, @sln, @syd, or @term and the specified math error
- has occurred.
- Remedy: Correct the value or values used with this @function.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for Display
- Manager errors.
- 10101 DSM IMT NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Ungⁿltiger Meldungstyp
- Reason: A GSA server application, such as SQLBase or a gateway, issued
- the dsmLogSQLMLI function with an incorrect parameter value for
- the type of SQL/API message. This is error is only used
- internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error should not occur. If it does, it represents a
- logic error in the GSA server code. This error code should
- never occur in an application program. If you get this error,
- contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 10102 DSM MNF NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Meldungstext wurde nicht gefunden
- Reason: The Display Manager function dsmStatIndirect (or dsmDialog) was
- unable to retrieve a message from the internal message table
- (not error.sql). The message could not be retrieved because it
- could not be found. This is error is only used internally by
- the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error should not occur. If it does, it represents a
- logic error in the GSA server code. This error code should
- never occur in an application program. If you get this error,
- contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 10103 DSM OOM Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (DSM OOM)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for Keyboard
- Manager errors.
- Reason: A GSA server application, such as SQLBase or a gateway, issued
- the kdbSetKeyboardFunc function with an incorrect parameter
- value for the keystroke number. This is error is only used
- internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur in an application
- program. If it does, it represents a logic error in the GSA
- server code. It is not an error that a client application can
- produce. If you get this error, contact your local Gupta
- Technologies certified technical support center.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for the
- database message conversion interface.
- 10301 MCI IES NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Ungⁿltige Exportgr÷▀e
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 10302 MCI IIS NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Ungⁿltige Importgr÷▀e
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 10303 MCI IAT Ungⁿltiger Architekturtyp
- Reason: The database server does not recognize the hardware architecture
- type of the client requesting a connection - this could happen
- because Gupta Technologies is supporting a new architecture type
- and the client workstation with this new architecture connects
- to a database server that has not been updated.
- Remedy: Obtain and install an updated database server that supports the
- new architecture type from Gupta Technolgies.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for general SQL
- type errors.
- 10401 SQL NLD Keine lokalen Datenbanken
- Reason: Attempting to get a listing of available database on the local
- client workstation and no local databases exist.
- Remedy: None. Informational only. No local databases exist.
- 10402 SQL INM Ungⁿltiger Cursorname
- Reason: Attempting to name a cursor and the specified name is missing
- or invalid.
- Remedy: Correct the command by properly specifying a valid cursor name.
- 10403 SQL CAO Kein Speicher mehr beim Client vorhanden (SQL CAO)
- Reason: The application has run out of memory at the client workstation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the client workstation. Attempt to
- make more memory available.
- 10404 SQL MSE Erfolgreicher Select Execute-Anweisung mu▀ Describe folgen
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 10405 SQL NDE Fⁿr diesen cursor ist keine Describe-Information verfⁿgbar
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 10407 SQL BCS Verketteter Befehl kann mit SELECT im Puffer-Ausfⁿhrmodus nicht ausgefⁿhrt werden
- Reason: Chained commands which are executed in bulk execute mode may
- not include SELECT commands.
- Remedy: Remove the SELECT command from chained command or turn bulk
- execute mode off.
- 10408 SQL FCH Nach hinten holen ist mit verketteten Befehlen nicht erlaubt
- Reason: Fetch backward with a chained command is not allowed.
- Remedy: Turn fetch backward off or don't execute the chained command
- while in bulk execute command.
- 10409 SQL IBF Ungⁿltiges Backup File
- Reason: Could not read data from a backup file.
- Remedy: Check to make sure that the files being restored are
- were created by doing an online backup.
- 10410 SQL NEU Kein kⁿrzlich ausgefⁿhrter UPDATE
- Reason: An attempt was made to retrieve the ROWID with the SQLPRID
- sqlget() parameter on a cursor which does not contain an
- executed UPDATE command.
- Remedy: Successfully execute an UPDATE command.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for general
- numeric type errors.
- 10501 NUM BNP Zeigernummer ist fehlerhaft
- Reason: Attempting to use the API function sqlxad, sqlxda, sqlxdp,
- sqlxdv sqlxml, sqlxnp, or sqlxsb and a specified pointer to a
- number or the specified length of the number is invalid. This
- is an application programming problem.
- Remedy: If you are using a extended math API function, correct the API
- function call. If you are using an application that has
- generated this error, contact the supplier of the application
- program. If you have verified that you are not directly or
- indirectly calling a extended math API function then contact
- your local Gupta Technologies certified technical support
- center.
- 10502 NUM NLS Die Zahl ist zu klein (gleich oder kleiner Null)
- Reason: Attempting to use the API function sqlxad, sqlxda, sqlxdp,
- sqlxdv sqlxml, sqlxnp, or sqlxsb and a specified pointer to a
- number or the specified length of the number is invalid. This
- is an application programming problem.
- Remedy: If you are using a extended math API function, correct the API
- function call. If you are using an application that has
- generated this error, contact the supplier of the application
- program. If you have verified that you are not directly or
- indirectly calling a extended math API function then contact
- your local Gupta Technologies certified technical support
- center.
- 10503 NUM NLL Zahl ist zu gro▀ (gr÷▀er als 12)
- Reason: Attempting to use the API function sqlxad, sqlxda, sqlxdp,
- sqlxdv sqlxml, sqlxnp, or sqlxsb and a specified pointer to a
- number or the specified length of the number is invalid. This
- is an application programming problem.
- Remedy: If you are using a extended math API function, correct the API
- function call. If you are using an application that has
- generated this error, contact the supplier of the application
- program. If you have verified that you are not directly or
- indirectly calling a extended math API function then contact
- your local Gupta Technologies certified technical support
- center.
- 10504 NUM ETS Exponent ist zu klein
- Reason: Attempting to use the API function sqlxad, sqlxda, sqlxdp,
- sqlxdv sqlxml, sqlxnp, or sqlxsb and a specified pointer to a
- number or the specified length of the number is invalid. This
- is an application programming problem.
- Remedy: If you are using a extended math API function, correct the API
- function call. If you are using an application that has
- generated this error, contact the supplier of the application
- program. If you have verified that you are not directly or
- indirectly calling a extended math API function then contact
- your local Gupta Technologies certified technical support
- center.
- 10505 NUM ETL Exponent ist zu gro▀
- Reason: Attempting to use the API function sqlxad, sqlxda, sqlxdp,
- sqlxdv sqlxml, sqlxnp, or sqlxsb and a specified pointer to a
- number or the specified length of the number is invalid. This
- is an application programming problem.
- Remedy: If you are using a extended math API function, correct the API
- function call. If you are using an application that has
- generated this error, contact the supplier of the application
- program. If you have verified that you are not directly or
- indirectly calling a extended math API function then contact
- your local Gupta Technologies certified technical support
- center.
- 10506 NUM MNM Negativzeichen fehlt
- Reason: Attempting to use the API function sqlxad, sqlxda, sqlxdp,
- sqlxdv sqlxml, sqlxnp, or sqlxsb and a specified pointer to a
- number or the specified length of the number is invalid. This
- is an application programming problem.
- Remedy: If you are using a extended math API function, correct the API
- function call. If you are using an application that has
- generated this error, contact the supplier of the application
- program. If you have verified that you are not directly or
- indirectly calling a extended math API function then contact
- your local Gupta Technologies certified technical support
- center.
- 10507 NUM BNM Unbrauchbares Negativzeichen
- Reason: Attempting to use the API function sqlxad, sqlxda, sqlxdp,
- sqlxdv sqlxml, sqlxnp, or sqlxsb and a specified pointer to a
- number or the specified length of the number is invalid. This
- is an application programming problem.
- Remedy: If you are using a extended math API function, correct the API
- function call. If you are using an application that has
- generated this error, contact the supplier of the application
- program. If you have verified that you are not directly or
- indirectly calling a extended math API function then contact
- your local Gupta Technologies certified technical support
- center.
- 10508 NUM DTS Zu kleine Ziffern
- Reason: Attempting to use the API function sqlxad, sqlxda, sqlxdp,
- sqlxdv sqlxml, sqlxnp, or sqlxsb and a specified pointer to a
- number or the specified length of the number is invalid. This
- is an application programming problem.
- Remedy: If you are using a extended math API function, correct the API
- function call. If you are using an application that has
- generated this error, contact the supplier of the application
- program. If you have verified that you are not directly or
- indirectly calling a extended math API function then contact
- your local Gupta Technologies certified technical support
- center.
- 10509 NUM DTL Ziffer ist zu gro▀
- Reason: Attempting to use the API function sqlxad, sqlxda, sqlxdp,
- sqlxdv sqlxml, sqlxnp, or sqlxsb and a specified pointer to a
- number or the specified length of the number is invalid. This
- is an application programming problem.
- Remedy: If you are using a extended math API function, correct the API
- function call. If you are using an application that has
- generated this error, contact the supplier of the application
- program. If you have verified that you are not directly or
- indirectly calling a extended math API function then contact
- your local Gupta Technologies certified technical support
- center.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors
- relating to distributed databases and in particular errors regarding the
- MAIN central database.
- 10601 MDB NSC NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Kein gespeicherter Kontext zum Wiederherstellen vorhanden
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 10602 MDB COI MAIN.INI kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: Cannot open the MAIN.INI file.
- Remedy: Copy MAIN.INI to user's working directory.
- 10603 MDB CAS NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Kontext wurde bereits gespeichert
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 10604 MDB UME Benutzer darf eine Datenbank nicht MAIN nennen. Bitte bestimmen Sie einen anderen Namen
- Reason: Attempting to name a database by the name of MAIN.
- Remedy: Use a different database name other than MAIN.
- 10605 MDB MMV SQLBase und MAIN.INI haben unterschiedliche Versionen
- Reason: The MAIN.INI file attempting to be used is not the proper
- version, that is, the software version number found on line
- one of MAIN.INI does not match the SQLBase version number.
- Remedy: Use the correct version of the MAIN.INI file for this
- particular version of SQLBase.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are errors
- generated by the partition file system for partitioned databases.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 10702 PFS IFH NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Ungⁿltiger Filehandle
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 10703 PFS IEN Ungⁿltige Extensionsnummer in der Datenbank MAIN
- Reason: The MAIN database has been determined to be inconsistent.
- Remedy: Stop all partitioned database operations and run a CHECK
- DATABASE operation on the MAIN database in single user mode. If
- an error is reported, attempt to correct the problem by either
- dropping and re-creating the offending object or restore the
- MAIN database from the most recent backup. If the CHECK
- DATABASE operation does not report a problem, then contact your
- local Gupta Technologies certified technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 10705 PFS IPE NUR INTERN VERWENDET: E/A wurde nach Dateiende versucht
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 10706 PFS COV Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (PFS COV)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 10707 PFS COD Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (PFS COD)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 10708 PFS CFV Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (PFS CFV)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 10709 PFS CFD Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (PFS CFD)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 10710 PFS CAV Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (PFS CAV)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 10711 PFS CAD Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (PFS CAD)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 10712 PFS COA Bereichsdatei kann fⁿr Datenbank MAIN nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: The MAIN database has been determined to be inconsistent.
- Remedy: Stop all partitioned database operations and run a CHECK
- DATABASE operation on the MAIN database in single user mode. If
- an error is reported, attempt to correct the problem by either
- dropping and re-creating the offending object or restore the
- MAIN database from the most recent backup. If the CHECK
- DATABASE operation does not report a problem, then contact your
- local Gupta Technologies certified technical support center.
- 10713 PFS CEM Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 10715 PFS CEF Partitionierte Datei kann nicht vergr÷▀ert werden
- Reason: There is insufficient disk space in a storage group.
- Remedy: Check which storage group (database or log) is running out of
- disk space. Create a new DBAREA and add space the storage
- group.
- 10716 PFS CEE Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (PFS CEE)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 10717 PFS NPD NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Keine partitionierte Datenbank
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 10719 PFS FDE Diese Datei existiert fⁿr die Datenbank MAIN nicht
- Reason: The MAIN database has been determined to be inconsistent.
- Remedy: Stop all partitioned database operations and run a CHECK
- DATABASE operation on the MAIN database in single user mode. If
- an error is reported, attempt to correct the problem by either
- dropping and re-creating the offending object or restore the
- MAIN database from the most recent backup. If the CHECK
- DATABASE operation does not report a problem, then contact your
- local Gupta Technologies certified technical support center.
- 10720 PFS CAI Startgr÷▀e kann nicht zugewiesen werden
- Reason: There is insufficient disk space in a storage group.
- Remedy: Check which storage group (database or log) is running out of
- disk space. Create a new DBAREA and add space the storage
- group.
- 10721 PFS CDO NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Offene Datei kann nicht gel÷scht werden
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 10722 PFS CEV Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer (PFS CEV)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 10723 PFS COR Die Tabellen der Datenbank MAIN sind fehlerhaft
- Reason: The MAIN database has been determined to be inconsistent.
- Remedy: Stop all partitioned database operations and run a CHECK
- DATABASE operation on the MAIN database in single user mode. If
- an error is reported, attempt to correct the problem by either
- dropping and re-creating the offending object or restore the
- MAIN database from the most recent backup. If the CHECK
- DATABASE operation does not report a problem, then contact your
- local Gupta Technologies certified technical support center.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- occur when performing database server commands.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 10802 SVC VNM Die Datenbank MAIN wurde nicht korrekt hochgefahren (fehlende ▄bereinstimmung bei den gestapelten Befehlsvariablen)
- Reason: The main database has not been set up properly. The number of
- bind variables in a stored command do not match the number of
- bind variables.
- Remedy: Reinstall the main database or recover from a backup database.
- 10803 SVC SNM Die Datenbank MAIN wurde nicht korrekt hochgefahren (Markierte Spalten stimmen mit den gestapelten Befehlen nicht ⁿberein)
- Reason: The main database has not been set up properly. The number of
- columns selected does not match the number columns in the
- previously stored command.
- Remedy: Reinstall the main database or recovery from a backup database.
- 10804 SVC DAN DBAREA besteht bereits oder sie wurde nicht gefunden
- Reason: Either attempting to CREATE a DBAREA and the DBAREA already
- exists or attempting to ALTER a DBAREA and the DBAREA was not
- found to be altered.
- Remedy: For a CREATE DBAREA, verify that the DBAREA area does not
- already exist and retry using a unique name. For ALTER DBAREA,
- verify that the DBAREA exists and because you can only alter an
- existing DBAREA.
- 10805 SVC DSG Stogroup-Name besteht bereits
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE STOGROUP and the specified stogroup name
- already exists.
- Remedy: Verify the stogroup name and retry with a unique stogroup name.
- 10806 SVC DSA DBAREA ist bereits in Stogroup
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE STOGROUP or ALTER STOGROUP and the specified
- DBAREA is already part of a previously defined stogroup.
- Remedy: Retry using a different stogroup.
- 10807 SVC NPD Keine partitionierte Datenbank. Der Befehl ist hier nicht erlaubt
- Reason: Attempting an ALTER DATABASE command and the specified database
- is not a partitioned database.
- Remedy: None. The ALTER DATABASE command can only be used for
- partitioned databases.
- 10808 SVC SCD Bestimmte DBAREA ist mit der Stogroup verbunden
- Reason: Attempting to drop a DBAREA and the specified DBAREA is
- associated with an establish stogroup.
- Remedy: Drop the associated stogroup before attempting to drop the
- 10809 SVC ECD Die bestimmte DBAREA wird bereits verwendet
- Reason: Attempting to drop a DBAREA and the specified DBAREA is
- being used as an extent area.
- Remedy: None. You cannot drop a DBAREA that is in use.
- 10810 SVC DCS Die bestimmte Stogroup wurde der Datenbank bereits zugewiesen
- Reason: Attempting to drop a stogroup but the specified stogroup has
- been assigned to the database.
- Remedy: None. You cannot drop a stogroup that has been assigned to the
- database.
- 10811 SVC FCS Die bestimmte Stogroup ist die Standard-Stogroup
- Reason: Attempting to drop a stogroup but the specified stogroup is the
- default stogroup.
- Remedy: Modify the default stogroup before attempting to drop the
- specified stogroup.
- 10812 SVC ANF DBAREA wurde nicht gefunden
- DROP DBAREA and a specified DBAREA was not found.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement by properly specifying a valid DBAREA
- name.
- 10813 SVC DNF Datenbank wurde nicht gefunden
- Reason: Attempting an ALTER DATABASE and the specified database was not
- found.
- Remedy: Correct the ALTER DATABASE statement by properly specifying a
- valid database name.
- 10814 SVC DAE Die Datenbank besteht bereits
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE DATABASE and the specified database already
- exists.
- Remedy: Correct the CREATE DATABASE statement by properly specifying a
- valid, nonexistent database.
- 10815 SVC IRS Zuwenig Speicherplatz fⁿr virtuelles GerΣt (raw device)
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE DBAREA or ALTER DBAREA and the requested
- database area is larger than the actual amount of free raw
- device space available on the specified device.
- Remedy: Correct the CREATE DBAREA or ALTER DBAREA statement by properly
- specifying a database area that is not larger than the actual
- amount of free raw device space available on the specified
- device.
- 10816 SVC IFS Zuwenig Speicherplatz fⁿr Datei
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE DBAREA or ALTER DBAREA and the requested
- database area is larger than the actual amount of free disk
- space available on the specified device.
- Remedy: Correct the CREATE DBAREA or ALTER DBAREA statement by properly
- specifying a database area that is not larger than the actual
- amount of free disk space available on the specified device.
- 10817 SVC FAE Datei besteht bereits
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE DBAREA and the specified file name already
- exists.
- Remedy: Correct the CREATE DBAREA statement by specifying a filename
- that does not already exist.
- 10818 SVC FCE Fehler beim Anlegen der Datei
- Reason: Attempting to create a file and a failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the create failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of disk. Verify that sufficient disk space is
- available and verify that the number of files allowed open for
- the operating system permits the additional file, that is, check
- the FILES= configuration parameter setting.
- 10819 SVC IOE Fehler beim Schreiben der Datei
- Reason: Attempting to write to a file and a disk write failure has
- occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the disk write failure. Most
- commonly, it may be because you have run out of available disk
- space. If sufficient disk space is available, then run a check
- disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to verify
- the status of the disk.
- 10820 SVC CCD NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Partitionierte Datenbank kann nicht angelegt werden
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 10822 SVC FNF Die mit der DBAREA verbundene Datei wurde nicht gefunden
- Reason: Attempting an ALTER DBAREA to increase the size of the database
- area and a file associated with the DBAREA cannot be found.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the open file failure.
- Verify that the specified file exists. Verify the number of
- files allowed open for the operating system permits the
- additional file, that is, check the FILES= configuration
- parameter setting.
- 10823 SVC MNE Datenbank MAIM existiert nicht
- Reason: Trying to use a server command and the command is related to a
- partitioned database while the MAIN database has not been
- created. For example, attempting to create a database with
- stogroup(s) specified in the command.
- Remedy: Correct SQL statement.
- 10824 SVC CCM Datenbank MAIN kann nicht angelegt werden
- Reason: Attempting to create a database file and a failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the create failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of disk. Verify that sufficient disk space is
- available and verify that the number of files allowed open for
- the operating system permits the additional file, that is, check
- the FILES= configuration parameter setting.
- 10825 SVC SGN Name der Stogroup wurde nicht gefunden
- STOGROUP and the specified stogroup name does not exist.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement by properly specifying an existing
- stogroup name.
- 10826 SVC DSO Daten wurden au▀erhalb des bestimmten Bereichs gespeichert
- Reason: Attempting an ALTER DBAREA and the size of the database area is
- being decreased by data is already stored outside of the
- specified area.
- Remedy: None. The database area cannot be decreased if data already is
- stored outside of the specified area.
- 10827 SVC ANS DBAREA ist nicht in der Stogroup
- Reason: Attempting an ALTER STOGROUP to drop a DBAREA but the specified
- database area is not in the specified storage group.
- Remedy: None. A DBAREA cannot be dropped from a storage group is the
- database area is not associated with the storage group.
- 10828 SVC DFE Fehler beim L÷schen der Datei
- Reason: Attempting a DROP DBAREA or DROP DATBASE and the file cannot be
- deleted.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the file delete failure. Run
- a check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system
- to verify the status of the disk.
- 10829 SVC IRF Fehler beim Initialisieren des Leseprozesses
- Reason: Attempting to read a file and a disk read failure has occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the disk read failure. Run a
- check disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to
- verify the status of the disk.
- 10830 SVC IWF Fehler beim Inititialisieren des Schreibprozesses
- Reason: Attempting to write to a file and a disk write failure has
- occurred.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the disk write failure. Most
- commonly, it may be because you have run out of available disk
- space. If sufficient disk space is available, then run a check
- disk utility (CHKDSK) for the current operating system to verify
- the status of the disk.
- 10831 SVC DNA Bestimmte DBAREA kann nicht zugewiesen werden (Interner Fehler)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 10833 SVC MZK SIZE-Schlⁿsselwort wird ben÷tigt
- Reason: Attempting a CREATE DBAREA and the SIZE keyword is either
- missing or misspelled.
- Remedy: Correct the CREATE DBAREA statement by properly specifying a
- SIZE keyword.
- 10834 SVC NOP Datenbank MAIN ist nicht allgemein zugΣnglich
- Reason: Attempting a to create, delete, install, or deinstall the MAIN
- database and the MAIN database cannot be modified by the general
- public.
- Remedy: None. The MAIN database is not open to the public.
- Reason: This is error code is currently not used by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 10836 SVC USC Unbekannter Serverbefehl
- Reason: Attempting an unknown database server command.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement by properly specifying a valid
- database server command.
- 10837 SVC DNE Die Datenbank existiert nicht
- Reason: Attempting to delete or deinstall a non-existent database.
- Remedy: Correct the SQL statement by properly specifying a valid,
- existing database name.
- 10838 SVC PDE Partitionierte Datenbank ist bereits aktiv
- Reason: An attempt to enable partitioned databases was made when the
- partitioned databases were already enabled.
- Remedy: No remedy needed.
- 10839 SVC PDD Partitionierte Datenbank wurde bereits deaktiviert
- Reason: An attempt to disable partitioned databases was made when the
- partitioned databases were already disabled.
- Remedy: No remedy needed.
- 10840 SVC PIU Partitionierte Datenbank ist in Gebrauch
- Reason: An attempt to disable partitioned databases was made when a
- partitioned database was in use.
- Remedy: Disconnect from all partitioned databases before trying to
- disable partitioned databases.
- 10841 SVC IGP Unerlaubtes Server-Einleseparameter
- Reason: An attempt to to use an invalid get parameter on a server
- connect was made.
- Remedy: Use a correct server get parameter as defined in SQL.H
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for general SQL
- database message errors.
- 10901 MES CLM Meldungsdatei wurde nicht gefunden
- Reason: The SQLBase system cannot find the file MESSAGE.SQL.
- Remedy: Determine why the SQLBase system could not find the MESSAGE.SQL
- file and correct the problem.
- 10902 MES COM Meldungsdatei kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden
- Reason: The SQLBase system cannot open the MESSAGE.SQL file.
- Remedy: Determine and correct the cause of the open file failure.
- Verify that the specified file exists. Verify the number of
- files allowed open for the operating system permits the
- additional file, that is, check the FILES= configuration
- parameter setting.
- 10903 MES IXC Unbrauchbare Meldungsdatei: Ungⁿltige X-Koordinate
- Reason: An invalid X-coordinate has been specified in the MESSAGE.SQL
- file. The X-coordinate and Y-coordinate specify the screen
- coordinates for certain messages.
- Remedy: Correct the invalid X-coordinate.
- 10904 MES IYC Unbrauchbare Meldungsdatei: Ungⁿltige Y-Koordinate
- Reason: An invalid Y-coordinate has been specified in the MESSAGE.SQL
- file. The X-coordinate and Y-coordinate specify the screen
- coordinates for certain messages.
- Remedy: Correct the invalid Y-coordinate.
- 10905 MES IMP Unbrauchbare Meldungsdatei: Ungⁿltige Meldungsparameter
- Reason: An invalid message parameter has been specified in the
- MESSAGE.SQL file. The message parameters explain how the
- message is used. Currently, the only valid message parameters
- are S, T, X, and Y.
- Remedy: Correct the invalid message parameter.
- 10906 MES ISV NUR INTERN VERWENDET: Unbrauchbare Meldungsdatei: Ungⁿltiger Statuswert
- Reason: This is error is only used internally by the SQLBase system.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 10907 MES IMI Unbrauchbare Meldungsdatei: Ungⁿltige Meldungskennung
- Reason: An invalid message id has been specified in the MESSAGE.SQL
- file.
- Remedy: Correct the invalid message id.
- 10908 MES MMC Unbrauchbare Meldungsdatei: Meldungskommentar fehlt
- Reason: A message comment is missing from the MESSAGE.SQL file.
- Remedy: Correct the MESSAGE.SQL file by adding the appropriate message
- comment.
- 10909 MES CAM Meldungstabelle kann nicht zugewiesen werden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 10910 MES EOF Unbrauchbare Meldungsdatei: Unerwartetes Ende der Datei
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 10911 MES MEQ Unbrauchbare Meldungsdatei: Fehlendes Endezeichen
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 10912 MES EEC Unbrauchbare Meldungsdatei: Ende des Kommentars wurde erwartet
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 10913 MES IES Unbrauchbare Meldungsdatei: Ungⁿltige Abbruchsequenz
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 10914 MES MMS Unbrauchbare Meldungsdatei: Meldungszeichenkette fehlt
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 10915 MES MMV SQLBase und MESSAGE.SQL haben unterschiedliche Versionen
- Reason: The MESSAGE.SQL file attempting to be used is not the proper
- version, that is, the software version number found on line
- one of MESSAGE.SQL does not match the SQLBase version number.
- Remedy: Use the correct version of the MESSAGE.SQL file for this
- particular version of SQLBase.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for HASH index
- errors.
- 11001 HSH CSS Hash-Bereich kann nicht zugewiesen werden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for Access Path
- Analysis errors.
- 11101 APA CNA Arbeitsbereich kann nicht zugewiesen werden
- Reason: This error is currently undocumented.
- Remedy: Contact your local Gupta Technologies certified technical
- support center for assistance.
- 11102 APA OOM Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf dem Server vorhanden
- Reason: Running out of memory while doing query optimization
- Remedy: Add more memory to the server station or split the query to
- simpler queries and try again.
- 11103 APA TMB Zu viele Booleans in der Abfrage (Query)
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- necessary query optimization.
- Remedy: Reduce the number of boolean expressions in the query,
- especially the size of any IN list.
- 11201 GFS ICF Schwerer SQLBase System Fehler (GFS ICF)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 11202 GFS IVF Schwerer SQLBase System Fehler (GFS IVF)
- Reason: This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Stop all database operations and run a CHECK DATABASE operation.
- If a FAIL.SQL file is available, then save it. Attempt to
- reproduce the problem via a SQL script, scenario, or using the
- NETLOG utility (see the DBA Guide for how to produce a NETLOG).
- Contact your local Gupta certified technical support center.
- 11203 GFS CAV Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 11204 GFS CAD Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf Datenbank-Computer
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- requested task.
- Remedy: Check available memory at the database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce size of the CACHE.
- 1.0.0 SQLBase Errors Guide
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for catalog
- command parsing errors. These errors generally occur during the compilation
- of a catalog command and the statement violates the syntax for that catalog
- command.
- 11301 CAC CNE Befehl fehlerhaft abgeschlossen
- Reason: The end of a catalog command ended unexpectedly.
- Remedy: Verify that the catalog command syntax is correct and that the
- statement was not somehow truncated.
- 11302 CAC ICC Ungⁿltiger CATALOG Befehl
- Reason: The next keyword immediately following a CATALOG verb is
- invalid.
- Remedy: Verify that the keyword immediately following the CATALOG verb
- keyword is either TABLE, COLUMN, INDEX, KEYS, RELS, TABAUTH,
- 11303 CAC MTB Fehlendes TBNAME Schlⁿsselwort
- Reason: The TBNAME is missing from a TABLE statement.
- Remedy: Verify that the TBNAME exists and that it is correctly
- entered after the TABLE key word.
- 11304 CAC UIO Unbekannte Input Option
- Reason: An unknown input option is encountered
- Remedy: Check the syntax of the statement to determine the correct
- input options.
- 11305 CAC ATY Authority Schlⁿsselwort ist schon definiert
- Reason: AUTHORITY key word has been specified and cannot be specified
- again.
- Remedy: Check the statement to determine where the duplicate is and
- reenter again.
- 11306 CAC CTR Creator Schlⁿsselwort wurde schon definiert
- Reason: CREATOR key word has been specified and cannot be specified
- again.
- Remedy: Check the statement to determine where the duplicate is and
- reenter again.
- 11307 CAC GEE Grantee Schlⁿsselwort wurde schon definiert
- Reason: GRANTEE key word has been specified and cannot be specified
- again.
- Remedy: Check the statement to determine where the duplicate is and
- reenter again.
- 11308 CAC QNS Qualifier nicht unterstⁿtzt
- Reason: Qualifier key word not supported in SqlBase
- Remedy: Check the statement, remove the option and reenter again.
- 11309 CAC TYP Type Schlⁿsselwort wurde schon definiert
- Reason: TYPE key word has been specified and cannot be specified
- again.
- Remedy: Check the statement to determine where the duplicate is and
- reenter again.
- 11310 CAC UTT Unbekannter Table Typ
- Reason: An unknown table type is encountered
- Remedy: Check the syntax of the statement to determine the correct
- table types
- 11311 CAC UIT Unbekannter Index Typ
- Reason: An unknown index type is encountered
- Remedy: Check the syntax of the statement to determine the correct
- index types
- 11312 CAC UOO Unbekannte Output Option
- Reason: An unknown output option is encountered
- Remedy: Check the syntax of the statement to determine the correct
- output options.
- 11313 CAC OOM Kein Speicherplatz mehr auf dem Datenbank Computer
- Reason: Not enough memory at the database engine to perform the
- compilation.
- Remedy: Check available memory at database computer. Attempt to
- make more memory available. To make more memory available for
- the database engine, you can reduce the size of CACHE.
- 11314 CAC UAO Unbekannte Authority Option
- Reason: An unknown authority option is encountered
- Remedy: Check the syntax of the statement to determine the correct
- authority options.
- 11315 CAC UOC Unbekannte Order by Column
- Reason: An unknown order by column is encountered
- Remedy: Check the syntax of the statement to determine the correct
- order by column.
- 11316 CAC SEL Output Option wurde mehrmals eingegeben
- Reason: output option is specified more than once
- Remedy: Check the syntax of the statement to determine where the
- duplicate is.
- 11317 CAC CNS Dieser Befehl ist nicht unterstⁿtzt
- Reason: This command is currently not supported
- Remedy: Check Gupta Technologies Inc. when this command will be
- supported.
- 11318 CAC MMI Fehlender oder falscher Input Parameter
- Reason: mandatory input parameter(s) is not present
- Remedy: Check the syntax of the statement to determine which parameter
- is missing and reenter the command.
- 11319 CAC UCT Unbekannter Column Typ
- Reason: An unknown column type is encountered
- Remedy: Check the syntax of the statement to determine the correct
- column types
- 11320 CAC ITB Ungⁿltiges Zeichen in TBNAME
- Reason: The TBNAME contains an invalid character
- Remedy: Verify that the characters used for TBNAME are correctly
- entered.
- 11321 CAC MCK Fehlendes Komma in der Liste der Optionen
- Reason: The comma is missing from an option list
- Remedy: Verify that the comma exists and that it is correctly
- entered in the option list.
- 11322 CAC MAO Fehlende Authority Option
- Reason: Authority option is expected while separator is encountered
- in the option list
- Remedy: Verify that the authority options are correctly entered in
- the option list.
- 11323 CAC NSC Keine Select Column definiert
- Reason: SELECT key word is specified while no select column is seen
- Remedy: Verify that the select columns are correctly entered.
- 11324 CAC NOB Fehlende ORDER BY Column
- Reason: ORDER BY key word is specified while no order by column is
- seen
- Remedy: Verify that the order by columns are correctly entered.
- 11325 CAC WNA Wild card characters nicht erlaubt
- Reason: Wild card characters not allowed here
- Remedy: Verify that the wild card not used and reenter again.
- 11326 CAC TBN TBNAME Schlⁿsselwort wurde schon definiert
- Reason: TBNAME key word has been specified and cannot be specified
- again.
- Remedy: Check the statement to determine where the duplicate is and
- reenter again.
- 11327 CAC IXN IXNAME Schlⁿsselwort wurde schon definiert
- Reason: IXNAME key word has been specified and cannot be specified
- again.
- Remedy: Check the statement to determine where the duplicate is and
- reenter again.
- 11328 CAC SYN SYNNAME Schlⁿsselwort wurde schon definiert
- Reason: SYBNAME key word has been specified and cannot be specified
- again.
- Remedy: Check the statement to determine where the duplicate is and
- reenter again.
- 11329 CAC SCR SYNCREATOR Schlⁿsselwort wurde schon definiert
- Reason: SYBCREATOR key word has been specified and cannot be specified
- again.
- Remedy: Check the statement to determine where the duplicate is and
- reenter again.
- 11330 CAC OCS ORDER BY Column nicht gefunden im Select Befehl
- Reason: an ORDER BY column is found not in select list
- Remedy: Check the statement to determine which ORDER BY column is not
- in select list; correct the statement and reenter again.
- 11331 CAC MEL Fehlendes gleich (=) oder LIKE Schlⁿsselwort
- Reason: An equal(=) keyword or LIKE keyword is missing
- Remedy: Check the statement to determine which part of the statement
- is missing the expected keyword. Correct and reenter again.
- 1.0.0 SQLBase Errors Guide
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors that
- can occur when the database is performing direct file system access.
- 11401 DFS EOF Schwerer Fehler. Kann EOF (End of File) des DFS Files nicht finden
- Reason: The database system failed to locate the end of a DFS file.
- This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 11402 DFS VMI Kann keine Volume Mapping Information (DFS File) erhalten
- Reason: The database system failed to get the volume mapping information
- of a DFS file. This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 11403 DFS VMF Schwerer Fehler: Volume ist voll
- Reason: The database system failed to write data to a DFS file because
- volume is full of the DFS file. This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: Additional storage space for the DFS file.
- 11404 DFS EXP Kann DFS File nicht erweitern
- Reason: The database system encountered unrecoverable failure in the
- process of extending a DFS file. This is a Fatal Error.
- Remedy: None. This error code should never occur. If you get this
- error, contact your local Gupta Technologies certified
- technical support center.
- 11405 DFS OSP Kann DFS File nicht erweitern
- Reason: The database system failed to write data to a DFS file because
- there is no free space available.
- Remedy: Additional storage space for the DFS file.
- 11406 DFS OOM Kein Speicherplatz mehr vorhanden (Out of memory)
- Reason: Out of memory during DFS process.
- Remedy: Additional memory for database server.
- 1.0.0 SQLBase Errors Guide
- The errors documented in this section of the Error Guide are for errors
- occurred in temporary file manipulation.
- 11501 TMP OOM Kein Speicherplatz mehr vorhanden fⁿr temporΣre Files
- Reason: Not enough memory for temporary file manipulation.
- Remedy: Check memory availability at database server workstation.